How Are People Surviving In Today

What are the chances of someone surviving brain death?

If they were completely brain dead they would be dead, dead. However, what it means is that all cognitive areas of the brain have shut down. At this point the heart may be beating and the person may be breathing, but they are merely existing, not 'living'. If it were me and I had this decision to make I would quit being selfish and let the person go. If they are on life support, take them off. Don't force feed them, make sure they don't feel pain, but let them go.
If a 'miracle' occurs it will occur without the added 'help' of science. But the 'stories' these people refer to are just that and the instances of people truly surviving true 'brain death' and becoming fully functional human beings again is extremely rare if it has actually happened at all.

How many surviving WW2 veterans are recorded in Germany today?

There is no overall record. The only people receiving benefits specifically on the basis of military service in World War II are those who have incurred a disability in that service.In 2016, see pages, 10/11 of the German-language source , 16407 persons received recurring benefits, and 4053 persons received one-time benefits, due to disabilities incurred in WWII. It should be noted, though, that this includes survivors benefits, and benefits to people who were imprisoned for political reasons in the Soviet union and Eastern Europe after WWII.

Do you believe left handed people are the surviving twin?

I watched this show on the National Geographic Channel called "In the Womb; Multiples" and it talked about how some experts are saying that about 1 in 8 women are actually pregnant with twins and have "vanishing twin syndrome." Which is when one of the twins just vanishes. It usually isn't seen in an ultrasound because women don't have ultrasounds until about the 20th week. But when it is caught on an ultrasound it shows two sacs and one with a baby and the other empty. So...they say that twins are usually left handed and if a baby is left handed and not a twin, then they are probably the surviving twin. Makes sense...I thought it was interesting. What do you think about it?

How are people surviving without jobs or unemployment benefits?

They're not, just in my small town alone, the homeless population has doubled in the last year & often there are two families living in one house for survival , but still many people are one pay check away from disaster. Our food bank now only allows 1 visit per family every 3 months, food stamps you have 3 months to find full time employment or no more free food, that's slow starvation, not really helping. Our electric coop isn't goverment regulated & can shut you off the same month your bill is due & its legal - even in february when its 20 below zero air temp without the wind chill. Give me homelessness in Florida over here any day.

Are there any living members of the Borgia family alive today? ?

Brook Shields. Princess Diana was also related to them through her father.

Who was Truganini? If the last surviving full blooded Tasmanian Aboriginal died in 1876 what is this ?
Can I have my cake and eat it too?
was anything I was taught at school true?

What European nation has the largest surviving overseas empire today?

Altthough there are overseas possessions and territories of European countries There are no European empires left. The imperial powers went through a process of ending colonialism in the 20th century. The British, Dutch, French & Portuguese granted independence to countries all over the world at a differenr rate of speed it ought be noted.France considers its overseas territories to be an integral part of the republic. framce thus shares a landborder with Brazil. French Guiana is over 83,000 squared km and after the independence of its neighbour Suriname (formerly Dutch empire) is the only European territory in South America. It is home to the European space agency. A little map of this French overseas region is inserted on all €uro bank notes. This territory is France- but is also overseas…It is far larger than overseas British teritories (islands and gibraltar).So i suppose the answer is France.

Why do people delay personal financial planning?

People need financial planning at every stage of their lives, whether it be debt reduction, buying a house or a car, marriage, divorce, and the biggest concern of most working people
---retirement. Why don't more people realize that the financial decisions they make today have a direct effect on the life they will be able to afford tomorrow?

How are the surviving relatives of the Romanovs regarded in Russia today?

They’re ok. Prince Rostislav Rostislavovich Romanov for example.