How Can I Avoid Repeating The Same Text In The Footnotes

Is materbation a bad thing to do?

Depends on who you ask and how you feel about yourself after you do it.

Is there a way to fool Turnitin?

Yes, there are lots of ways.Plagiarism detection-programs work by taking a string of words and then running them through a database. Much like just copying random sentences from your text and running it through google - you would most likely get a result from the original text.So, to beat it, you can do either of these:1:Thisxisxmyxplagiarizedxsentence (change the color of the x's to white in microsoft word, so they appear as spaces for the reader) This will completely put the program off, because it will search its database for sentences that make no sense. I personally have not tried this method, but I've heard of people doing it.2:The best method by far.Converting the whole text to PDF format, then altering the corresponding "character map" - a map of the sequence of characters used in the text. Although the text would remain visually unaltered, Turnitin would not be able to make any sense out of it because the link between the text and its printed representation will be broken. It's basically the same thing as if you were to draw all the letters of your text perfectly in paint and then pasting it into Microsoft Word - it appears the same to a human reader, but the plagiarism-detector doesn't know how to "read" it as the sentences could look something like this to the program: akfgoieigidofgk dofkgodkafig idogaodfkfo oadirtodfpgYou can also convert text into a series of Bezier curves to represent the shape of letters rather than using the characters themselves. Almost the same thing.It's not really hard to do, and less risky at a high level as you can excuse yourself with it all being a technical flaw IF you were so unlucky as to be questioned about the plagiarism program not being able to detect anything. Just try to look like you know nothing about computers. 3.For people who are fluent in a secondary language.Find a good essay and translate it. Source: Made some extra money by doing people's schoolwork for them. Sometimes it called for creative solutions when I couldn't be there and they had been using me for every single non-live test the past year. Good luck, but remember that cheating your way to a high-end job isn't going to work for obvious reasons. I'm all for cheating on things that are not relevant to your desired education though.

What does this quote mean? ?

Galileo was under a lot of pressure from the Church, because his theories and discoveries contradicted the Church's teachings, which would get him accused of being a heretic.

(The Church were worried that people would think that, if they were wrong about the earth revolving around the sun, they might be wrong about other things, and that would cause the Church to lose its power over the masses.)

The quote you're referencing sounds like Galileo was trying to avoid being called a heretic and being punished for it.

Know any ways to treat a canker sore?

Well, basically you have to keep your oral hygiene very good and avoid spicy/acidic/salty foods. There are some pain-relieving gels that you can get from your local drugstore, like Anbesol, Bonjela or Kanka, which some say speed up the healing process. If it is a severe case, your doctor may prescribe steroids or antibiotics. Otherwise, you can try some treatments to speed it up, like numbing the area with ice, make a paste with baking soda and water and hold it up to the sore or taking Lysine-L supplements. Good luck!