Hillary Clinton 2016 Would You Vote For Her

Would you vote for Hillary Clinton and why?

I am a 43-year-old female lifelong Democrat, and I am not voting for Hillary Clinton.I was an admirer and defender (the latter wasn’t always easy) of the Clinton’s in the 90’s, enthusiastically supported Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the U.S. Senate, and enthusiastically supported her bid for the presidency in 2008.But this campaign season, I find myself no longer able to support her. It’s not just that I find it difficult to trust her anymore; it’s not just the scandals (no, I do not believe all or even most of her critics’ charges, but I’m also not stupid); it’s not just the fact that she has no central theme to her campaign which I find motivating.It is the fact that I am constantly being told - by my fellow progressive, by women like Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright, even by Hillary herself - that if I don’t vote for her I am betraying my gender. I understand that playing the gender card is a political ploy - all politicians pander to one group or another - but this strikes me as sexist, as if my being a woman means that I am supposed to suspend my intellectual capacity to evaluate the candidates and simply pull the lever for the one who shares my chromosomal makeup.I’ve waited 43 years for the opportunity to vote for a woman for president, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to give that vote to a woman I do not respect, just because we’re the same gender.When I cast that vote for a female presidential candidate, it will be because I have the faith and trust in her to lead this country honorably. It will be a vote that I will be proud to cast.I find none of the four candidates appealing. I think this year I will do what I’ve never done in my adult life: sit out this election in silent protest.

If Hillary Clinton is indicted will you still vote for her?

I already have voted for her in the primaries and – assuming that she is the Democratic nominee – I will do so again in November. The possibility of an indictment has already been accounted for in my choosing to vote for Secretary Clinton.An indictment is not a determination that someone violated the law. An indictment is a formal, substantiated accusation by the state that someone violated the law. An indictment would mean that there would be a trial where the evidence is weighed by a court. More importantly, though, if we’re talking about an indictment (or even a conviction) related to her maintaining her own email server at her house, I've already made my own determination that was spectacularly poor judgement on her part. Voting for Donald Trump, however, would be catastrophically poor judgement on my part.

Did you vote for Trump or Hillary?

Neither.I live in the state Mike Pence is from (sorry), so there was very little, if even at all, chance that my vote would have mattered in the long run this past election. As well, I disagreed with too many policies of Hillary’s to feel comfortable voting for her.However (this is me trying to score brownie points here - you can skip this), I always encouraged any people that I knew in swing states to go blue for her. I also agreed with Bernie when he united himself behind her.Do I regret it in hindsight? Well, yes an no.I admit, looking back the reasons that I justified not voting for Hillary were a little childish at the time, so I regret not informing myself better about her platform and lashing out when challenged about it.At the same time, however, like I said previously, I don’t feel like my vote would have mattered in the long run this past election. To me, there is not much you can do as a blue voter in a red state, especially one as gerrymandered as mine.In addition to this, The Tweeter-in-Chief has made it abundantly clear that no Republican is going to win the presidency for a very, very, very long time. It just sucks that we have to deal with this disaster of an administration to learn this.Oh well. Can’t change the past, I guess.

Hillary clinton won the popular vote, how come Donald Trump is the new president ?

Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump, even if by a short margin (0,2%), yet that clown is the new president of the most powerful nation in the world !

In another country this would never happen, the candidate who gets more votes WINS, not the candidate who menages to win more electoral votes, the TRICK of the electoral voters !

POLL: Have you already decided to vote for Hillary Clinton for President 2016?

No but I have decided to vote for whoever runs against her.

Why is a Hillary Clinton run for the White House in 2020 such a crazy, given that she had great ideas and got more votes than Trump in 2016?

Why should she waste her time?

When she has already tried and got the most votes but is not the president because of USA's strange definition of democracy. Why should she put herself through it again.

How can USA claim to be a democratic country when their is a presidential election and the person who got the most votes is not President?

America you are all screwed up. Your president, your gun laws and you for putting up with both.

I am so glad I don't live in USA.

Given Hillary Clinton's medical history, why would you vote for her?

While her age may be an issue for some, the fact remains that there is zero evidence that she is in poor health or has major health issues or anything else you may claim.  The sources you cite to also have no evidence.  They are pure speculation.  And the question by its own admission doesn't pretend to have independent objective evidence or to be motivated by real concerns.  The OP is simply piqued because somebody questioned Sanders' health and he decided to play tit for tat.  This is an improper misuse of Quora and the question has been reported and downvoted.

If you voted for Hillary in 2016, would you vote for her again in 2020?

If she was running against Trump, absolutely. Her reputation is more political smear than actual facts. She is more than qualified. She’s done and won’t run though.However, the bar is so low because of the orange clown Trump. If you, the person who posted this, ran against Trump, I’d vote for you. Why? Because, since you are not Trump, I am absolutely confident you’d be a better president. You know that scumbag Newt Gingrich, the guy who should not be in any offices he has held? If he jumped parties and ran against the vomit in the top office, I’d vote for him because he’s NOT Trump. Yeah, the guy before Trump threw his hat in the ring that just about everyone in our nation said “Gingrich for POTUS never-ever-ever.” I still feel that way, except in the case of being put in the office of POTUS instead of Trump. The vile human being, not even a real man, except when compared to Trump, Ted Cruz… I’d say put him in the top office if it would be Trump otherwise. Yep, I’d rather have the Zodiac Killer as POTUS than the orange clown. I’d vote for a Trump supporter before Trump. Why? Trump supporters are not vile douche-bags like Trump, they just believe the lies about Trump. A Trump supporter would actually work to make our nation great and listen to their advisors… and realize how wrong Trump’s trusted sources are and how stupid Trump is for ignoring the factual sources. The job would really wake up the Trumpette and, being a patriot, would condemn Trump and work to actually make our nation great. I’d vote for a foreigner running for POTUS if he was running against Trump. I’d even support a constitutional amendment to allow him or her to do it. Yes, Trump is THAT bad. Trump is almost exactly the opposite of who and what the POTUS is supposed to be. I’d also support most of the people convicted to life sentences behind bars, most people in prison, if they were running against Trump… at least I’d hesitate a little on that one.