How Can I Connect These Two Parts Of A Paragraph Together To Flow More Smoothly

How is a paragraph linked together?

Whenever you write your paragraph, use a concept known as PIE.It suggests that each paragraph has an introduction, a body and a conclusion.P-Point- You introduce the IdeaI-Illustration- You give examples from an outside source… Ensure it is citedE-Explanation- Expound more on the Illustration and point. Give your ideaA lengthier explanation is available here

How do you write a good paragraph that transitions smoothly into another paragraph?

Thanks for the A2A.One of the things I seem to constantly notate in stories I am editing is “New Paragraph”.In non-fiction, the best way is to stick to something along the lines of the 5 sentence paragraph, which mirrors the 5 paragraph essay. (If you are not familiar with that, I have an answer that discusses it here: James Sams's answer to Doing a tutored project needs first an "outline", how can I draw it To start writing it?) By following the “tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them” rule, you will almost always work in transitions. The whole point is to show how ideas interrelate, so you bring up the idea of the next paragraph in the last sentence of the paragraph you are working on. By bringing it up, you generally need to imply the relationship between the two things, and the establishment of that relationship creates a transition. The better you establish the relationship, the better the transition.In fiction, things are a bit different. The transitions aren’t necessarily about the relationship between two things, although it can be, but instead it is often “what happens next”.In this situation, new paragraphs should occur whenever there is a new action, a new idea, new description, or a new person speaking, or something along those lines.Paragraphs are sentences about similar ideas. When ideas become too disparate, you need to start a new paragraph. Some things can stay together, like descriptions of people easing while they talk, because they are simultaneous, but when someone else talks, or a brick flies in through the window, you need a new paragraph.Do those transition? Not really, but they are sequential in occurrence, and that is a form of transition.I hope that helps!

How to make my essay flow more smoothly? please help me!!!?

well I have to write a stupid essay for school and have written the draft of it, but the last main body paragraph is in chunks. And in case it helps, the essay is about a book called Goodnight mr. Tom and I am arguing that ww2 changed Willie.
Anyway this paragraph just has chunks of different argument (well I am arguing the same thing, it is just my points change too suddenly). it is really hard to explain but I have tried putting the points in different orders, and the info is now in the right order i think, but it sounds as though the essay is changing topic too quickly, and it just doesn't flow smoothly. Any suggestions to make it flow better? I would give you the paragraph, but the other people in my school would find it and copy me...
sorry about all the blabbering...
if anyone can be bothered to help me...
THANKYOU so much, you dont know how much I would appreciate any help at all!

How do I link sexism, classism and racism together in an essay?

You could try variations on this kind of thing:

(end of one paragraph)
However, sexism is not the only way that prejudice is expressed.

(start of the next paragraph: This strong transition)
In addition to sexism, another form of societal prejudice is classism. Classism (whatever.....)
Ending with
But there is another form of prejudice that is even more pernicious than either sexism and classicism.

(start of next paragraph)
Arguably, the expression of social prejudice that is even more damaging than either sexism or classism is racism. Racism ....

What are good transition words for a conclusion in a paper?

Transitional words and phrases need to be carefully selected according to the shift you are making. Essentially, you need to link your first idea with the next - the relationship between these two ideas will determine what word or phrase you use.In your case you want to link the conclusion with your argument. Here are some ideas for you to do this:In summationUltimatelyFinallyTo summarizeIn conclusionTo concludeThereforeHead to my article to find out more:Linking your writing together: Transitional words and phrases

How can one improve the flow of his or her writing?

I think that the basis of everything you do should start with learning from others.Thus I would recommend:Read broadsheets, not tabloids for news, they are usually written quite well. The flow of writing depends on coherency and good sentence structure, free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Thus this is a good way to start.Read books, especially narratives. I have noticed that narratives tend to be written in a way that is more compelling to read, although sometimes some sentence structures are deliberately not so correct.After observing and reading out what people write, try it out yourself:Write out what you think you want to portray in full, before reading it out and editing it. One thing to note is the punctuation, make sure you know the differences between them. An example would be a comma versus a semicolon. The pause you make between the two is different, and when you read it you would need to factor it in. The sentences need to have proper pauses and not be too long, so as to keep the reader focused on the key ideas. As they say, short and simple.Keep in mind the audience when writing. This is especially regarding the vocabulary you use, since adding in words the readers do not understand will disrupt the flow of understanding.Make a structure at the editing stage, you might want to rearrange your content to fit a structure that has a proper introduction, between delving into the main content, and have a clear conclusion. Do not keep jumping between very contrasting ideas as it may confuse readers. Do not overload too much ideas into single sentences/paragraphs (e.g. wall of text) as well, but split them up like I did.Finally, to understand how your writing sounds to other people, seek opinions from others:Give the person some time to read but pose the question that you want feedback precisely on the flow of your writing beforehand. This will help the person to focus on what exactly to look for while reading, thus easing the issue of forgetfulness.Hope you find these suggestions useful!

What do you call the little words that join together sentences to create flow in your writing?


Think of an essay as a river. Without bumps, gaps, or shifts, the paragraphs gently flow from one idea to the next. To make your essay flow as smoothly as possible, you must strengthen the ties between old information and new. One way to accomplish this is by using transitional words.


Can anyone help me with stronger transition words?

I turned in the rough draft of my Thesis paper and my professor said my transition words were very weak. I honestly don't know what I need to put, so I provided a sample of my essay below, with my crummy transition word. Can anyone help me?
Additionally, Sharia Law is composed of many strict laws, a lot of which apply to women. In Sharia Law, it is stated that women cannot work in occupation fields other than the medical practice. Women must also be covered head to toe in clothing, with only an opening for their eyes. They cannot talk to, sit with, or walk near men who are not members of their own families. The punishments for these ‘crimes’ are extremely severe. This instills a harsh fear in women in this type of community, it is imaginable that many of them would not even want to strain the law and attempt to obtain a profession.

Is a philosophical perspective that views the universe and everything in it as a kind of machine made up of connected but distinct parts?

We are humans, we explore, we do researches, we experiment, we fail and we rise up again. It’s all written in our DNA, the process of learning and learning. We go out, we find answers to the questions that keep us up all night. And yes, we create. We discover and invent stuff, cool stuff. In the way, we created science.Parallel to science, developed philosophy. Our perspectives broadened and we stuffed in a lot of things up in our brain. Where we lacked answers, we blamed the supernatural; and in the same way, came the art of giving meaning to our existence, the reality, knowledge. It’s all philosophy.As I’ve observed in my locality, the working principle is fundamentally a hierarchical process. It involves a group of people working for some person, who himself works for someone else and so on. And then, at the highest level of the hierarchy, lies a person who himself is a part of a bigger system. So what about this system? Is it the biggest of them all? This system works together with other ones to maintain a smooth flow of energy. (Just as different nations work together for problems like global warming.) Although this system is not that efficient when applied to the real world, but it is, more or less the way the energy moves.In a broad sense, a philosophical one, we can consider the whole system, which consists of numerous nations, to be a machine. Simple. Just assume. Now the nations will be the parts of this system. Distinct, but interconnected. Diverse, but interdependent. These distinct parts will have sub-parts, and sub-sub-parts and so on. Just as we went up in the previously stated paragraph, go down the hierarchy here.One can consider the whole universe as such a system, as I’ve mentioned above, with energy flowing all over its connected, but distinct parts!The energy, the information, the matter, that moves between these part is what connects them, and yet they are distinct from one another.Hope my philosophy won’t dry you up.Thanks!