High Blood Pressure Cure

Is there a cure for high blood pressure?

How long have you been on blood pressure medication? Sometimes it takes a while for physicians to adjust your dose to see the result they are looking for. Sometimes people may respond to one med and not another. It may take trial and error to determine the right med for you.

You did not mention your age. Sometimes higher blood pressures can result the older you get, although not necessarily so.

Do you consume stimulants, like caffeine or methamphetamines or diets substances that contain stiumlants? Those substances can spike blood pressure. Some people are more sensitive to stimulants than others, so your friends may be able to use them and not have problems but you may be more sensitive.

Maybe your condition is more genetic--do your parents have high blood pressure? Are you pregnant?

Make sure your doctor tests your kidney function. Kidneys help regulate blood pressure.

Sometimes people have conditions, which can cause them to secrete substances like epinephrine--sometimes called adrenaline, in excessive amounts. Excessive amounts of epinephrine can cause a big spike in your blood pressure. I suggest requesting a urine test the can help measure the amount of 'metanephrines' in your system.

Metanephrines are the metabolized by products of catecholamines. Norepinephrine and epinephrine are types of catecholamines. If you have a high level of metanephrines, you may have an increased amount of catcholamines in your system.

Epinephrine helps with your 'flight or fight' response--so they are normal to have in your body. For example, they help your heart pump faster, open the passages of your lungs so that you can be prepared to 'run' or handle stress.
In excessive levels, they can affect your health.

The result should help your doctor to determine if more tests are needed to diagnose this condition. This condition is treatable, by the way. It is important to rule it out as a cause of your hypertension.

High blood pressure is a condition that you should take seriously. Continue your healthy life style--exercise, good diet, dealing with stress. Good luck!

Can high blood pressure be cured?

Depends on the cause. If the high blood pressure is the result of stress, bad diet, being overweight etc then dealing with that problem may well cure the high blood pressure. If it is the result of something more serious or permanent then it may not be cured but usually can be adequately managed with the right medication etc.

(When I was about 9 my blood pressure was found to be something daft like 190/150 (not good when you've got as many health issues as me) and yes it did take a long time to get the medication right but now I'm 13 and am on a cocktail of 3 blood pressure medicines and a diuretic and my blood pressure is healthy. My high blood pressure isn't cured though, won't ever be cured but it is managed now.)

How to cure high blood pressure?

No smoking, no added salt or black pepper, eat low-sodium foods, exercise enough to keep your weight at proper level.
Avoid stress.

Can black seed oil cure high blood pressure?

Not to my knowledge. If it did it would be used worldwide. If you are willing to take something then take some well proven, long time experienced blood pressure medication, and stop trying to find natural methods that just doesn’t exist. I read a series of books called Clan of the Cave Bear. In it the heroine was a rather promiscuous young lady. She needed a birth control method in 12,000 BC. So the writer made one up. This doesn’t work in the real world.

Is it possible to cure high blood pressure 178/98 with out pills?

Theres no cure for high blood pressure yet (never heard of it being made) But it you wanna lower your high blood pressure without pills eat lots of fiber and less greasy and salty food. Avoid eating at a fast food restaurants or take out eats lots of fiber such as spaghetti with little sauce rice beans fish without frying it bake instead on the oven. And exercising is good to it also helps your blood pressure and maintains it to a good level not bad.

Eats lots of bananas or at least 1 banana a day or apples grapes and many other fruits as well as vegetables. Theres a cure in keeping it low however if you keep doing it for about 6 months without eating excessive greasy food and salty food theres almost a guarantee that you will never have high blood pressure again unless you continou eat food that gives you high blood pressure and other conditions.

Can high blood pressure be permanently cured?

In a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism,Australian scientists have finally proven, and explained how, a specific breathing technique lowers blood pressure.In today’s article, I’ll tell you how this technique works as well as teaching it to you step-by-step.You see, the sympathetic nervous system controls both the rate at which you breathe and the pressure of your blood through your arteries.By studying rats, the Australian team discovered that those who were at particularly high risk of developing blood pressure during their middle age had a modified or unnatural pattern of interaction between the neurons that regulate both breathing rates and blood pressure.To be more precise, those at high risk of blood pressure showed larger fluctuations in blood pressure with every breath than those at low risk showed.When the researchers broke this unnatural interaction between the neurons responsible for breathing rate and those responsible for blood pressure, the rats’ blood pressure remained normal into their middle ages.I’m not sure how the scientists broke the breathing pattern with the rats (since teaching them breathing techniques is a challenge) but humans can easily do it with conscious slow, deep breathing.And it doesn’t take much effort to learn:1) Sit in a comfortable chair with your spine straight.2) Focus on the place where your ribs meet your tummy, as you inhale slowly. You may count slowly to six as you inhale.3) Hold your breath for a couple of seconds before exhaling slowly (count slowly to eight while exhaling).4) Then pause breathing again for a couple of seconds before repeating steps 2-4 for a few minutes.Slow, deep breathing is helpful. But it’s only one part of the exercises I teach to lower blood pressure naturally.To bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – you need a more advanced breathing technique as well as two other techniques that reboot your system.Together, these 3 easy exercises will force your blood pressure below 120/80 – as soon as today. Learn the details and test-drive them for yourself here…[1]Footnotes[1] bloodpressuretreatment

