Honestly Just Bought A Ps3 To Play Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Only

What are all the games I can play with Intel HD 5500, 8GB of RAM and an Intel i5 processor?

Well I have similar configuration I have Intel i3 8 gigs of ram and Intel HD 5500and I played GTA 5 at 30 fps on low with shadows disabled and i Played gta 4 with shadows disabled pretty good and i played games like sleeping dogs, dragon ball xenoverse , Prototype 2, Mafia II (at medium 720P ),Resident evil 5, counter strike global offensive on medium high and counter strike source, Call of duty modern warfare 2 and black ops, Call of Juarez blood in bound, and they all ran pretty well. And i had i3 and you have i5 these games will run more smoothly on your system.See gameplay on - Mad-Tech-TutorEDIT : Far cry 3(low medium 30+ fps), Devil may cry 5( on high or ultra 30+ fps), Dragon ball xenoverse 2 on low all runs perfectly. :D

Which next-gen console will you buy:PS4, Xbox One, or WiiU? Why?

As it will be some years before I need to replace my PS3, it's hard to tell. If I had to choose today, however, it would be the Xbox One. Why?I am not a hardcore gamer. The XBox one seems like it has and will continue to have more non-game entertainment options.Did I mention I'm not a hardcore gamer? I play games maybe an hour a month. I own four games. I've never wanted to sell one, never wanted to borrow someone else's games, and thus don't care about any of that stuff. I also never done multiplayer online gaming and have no intention of ever doing so.I'm hoping the XBox One will eventually allow me to get rid of the cable box. The PS4 hasn't made any moves in that direction, and it's a bit of a thing for me.Based on Ariel Williams' answer, it seems like the XBox One will have a slower fade into technological obsolescence.I'm intrigued by Kinect, which I've read is better, more sophisticated and more versatile thanĀ  the Sony Camera (or whatever it's called)And because I don't care about the biggest complaints people are making about the XBox One. Required Internet connection? My PS3 is already permanently connected to my WiFi. (Honestly, I don't understand the fuss over this issue: I assumed that our consoles have been permanently connected to the Internet for years. It's like getting mad when your employer says all employees are required to shower daily. Don't you do that already?) Oh, and the privacy issue with the Kinect? A non-issue. To save electricity, I turn off the power strip that my game, cable box, and TV are plugged into when not in use. Let's see Kinect invade my privacy now. (And heck, if it bothers you so much? Throw a towel over it when you're not using it. How hard is that?)To put it succinctly, I'd pick the XBox One because I'm not interested in a gaming console. I'm interested in a media/home entertainment hub-like device that happens to have gaming capabilities.

Great PS3 Games?

I am thinking of getting a ps3 and I am wondering what are sone great cheap games like 1$-35$. Like some split screen games that are like 2-4 players offline and some fun online games. Please and thank you