How Bad Would It Be If I Smoked One Cigarette

Can I smoke one cigarette a day?

I’ve talked to a few doctors about smoking and they all say that moderation is the key. I’ve been told that a few cigarettes at night with a beer to relax will do very little long-term damage. The problem with cigarettes is how addictive they are. Until you experience compulsive use, you can not understand addiction. Everybody thinks “Oh, I can keep it to one.” and leaves the pack on the table. Without even thinking about it, a few hours later you take out another one and light it up. You don’t even realize until it’s in your mouth. But it tastes so good. So you finish the cigarette before bed. The next day, you do the same. Now it’s two a day. The same thing happens a week later, and it’s three a day. You realize the growing problem, so you try to go back to one. Your head hurts. You’re tired, dizzy, and don’t want to eat anything. You need another cigarette. Well, looks like you’re screwed.I smoke ocasionally. I don’t let myself have more than one cigarette every two weeks, and never have more than one in my possession. Even then, when I see a cigarette or a pack I start to absolutely crave it.

I smoke one cigarette a day, is it still bad?

I have been smoking for about 1 month now since i order my first carton of Camel Turkish Silver. I only smoke one a day because I don't think cigarettes are that tasty. Also, can someone recommend me a cigarette brand that tastes and smells better than Camel?

Is smoking one cigarette a day bad?

If your inhaling, you lungs will be black. At best, your teeth will eventually rot.


Would smoking one cigarette be bad?

I wouldn't do it. If you have gone 39 weeks without smoking, you can certainly go one more week. That is something that you will be able to carry with you for the rest of your life. A lot of pride comes with knowing that you did everything you could for your baby while he/she was in utero. I quit smoking the very day I found out I was pregnant and it's something I think about all the time. You may regret it if you do.

Answering your question, I don't think it would have any lasting effects on your baby if you were to smoke just one cigarette, but that doesn't make it a good idea. Just imagine the smoke going into your babies lungs. Imagine blowing smoke in your babies face after he/she is born. That may help you to forget those cravings! But if you do cave (which I am NOT condoning) remember that it's not the end of the world and don't beat yourself up too much about it.

Good luck!

Is it harmful if I smoke one cigarette a week?

Theoretically there is “No Safe Level Of Exposure” to a known human carcinogen. This is the basis upon which public smoking bans have built their foundation over the last 20 years.However, using that same basis, we should punish parents who give their children orange juice. A single liter of OJ can contain up to 400,000 micrograms of the known human carcinogen Ethyl Alcohol. See:Dr. Woodrow C. Monte’s Methanol Research – University Of ArizonaOf course 400,000 micrograms is only about 1/60th of a single ounce, but that wouldn’t sound as scary, right?You’ll see lots of word and statistical games played along similar lines when it comes to warnings about smoking.In terms of actual research however, there are very few studies that have examined smoking of less than up to about 30 cigarettes per week. And the ones that have dones so have generally included in their dataset a good number of smokers who did indeed smoke 20 or 30 a week.Soooo… I’m pretty certain there’s no actual research that’s been done showing that the word “harmful” should rationally be used for such a level of smoking, no more than there’s been any research showing harm from alcohol from drinking orange juice or from (horrors!) being in a room with someone else who is drinking! (See my analysis more on that.)Of course there’s the potential that you’ll decide you like smoking enough that you’ll eventually end up smoking 50 a day instead of 1 a week. Living our lives on the basis of such concerns however would also end up being concerned that, as the Prohibitionists of a century ago believed, that “a fatal sip of beer” would doom one to lying in puddle of vomit, homeless and liverless, in the gutter. Clearly the best way to avoid that possibility is never to take that sip of beer (or of OJ?), but very few folks would ask you to take such advice seriously as other than a religious stricture in some faiths.MJM, who doesn’t mind alcohol in orange juice… usually at about a good-sized shot in a glass with some ice in it too!

How long does it take to smoke one cigarette?

The average is 6 minutes as far as I know...

How bad is smoking 1 cigarette a day?

I've heard a lot of different answers but i'd really like to know what the majority of people think. If you have an professional sources it would be nice too =]

I'm 20
Exercise 3-4 times a week (Weights, running, punching bag, etc)
Am considered "lean" (6'2'' 155 pounds)
Do not get sick (I think i've been sick about 2 times in the past 5 years)
Have been smoking for about 2 years
Family does not have a history of cancer

Now i've noticed a slight decrease in lung capacity, but that's expected. I've also smoked weed lightly (About 2-4 times a month, if even that) and Hookah (same amount).

My question is

1.) How much will 1 a day affect my lung capacity? If I try to balance it out with exercise

2.) How will it affect my skin/teeth/hair etc

Please DO NOT tell me that 1 a day turns into more, because that is not going to happen. It's been 2 years and if it hasn't happened yet, I don't see why it would start now. I do NOT have an addictive personality, i've never been addicted to anything in my life. Ever.

Also, don't tell me that no smoking is better than any smoking. I know that already, but sometimes a cigarette feels nice.


Is smoking 1 cigarette a day bad for you?

Tell you what, you take a small dose of arsenic every day and see how you feel.
Nicotine is a poison as is alcohol, and street drugs. There is no safe dose of any of them.
Please, if you are only smoking one cigarette a day then why do it at all?
I know you've probably heard of people who smoke 3 pks a day and don't even cough. But my goodness they are the exception not the rule. That's why smoking is so insidious. You start, thinking you'll just do it a little bit and end up with lung cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis etc.
The best way to quit is to never start.
God bless you and keep you healthy.

I smoke one cigarette a month. Is it okay or should I stop even that?

Let’s talk again about the dangers of smoking, because even one drag off a cigarette does a lot more damage to you than you might think. For example:With the first puff, smoke passes through your mouth and leaves a thin brown film on your teeth. Toxic gases – like ammonia and formaldehyde – throw your immune system into a panic, causing inflammation all over your body.Then, as cigarette smoke gets into your windpipe, it temporarily slows your cilia – the tiny sweeper-hairs that work to clear your respiratory system of mucus and invasive particles.With the first puff of a cigarette, you also inhale nicotine – which immediately gets into your bloodstream through millions of tiny capillaries in your lungs. As that nicotine reaches your adrenal glands, your body gets a jolt of energy that raises your blood pressure and heart rate. Since your heart can’t fully relax between beats, you’ve just put yourself at higher risk for having a stroke.Another negative: Carbon monoxide – the toxic chemical in car exhaust – starts to build up in your blood. That makes it harder for your body to carry oxygen to your vital organs. At the same time, blood transports the nicotine to your brain– where nerve cells release a wave of the feel-good hormone dopamine. All that happens within the first 10 seconds.Still not convinced a single cigarette can hurt? Get this: Some 4,000 chemicals and toxins will still be attacking your body for up to 8 hours after your last puff, and a smear of gooey brown tar will be left in your lungs forever. Even worse, as your levels of dopamine plummet back to normal after smoking, your body will crave another nicotine high– even if you’re not aware of it. If you give in, you’ll be mentally hooked, which is how smoking becomes an addiction.Bottom line: Experts say that nicotine in cigarettes is just as addictive as heroin– even if you have just one smoke.