How Can I Get A Higher Oversplit

How can you get an oversplit Jete?

That is more a matter of strength with flexibility. Dancers who can do overspilts often don't have a flat jete due to concentrating only on flexibility and not strength.
You do not put weights on your legs and you do not use your quad muscles. Using your quads will restrict your height and bulk your muscles which reduces your flexibility. Your extension comes from your turnout, hamstrings and core. You lift from underneath. Being able to oversplit on a jete had more to do with your genetics and your joints flexibility and if you can do it 180 that is more than fine. It is really perfect.

How dangerous are the oversplits?

Well, you are stretching muscles a lot, so it's going to hurt. The more you do them, eventually the easier they will become. Just make sure that you do not bounce in them. Also, do not go directly from your splits on the ground to overspills on a chair that's a foot and a half tall. Gradually work your way up, a few inches at a time, starting with a pillow, then maybe a dictionary, then a shoebox, then a stool, etc.

What is an over split?

its ur split extended higher. this is a normal over split...

u can practice by elavating ur legs and going into splits.

Is it possible to do a 360 degree oversplit?

I have my splits but my kick is still low?

You could have the best splits in the world but have no height on kicks if your hip flexors aren't stretched, or your abs are weak. To find out which is your problem, look up stretches for hip flexors, and try them. If they are difficult, STRETCH THEM. They are what allows your kick to be high. If that isn't it, then try CORE exercises. These are more than just abs, as they target your back too, which is just as important to lift your kegs.

How to get a high spiral?

Hi there,
I have the exact same problem!! It's like, no matter how hard you lift your leg, it doesn't go any higher; right? I can even do the splits, which I thought was the key: nopppeee!

For some reason, it's all in your lower back muscle. Try strengthening your back with some clips on YouTube, and lift with it, instead of lifting with your leg. It will actually go higher, and keep your torso up.
Trust me; when you do it right, you'lll feel it!

i know its not the most technical answer, but it makes sense :D
Here's one I'm using:

Good luck!!
and as long as its a bit above your hip, ur fine! I'm getting level 3, and its not alot above! of course, i wish it was sasha cohens...

Can I learn to do the splits at 28?

Maybe.It will depend on your body’s structure, your dedication, and your prior flexibility.Some people simply can never do a split. Their hips do not allow their legs to move like that, and it’s the end of it.Assuming your body is physically capable of doing a split, there’s a few steps along the way.One is your dedication. You will need to stretch every day, and do multiple stretches. First you must warm up with dynamic stretches,* then stretch out all the muscles in your legs. A couple good stretches are lunges and the pike stretch.LungesPike (start with touching your toes and work your way up to being folded in half. If that becomes too easy, flex your feet)However, you should do at least four or five good stretches, and they need to be held at least 25 seconds long each.Then, what I do is sit in my split, and again you’ll have to sit in a split for at least 25 seconds to get the benefit of the stretch.Once I’ve done both sides, I attempt an oversplit which looks like this.You will not have an oversplit, but sitting in a higher than 180° split will stretch you into a split even further. Simply find a small block, use the bottom of a chair, or a pillow on your front foot and sit in the oversplit for at least 25 seconds.Once I’ve done my oversplits, I go back to the split and stretch it again.Do you have to do everything here? No. But you will likely not get to a split without an intensive stretching routine due to your age. Opening up the hips and gaining flexibility past childhood is difficult and requires dedication.*Never do any static stretches (stretches you hold) without warming up first. This should include some light exercise such as high knees and also dynamic stretches (stretches in which you move).

If I stretched everyday, how long does it take to be able to do splits?

It really depends from person to person.How genetically gifted are you and how bad do you wanna achieve your goals.Always remember hard work beats genetics, no matter what you can always change your genetics with dedication-drive-discipline-determination nothing is impossible, everything is achievable as soon as you put your mind and hard work to it, when your mind burns your body follows, you get controlled by your mind, so start working on them splits and stop thinking about it, stop thinking of how much time it is going to take you rather start making an effort about it a change.Stretch after your workouts always, not before your workouts, because if you do you will end up injured and you will lack your workout performance because of the micro traumas you cause on the muscle tissue by your stretches, which will hurt you in general.Some people genetically possess really high muscle elasticity they are hypermobile from their genetics, while others are hypomobile.It took me around 1 months to reach a full split, i was genetically gifted with high muscle elasticity and i was really hyper mobile.

Can we do a split for more than 180°? Will that weaken the legs or actually strengthen it?

More than 180 degrees sounds like overstretching… I’d be careful… the human body isn't designed for extreme ranges of motion