Can high blood pressure be cured through exercise and diet?

Cured is not defined for high blood pressure, so no matter what you do, and no matter how successful you are, you can't prove a cure. But it's OK. Its not your fault that cured is not defined for most diseases.The only cure for an active causal illness is to address the cause. The cure for an injury illness is to heal the damage. The cure for a blockage illness is to transform the blockage.Is high blood pressure an active causal illness? If so, the cause is present and the illness is progressing. The cure is to identify the active cause. If the cause is unhealthy diet, then fixing the diet (permanent, not temporary diet) will cure.If the high blood pressure is an injury illness, and the causre is gone, then the cure is healing. Nurtition and exercise can promote healing.If the high blood pressure is a blockage illness, yhe cure is transformation of the damage. Diet will not normally causeca transformation, unless the dietary change is dramatic. Exercise, on the other hand, often causes a breakdown of tissue, and repair by healingSo, yes. Exercise and nutrition can cure high blood pressure. But it is unlikely the most doctors, with almost no training in either can help. Who can? A good fitness or athletic coach a good alternative. Someone who can motivate change.But if you succeed, no doctor can declare you cured. Cured cannot be diagnosed for high blood pressure because cured is not defined.To your health, tracyFounder: Healthicine

Can high blood pressure be cured? If not, how can one control it?

There are two type of hypertension. 1 Primary2 SecondaryPrimary is not due to any other disease.Causes includes stress, sedentary life style, and mostly genetic.Two types of primary hypertension, benign and malignant. Benign is easy to treat since bp won't be very high as in malignant, leads to disease after very long time.Malignant is more dangerous, where blood pressure stays very high like 200/120, 230/140 and some time as less as 160/100. It's generally difficult to treat. All end Organ damage will manifest within 5 years if bp is not controlled adequately.Secondary hypertension is due to any abnormal changes or disease of the organs such as kidney, nervous system or blood vessel, increased amount of thyroid hormone in the blood, etc.Okay, first no cure.Can be controlled and bp may become normal.Natural:Excercise regularly. Aerobic Cycling and/or jogging Yoga and meditationDASH diet Salt restriction (<2gms of sodium/day) Fruits/veg (adequate Potassium and magnesium) - this is N/A for patients with end  stage kidney failure Decrease dietary fat intake Increased dietary fibre intakeFluid restriction (only for patients with end stage kidney failure)Others drink adequate amount of waterStay stress free.Stop smoking.Try to avoid/Reduce coffee consumptionTry to avoid/Reduce alcohol consumption to (<20ml/day)Bp will be maintained very well in most casses by the above methods.Medications:Anti hypertensive drugsSuch as depin, clonidepin, ramipril, enalopril, lisindopril, thiazides etc..Along with drugs to decrease the blood pressure Drugs to control the disease that causes hypertension is also given in patients with secondary hypertension.Please follow your docs prescription for drugs, taking medications that is meant to decrease your bp may decrease it too low if taken at high dosages/multiple drugs at a time. They have various unwanted side effects also. Hence not to be taken without consultation.Natural ways are applicable for most people with hypertension, and are almost always safe. May not be easy to follow all, may not be easy to practice regularly. May not be effective if bp is very high due to secondary cause for example a condition called renal artery stenosis (where artery of kidney becomes narrow), where a drug or intervention by a professional is compulsory.

What is the best natural cure for high blood pressure?

Yes! Change their diet -if possible! Prefer fruits and vegetables, no meat, cheeze, eggs, butter - a little, and rarely. And kernels - a lot. Natural, not baked. That's how I make my blood pressure going much better.

Can high blood pressure be permanently cured?

It depends in some cases but if u live a healthy lifestyle that is stricter then the avg person you can get rid of it.No drugs,alcohol,no bad Food,low,sodium,exercise regularly and take garlic and l-arginine supplements it work for my dad