How Can I Fall Asleep Really Quickly

How can I fall asleep quicker after hockey?

I have a 45 minute drive home from my games... That's a good start.

Eventually a beer and watching Futurama or Family Guy on Cartoon Network does the trick.

Total time: 75 minutes.

Why do some people fall asleep very quickly, while some struggle to doze off?

The difference in both these sleeping patterns is determined by the “level of activity of the brain”at that moment. The higher the level of activity, the more difficult it is for an individual to get some sleep and vice versa.The individual can however lower his or her level of brain activity by indulging in any action that promotes relaxation be it deep breathing or meditation or visual imagery or anything else. The most popular method known in this case is the 4–7–8 method which works in the following manner:Inhale to a count of 4 using only your nose.Hold your breath to a count of 7Now, using only your mouth, exhale to a count of 8.Repeat the cycle for a minute or two to notice it's effects.I hope this answers your question.

How do children fall asleep so quickly?

Children often tend to fall asleep faster than teenagers and adults for a number of reasons.Children have more energy, and often spend more time playing and wearing themselves out.Children, unlike teens and adults, spend less time on phones/computers, therefor they get less exposure to the light emitted from screens that can cause lack of sleep.Children do not often suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress, which keeps up adults and teens at night.Not all children fall asleep quickly. The average time for a ten year old to fall asleep is twenty minutes, and in order for there to bean average, there have to be children that fall asleep quicker and slower than that.All children are different, but yes, in general, children do tend to fall asleep quicker for these reasons.

Why Do I Fall Asleep So Fast?

I fall asleep really fast at night. Its remarkable. I can go to sleep almost anytime I want. If I close my eyes, and get a little comfortable, Im out like a lightbulb.
But my problem is I dont want to sleep so damn much!
I get up every morning at 5:45. I work until 3. I go to sleep at 12 every night. I snore loudly, so I try to stay awake until my girlfriend goes to bed, so she doesnt have trouble sleeping. But I always fall asleep before she does. I recently started school too (from 5-9pm) but this has been happening way before that.

Why do I fall asleep so easily? How can I help myself stay awake for longer. I do not drink coffee and I do not like energy drinks. Help!

Can you actually fall asleep instantly just like that, or does it really take time to truly fall asleep?

Yes sleep at least to the first level can occur rapidly. Babies clearly show this, as well as domestic animals. Only later when we have complex thoughts and anxieties can it take longer to fall asleep and even lead to chronic insomnia.Sleep can be easier if you learn to relax, have a comfortable sleeping space, no electronics and keep regular sleeping hours.

How to fall asleep instantly?

Sometimes if I'm laying in bed for hours trying to sleep I turn on an app I have on my iPod. It's called "sleep machine" you can get a free version or full version. It gives different sounds at different volumes (rain, wind, waves, crickets, chimes, etc). You can choose to have it play for however long you want before it shuts off. I always set it for 30mins and Im always asleep long before it turns off!

What is the best way to make my hand fall asleep?

Anyone know what the best way to make my hand fall asleep is? I've tryed sitting on it for 15 minutes and not to much avail. My arm just got really purple and my hand tingled, not really the full numbness im looking for.

Anyone know how to get my hand to be fully numb / asleep really quickly?

Thanks in Advance,

How fast do cats fall asleep?

It seems like a funny question... but my cat always jumps in my lap, curls up... and seems to be asleep 5 seconds later. It's like he zonks out right when he hits the ground o_O Is he not really asleep yet?

Do you dream immediately upon falling asleep?

It is possible but not common to dream right after falling asleep. There are two main stages of sleep; nonREM sleep and REM sleep. After falling asleep, the average person spends their first 90 minutes in the nonREM sleep stage. After the nonREM sleep stage, they transition into REM sleep or "Deep Sleep". The REM sleep stage is where dreaming occurs. Technically, dreaming occurs in nonREM sleep as well, but dreams that occur in nonREM sleep aren't near as deep or vivid as the ones that occur REM sleep, therefore we don't remember them or even know they occurred when we wake up. The dreams we remember when we wake up are the ones that occur in REM sleep. However, people who have certain sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, actually go into the REM stage of sleep without first going through the nonREM stage. In this instance, someone with narcolepsy is more than likely to dream soon after falling asleep. There are also other sleep disorders that could potentionaly have the same/similar symptom. Sleep deprivation can alter a persons natural sleep cycle and possibly cause sleep onset dreaming. Also, drugs/pharmaceuticals can alter a persons natural sleep cycle. REM stands for - Rapid Eye MovementNonREM stands for - Non Rapid Eye Movement - This is because a persons eyes move sporadically and rapidly underneath their eyelids while they are in deep sleep/REM sleep, but not while In nonREM sleep.- The REM sleep stage is shorter than the nonREM sleep stage.- The average person goes through 4 stages of nonREM and 4 stages of REM sleep (alternating ABABABAB) within a given night, but some only go through 3, and some can have as many as 7. Everybody is different.