How Bloated Would You Get If You Drank 4 Cans Of Coke

Can drinking a lot of soda daily cause you to feel bloated often? Which in turns make you feel a bit sick?

Normally, I feel bloated within a couple minutes or right away when drinking soda. Possibly because I rarely ever drink it anyway. Soda naturally isnt the best liquid to fill up on nor is it in any way a healthy habit. Its most likely all the acid and bubbles in the soda causing you to bloat, I know I feel a little better after burping it out lol But depending on the amount consumed it probably can mess with your stomach or insides like its done for you. I love smoothies, try em. Or maybe sparkling water, much better for you, still has the bubblies, has flavors and tastes like soda. Theres your alternative right there. Drink juices or cool aid. Soda is gross lol :) Cut back on your consumption, you already know that. Try and only drink it occasionally, like once a week, even a couple times a week, if you can do better than that then cool, thats even better for you. Obviously water is an option but there isnt much flavor.. lol flavored water :) But sparkling water is much more your route it seems if your going for something likewise to soda but not as harmful to your body. Dont consume so much of that either. Soda will help you get fat, possibly acne and maybe even diabetes one day later in life with all the sugar consumed in the younger years. Your body is constantly "growing" or aging to be straight up, and changing. Teenage and young adult youth metabolism and immune and all that doesnt last forever, especially downing soda all day everyday ;) Heads up!

I drank two cans of Diet Coke, yesterday. I have been bloated since. What can I do to debloat?

This is an interesting question. Drinking Diet Coke doesn't always make me feel bloated, but when it does, it's an extremely uncomfortable feeling.Unfortunately, the only thing I can recommend is to drink lots of water and allow time to pass. Usually, it's a 24 hour thing. It usually only happens when I drink an excess quantity (like 3+ cans or bottles in a 24 hour period).Loose fitting pants also help.

What are the consequences if I drink at least 2-3 cans of Pepsi/Coke almost daily?

I was drinking 3–4 cans of Coke Zero per day. Whilst it doesn't have the the same type of sugar as regular coke, I noticed the following:bloating. What a surprise! Lots of fizz.Gas. Enough saidIrritability. I became reliant on the caffeine.Headaches. Caffeine relianceSore teeth. The acidity of the drink became too much for my teeth.It became habitual but I didn't really want it.With the sugar in regular coke, I would add getting fatter to the above list.My response to all this was to stop. Went cold turkey for a month. Headaches ensued for a week. I now have one every few days. Happy balance.

Can Spanx hide tummy bloat?

Like, what if you aren't really fat around the tummy area, but just temporarily bloated? Like you just drank a soda... Can wearing Spanx suck in the bloat for you until it passes? What kinda Spanx thing would work for that? A tummy shaper type garment? I know this is kinda a dumb question but I appreciate you taking the time to read it :)

Is it normal to bloat significantly and get gassy after quitting drinking diet soda?

Diet Drinks including Crystal Light have all kinds of nastiness in them. Mostly artificial sweetener. Doesn't matter if it is Sweet-N-Low or Splenda they are all pretty bad for you. Actually they poison you're body a lot like arsenic does. Just not as quickly. So when you stop poisoning yourself, your body will go through a form of detoxing. Water retention (the swelling), Diarrhea or Gastritis, Headaches, Joint Pain, Shakes, Sweats and Hot flashes are just the tip of the ice burg of symptoms you may experience. What ever you do, do not start drinking soda again. If you sweeten your tea at all try to use all natural sugar, honey or Stevia.

Can you get fat from drinking diet soda?

Diet sodas have no sugar, calories or fat. Can't get overweight.

How long does it take for the "bloat" to go away from drinking soda?

I always drink diet coke, diet cherry coke or diet vanilla coke on a daily basis. At least one-two 12 oz cans a day. HOWEVER, I'M QUITTING DRINKING DIET SODA BECAUSE OF MY NEW LIFESTYLE ROUTINE. I've noticed that my face has especially been seeing the bloat from the soda. Since I won't be drinking diet soda's anymore, how long does it take for your body to lose the "bloat" that diet soda's give you? What is an average time?

Is it bad to eat ice cream and drink soda at the same time?

When you make an ice cream soda the ice cream kinda mixes with the soda and makes it bloat (never tasted one though). So I'm wondering, would eating ice cream and drinking soda at the same time cause your stomach to bloat? Isn't this bad for your stomach?

Why does drinking Sprite help when you're sick?

From my experience, I don’t think soda works best for me. For one, it has way too many sugars in it, and it makes me feel bloated. I also learned that ginger ale actually does NOT have any real ginger, so it honestly makes no sense to drink soda, unless for the carbonation or to ease nausea.Eating is obviously ruled out because of the lack of appetite while ill, so I believe the best solutions are natural remedies for sickness, for instance, ginger or spearmint caffeine free tea. If you’re under the weather, it’s best to get fever grass (wheat grass) leaves, two cloves of garlic, and ginger or spearmint caffeine free tag bag. You can also add a pinch of cayenne pepper, since pepper helps with congestion and knocking out fevers.Bring the water to boil, and place all the above in the water. Let it boil for 7 to 12 minutes, and then pour the tea in a cup. Wait another 5 to 10 minutes (covered) for the remedy to be absorbed, and drink the tea every 2 to 3 hours. Do not add any sugar: so no honey, brown sugar, or sweeteners. Your home will smell of strong garlic, and that could possibly help with any congestion you may have.And of course, drink room temperature water, crackers for energy and saltiness, and lots of rest. Stay away from any mucus (phlegm) building foods like dairy and sugar. Absolutely no cold foods or drinks as it can irritate the throat!If your stomach feels uncomfortable, like gas is trapped, the tea can help. In addition, massaging your stomach, especially the lower abdomen, can help bowel movements, which can help with passing of gas as well. Putting your knees to your chest and pressing down can also apply pressure on the stomach, forcing the gas to come out. And burping helps too.But of course, this may not work for you , but I hope this helps.This is from my experience, and from back home (Jamaica) knowledge of trying to rid of illness. But modern medicine is fine, or even just sticking out the cold until you feel better is okay as well. As long as you’re getting enough rest to fight the illness and drinking room temperature water, you should be fine, unless symptoms persist longer than it should without any sort of recovery. That’s when it’s time to visit your primary care.