History Question Abiut Slavery

History Question on Slavery!?

1. Free blacks in the South faced each of the following limitations EXCEPT
a. being unable to own or operate small businesses.
b. being required to carry documentation of their free status at all times.
c. being forced to register or have a white guardian who was responsible for their actions.
d. having to get official permission to move from one county to another.

History Question of Slavery!?

What does John Taylor offer as a solution to the slave issue.

I attached the like below to the document. It is just the first reading called Representative John Taylor Reviles Slavery. Any thing will help!

Slavery / History Question ?

Are you kidding me? Slavery has been an institution almost as long as humanity itself. It was just carried over from the old world. People seem to look at the Americans as "bad guys" for having slavery, but refuse to look at the rest of the world on the issue.

The evolution of thought, philosophy and role of man in this world would aid in the slavery debates and controversy. When slavery was outlawed, most of the country was not anti-slavery. They wanted slavery in the south for economic reasons. Not for "ideological" reasons. The south was a agricultural area and slavery is more beneficial to that, than in industrialized North. So that is why slavery was a more prominent desire in the south.

History of slavery, opinion question.?

Questions like this are designed to force you to do some critical thinking, which is an important ability to develop in life. You may go to your grave without ever using many things you're taught in school, but developing the ability to actually process information, and rationally form/support opinions/arguments will always be valuable. Being spoon-fed an argument isn't going to help you much in that area.

Consider the pros and cons of Ruffin's arguments. What were the difficulties faced by free workers and how it weigh against the difficulties of slaves? What is the line between slavery and being "free" but suffering poor working conditions and having few other options to survive/provide for one's family?

If you disagree with Ruffin but think that he has he has one valid point, what is it about slavery that overrides that point and still makes the institute of slavery unacceptable? Support your argument with something more substantive than "slavery is just wrong," and challenge your own arguments (ask yourself what Ruffin might say to rebut your arguments).

Good luck.

Help!! history question about slavery!!?

Explain how both northerners and southerners believed winning the struggle over the expansion of slavery was the key to preserving their freedoms and to preventing their domination by the other section of the nation

Quick history question about slaves, help?

There was a rebellion In Virginia in 1831 led by a slave named Nat Turner. You can check Wikipedia or google Nat Turner or Slave rebellions.

The Underground Railroad is a great subject, and there is probably information available, but was not so much a "revolt' as an escape. And it was an ongoing thing, not a single incident. There were a lot of good people involved, Black and White, but it depends on what exactly your teacher wants whether it is a good subject or not.

I need a research question for a history research essay on slavery?

Was literacy valued by slaves? What proportion of slaves could read and write? How and by what methods did slaves become literate? And in the aftermath of the Civil War, how many formerly illiterate slaves became literate? How and by what resources did they become literate?

History question about Slavery in the South!!! PLEASEEEEEE HELP!!!!!!!?

Based upon the historical evidence about slavery, produced by both whites and african americans, the best explanation for why slavery remained viable in the U.S. South prior to 1860 involves:
[explain at least three of the following options, making clear which elements you find most important, and as to why the the others(the remaining two choices) were least convincing]

1- laws and the role of state and federal governments in maininting slavery
2- a unique cuture of paternalism that relied on slaves' internal perspectives
3- masters' ability to recognize slavery as a "state of war" that developed substantial external control of slaves.
4- economies policies and developments that short-circuited efforts to end the insitition
5- the absence of an effective movement to end slavery.

Any help on this question would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance mates!

What would the history of the United States have been like if slavery was abolished in 1776?

The economy of the USA would have expanded to much greater size at any point in time, all throughout its history.All of those millions of hours of wage-free slavery and the resulting grossly under-priced raw cotton produced by it, would have been replaced with pay envelopes for PAID labor, and a raw cotton product to be priced higher, reflecting those wages.The feel of cotton fabric on the skin, as compared to wool, would still have created the same huge, implacable demand for raw cotton all over the world, with or without slavery.The effect caused by millions of plantation wage-earners with a pay-envelope, who thus could BUY STUFF, from others, who now also could BUY STUFF from others, etc, etc. would have been exponential economic expansion.The South would have been an economic powerhouse, with the plantation owners developing into Billionaires rather than the millionaires they were under slavery. The economy today in the whole USA would have grown to ten times larger than it is now.That stupid war was so outrageously expensive, in so may ways….