Hey Me With This Kik 1 Word

What are the rest of the words to this???

Brick wall waterfall, girl you think you know it all, you don't I do, so pshhhhhhhh with that attitude. Peace, punch, captain crunch, i got something you can't touch, Reese's pieces, 7 up, Mess with me and I'll mess you up.

What is the meaning of the slang word heifer?

This term is mainly used by African American women against each other as an insult. It can mean1.A very heavy woman.2.A woman, fat or skinny, who eats a lot of food.3. A young cow, one who hasn't given birth to a calf.

Glass for kik?

I got some message from this Agustin guy on kik saying I won a free google glass thing. Looks fake to be but I'm not sure if I really should do it or not. It said if I downloaded an app, they would send me the glasses. Anyone know if this is legit or not?

Can Someone Track you Down on Kik?

Is it possible to track someone on Kik? Yes. Particularly if they've sent you files, which may or may not contain metadata that will help with the tracking.

Can this tracking lead to finding someone's physical address, at least within an area? Yes. At least within a district, and perhaps even closer, because of the tie with the ISP. Depends on the ISP, though, and finding someone that was connected to Starbuck's free wifi is ... interesting.

Will this person be able to do this? Unlikely. "He" (presumably it is a 16 year old boy or something) used the term "equipment to track (you) down". It is fairly unlikely that a person with this capability would use that term. It would be more common to say, "trace your location" or words to that effect, but NOT "equipment that can track (you) down".

Add me in kik? People who watch anime?

I want to talk to someone who is in to anime. None of my friends watch anime so I can't talk to them about it. And ease no creepers and no one that's over 18. MiniMoose1

Why don't girls like guys who text them "Hi” or "Hey"?

First they don't like it because it is boring. They don't know if you are just asking for homework or looking for a flirty chat. They have to invest their time to figure out what you want. Thats exhausting. Second, you should practice. Maybe not on your crush but on girls you know and think they are nice. Start a conversation and try to hold it. Try it on social media as it gives you some time to think about your answer. Is it sarcastic, will she get it? are you to aggressive as a flirter, is the topic getting boring. Try it. After some experiance you should be able to be flirty in person.So, what could you write her as a first message.Option 1: Direct approach. What do you want? Communicate it! Would you like to go to a coffe with her, then say "Hi, how are you. Would you like to go on a coffe tomorrow after ..."Option 2: You don't know anything about her:What made you curious about her? Her Bikini pictures? Boy thats not a good opener. Aks her about where the picture was made. How she got there, what other places she would like to see...If you talk or write with them try different things. Try to be witty, try to be cheeky, try to be a jerk (i asume you will not be a real jerk, but think you are). As a general recipe ask her about thinks either you are interessted in, or you would like to see in a future partner (if you think about dating her). Should she be able to dance Tango, or be interessted in learning it? Is she a couch potato and watches movies 8 hours a day and plays video games or goes out with a skateboard and likes climbing. What would your ideal girl look like? Check if she matches your expectations.

Ludacris albums: Best To Worst?

Can you rate ludacris's discography from best to worst?

For example,
I'd rate biggy smalls albums like so,

1.Ready To Die
2.Life After Death
3.Born Again
4.Duets: The Final Chapter
(Not including the "greatest hits" compilation albums)


BQ: Do you agree with my list for B.I.G?
If not, what would your list be?

What does "IKR" mean in texting or internet slang? How is it used?

It means "I know, right?" It is often used in a sarcastic way or in place of a saying like "Tell me about it." For example, if someone told their friend, "Hey, sorry, but I can't hang out tonight because I have a ton of homework," the friend might say, "Oh that sucks," to which the original person would respond, "IKR." Hope this helps.

What does it mean when a British girl texts me ‘xx’, and how should I respond?

It’s a kiss. But, it can mean NOTHING, or something.I’ve got friends from the UK who do this, and one of them likes me, and the other is married with two kids, and doesn’t. It’s most likely just habit. You’ll have to consider the context and usage. If it’s at the end of a message, and not used very often, it’s probably nothing. If she uses it a lot, it means she’s subtly hinting.Respond the same way. “xx” her a little.