How Can I Get A Needle In Dance.

How can I get my needle and hold it longer? Cheer/dance needle.?

I don't have my needle but like you I'm really close and it took me about a year but I don't work on it often. I do wall splits and door split it also helps you get hyper extended jumps. I have an hyper extended huddler and almost toe touch

How to get my back catch (or needle) for dance?!?


I want to do a needle turn?

Ahhh the needle...

A resistance stretch is great for this. First, lay down. Keep one leg straight. Bring the other up and grab with both hands. Try to get the leg you are grabbing as close to your face as possible WITHOUT bending your leg on the ground (keep it fully on the ground) and keep your back and butt firmly on the ground.

If you want, do the resistance stretch, only have a friend push down your leg rather than you grab it.

Sit in a jazz split position (a split but with the back leg bent and turned out). Lean towards the inside of the split, trying to get your head to touch the ground. Then, lean forward. Try to get your nose to touch your knee.

Do a lunge stretch. Just stand straight up, then slide one foot out in front of you with the knee at a 90 degree angle.

Go into the splits, only bend your front leg at a 90 degree angle, turned out. Your front leg should be completely on the ground. Now, lay down over your front leg, trying to get your face to touch the ground.

Lastly, do an arabesque penchee. Now, pulse your leg up 8 times, trying to get it as high as you can.

Then, slide into the splits. When in the splits, try to get your face to touch your leg, then go inside the splits and try to get your face to touch the ground.

Hold all of these for 30 seconds. Try to do these everyday or as often as possible. Don't push anything too hard ever! Time spent healing an injury is time spent losing flexibility. Use it or lose it!

How to do the needle (dance move)?

Stretch by first going into your splits, and then leaning, of have someone push your chest backwards towards your leg. Then do backbends as far as you can. The needle is about back flexibility and upper arm strength. If you can do a kick up scorpion, do that, then walk your hands down your leg to your knee, or that with a pull up scorpion.

How do I stretch my back to do a needle?

Yes, you need to stretch your back too.This is a needle:Now imagine that you perform the same split on the ground:The back is bent and very much so too.So you could try to assume that position while stretching on the ground with the back leg over a low mattress or pillow. You could perform this under a dance barre so that you can help yourself to reach the final position.This is a quite extreme position for your back and I suppose Allyson Way is saying that your body could be structured in a way that doesn’t allow you to assume it. Just like some people can’t do a frontal split.So try it but only gradually, maybe under the supervision of a coach, and stop when you feel that your vertebrae are clashing and you can’t bent more without hurting yourself.Accept your limits. If you can’t do a needle, it’s not a big deal. There are lots of beautiful skills to learn.

How to hyper extend your needle?

I am waiting on a product called the flexi stretcher look it up. In some YouTube videos it shows you how to strengthen your arabesque which will eventually strengthen your needle. If you have a Thera band use that although it might not be as comfortable

How long will it take me to get a needle in cheerleading / dance?

Im not that flexible because i dont strech very much but i really want to get a needle, just wondered how long it would take me too get one if i stretched everyday and some tips on how long to stretch for? Thanks

How many angels can stand on a needle head?

Depends. Are we working within the confines of “maximum occupancy” as defined by local building code ordinances, or can we just cram them all in with an actual, literal, honest-to-god shoehorn like they do on Japanese subways?

How do you do an illusion? [in dance]?

I can't do one, so I'm not the best advisor, but its just a fan into a needle on the opposite leg and then carrying it either to the floor or the next motion. holpefully someone who can do one can give tips. Good Luck!

How many angels could dance on the head of a pin?

No more than 8.6766*10^49  according to Sandberg (2001):"According to Thomas Aquinas, it is impossible for two distinct causes to each be the immediate cause of one and the same thing. An angel is a good example of such a cause. Thus two angels cannot occupy the same space....However, this does not place any upper bound on the density of angels in a small area, because the size r of angels remains undefined and could possibly be arbitrarily small. There have also been theological criticisms of any assumption of angels as complete causes.Since angels can be presumed to obey quantum rules when packed at quantum gravity densities, the uncertainty relation will cause their wave functions to overlap significantly even if there is a strong degeneracy pressure. If the non-overlap assumption is relaxed, this approach cannot derive an upper bound.Assuming that each angel contains at least one bit of information (fallen / not fallen), and that the point of the pin is a sphere of diameter of an Ångström (R=10exp-10 m) and has a total mass of M=9.5*10exp-29 kilograms (equivalent to that of one iron atom), we can use the Bekenstein bound on information to calculate an upper bound on the angel density. In a system of diameter D and mass M, less than kDM distinguishable bits can exist, where k=2.57686*10exp43 bits/meter kg. This gives us a bound of just 2.448*10exp5 angels, far below the Schewe bound.However, if angels have mass, then the point of the pin will collapse into a black hole if c2R/2G< Nm (here I ignore the mass of the iron atom at the tip). For angels of human weight (80 kg), we get a limit of 4.2089*10^14 angels. The maximal mass of any angel amenable to dance on the pin is 3.3671*10^16 kg; at this point there is only room for a single angel.The picture that emerges is that, for low angel masses, the number is bounded by the Bekenstein bound, and increases hyperbolically as mcrit is approached. However, the black hole bound decreases and the two bounds cross at mmax=1/(4GkM/cexp2+kD), very slightly below mcrit. This corresponds to the maximal angel density of Nmax=8.6766*10^49 angels."