How Can I Burn Fat In My Legs Especially Upper Legs.

Can't burn the upper thigh fat?

I run every day for 30 minutes both on flat ground and uphill. I get a good workout. I also walk 1-2 hours a day (walking the dogs).

I'm between 5'4" and 5'5" and weigh 120 lbs.

I'm happy with my upper body. My stomach and arms are thin and tight. I don't want to really lose more weight maybe just a few lbs.

The problem though, are my upper thighs. I can't get rid of the flab and tighten my upper thigh muscles even with running. Especially the inner and back thighs.

What exercises are good for them? I do leg lifts and don't notice too much's like all my fat has settled in this area..anyone have a great workout that targets the inner and back upper thighs? THANK YOU!

Do elliptical machines burn fat or build leg muscle?

An elliptical machine is about the best piece of workout equipment for burning calories, up to 600 an hour. It will shrink your legs and but if you use it regularly (like 20-40 minuits a day)
But if you also want toned sexy legs you need to wight train by doing squats or calf lifts as well, setting the machine to higher resistance will also help tone legs but not without cardio.

How can I burn the fat I have in my lower body?

I'm guessing you have a pear shape kind of body, in which case overall body fat loss will help you lose weight around your lower body. Best way is to cut back on carbs and add protein. This will help your body burn fat without losing muscle mass, leaving you nice and toned as you slim down.Other diets tend to make you lose muscle mass, which will slow down your metabolism as you lose weight, making it harder to keep it off.If you want to do it right, go with the proven approach - read all about it here:Automatic Calorie Management – The new food pyramidIt's all about eating the right foods. Check it out!

How do I lose fat from my legs?

I will try to help you on this.The first thing that I would like to say is that we need to accept ourselves as we are. We each have strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately a lot of how we are (eye, skin, colour, predisposition to various types of disease, where fat accumulates on our bodies, etc.) are determined by our genetics. I also don’t think that the picture that was posted has an enormous leg, it looks like a normal let to me.Some people genetically have larger calves than others, some people have tiny calves, some have larger shoulders, larger hips, smaller waists etc. So we have to be honest with ourselves and ensure that we set goals that are realistic for us.I weighed over 380 lbs at one time in my life. My genetic structure, when I was thin was to have wide torso, my torso as a man never tapered down to the waist. I knew that I will never have that wide shoulder tapered waist look, without bone surgery.I found a picture of a ripped man that had my body type, and posted it on the refrigerator and use that for motivation.Some women (I have a few clients like this) have genetically larger calves, and always have challenges getting boots to fit and stuff. You may be like this.There are lots that you Can doHaving said that, there are a lot of things that you can to do to be the best YOU that you can be, which is the most important thing. If you want to have muscular or ripped calves then we can train hard, drop some fat and tone the body including legs.Here are a few things that you can do:You could get a personal trainer and start doing some resistance training and HIIT training.If you can’t afford it there are lot of programs that you can do at home.You could look at your diet and start modifying a few things or try intermittent fasting look at some of tips of how to do it here. Intermittent Fasting TipsI wish you a lot of luck and I hope I was able to help a little.

Why are my legs so fat?

do lunges... like 100 times a day. they saved my legs. jumping rope is good too, leg pressing, and running. you probably won't lose weight but you will shift weight if you start exercising.

some of us just have big legs (me too) i hate them too but that's genetics.... i just try to keep them in shape the best i can.

ps there is no such thing as a diet, you have to make it a lifestyle change so just keep with the "diet" no matter what and you may see a change over time... learn to eat where you will never have to revert back to old habits...

Why do my leg muscles burn when I exercise?

Recently I have started walking at our local YMCA walking track. I do two miles a day, and after about five min my legs to burn really bad and tighten up. It seems to happen more in my lower leg than my upper leg. After about a mile and a half they seem to warm up a little and the burning is not so intense. I sometimes actually have to stop and stretch them before it will go away. Does anyone know why this is happening and what I could do to prevent it? Keep in mind that I just started about a week and a half ago.

How to stop burning feeling, in between my legs when I walk?

what this is called is chaffing. its when your skin rubs together as though you were trying to create heat... aka friction. it doesnt mean youre fat, it means your skin is sensitive. what you need to do is get a moisturizer and keep that area constantly moisturized to prevent it. there are also types of 'anti-chafe' moisturizer out there but i havent found them to work. johnson and johnson works just fine. and just a heads up, using moisturizer on a boy isnt 'gay'. its nice for a woman to see a man with soft skin. dont worry about anything, itll get better.