How Can I Get Custody Tooken Away From My Mother If Im Under Aged

I need emergency help on getting custody back of my son I am in the nav?

As per the regulations, you cannot give up custody for the sole purpose of enlisting. They regulate this by mandating that the applicant cannot intend to obtain custody during the term of his/her enlistment. (I believe the Army says "Initial" Enlistment. In the Navy regs, it says only "Enlistment" so, from this, I would say that as long as you are enlisted and Single, you cannot retain custody. You would need to get married first.

The only way you can regain custody if there is a dire hardship and there are no other options but for you to regain the custody.

Sorry... but your recruiter was in the wrong if they suggested to give up custody. If fact, they could be liable as per regulation, they are Not to advise applicants to do exactly what you did.

As per Navy Regulation
f. Recruiter Instructions. Recruiting personnel are prohibited from having any involvement in an applicant’s decision to relinquish custody of a dependent, or in acting upon this decision. Simply tell applicants that they are not eligible for enlistment by reason of custody of a dependent. Navy recruiting personnel must not advise, imply, or assist an applicant with regard to the surrender of custody of a dependent under the age of 18. If asked whether they would become eligible by surrendering custody, the recruiter’s correct response is that it is not the intent or the desire of the U.S. Navy that any person relinquish custody of a dependent for the purpose of enlistment. If applicants persist, they may be informed that if they surrender custody of their dependent for personal reasons, the only transfer recognized by Navy is a valid court order that transfers custody and does not show an intent to return custody to the applicant after a temporary period.

When a minor gives birth to a child who has custody over it, the minor mother or her parents?

In the UK and the US, birth mothers automatically gain parental responsibility regardless of age.However, in the UK, the underage mother also must receive local authority social worker support, assessment and supervision.In the U.S. I believe practical support comes fromcharities and financial support must be provided by the parents of the underage mother. If the father is underage, his parents also must provide economic support. The underage mother has responsibility for her baby and her parents maintain responsibility for her. Her parents will also be investigated by social services for their underage child getting pregnant. It's pretty harsh! Girls can get grants if they continue school and live with their parents after the birth.In both nations, girls are legally emancipated at age 16, as are her parents of any duty of care.

What are the child custody and alimony laws in India?

Since the child is infant the custody will be with mother, unless proven that she is not able to take care of the child. The custody will go to mother irrespective of who files for divorce. You will get visiting rights. Once the child is of 7yrs you can again file child custody petition and battle it out. Also there can be various possibility which a lawyer would be able to guide you the best.If she is well educated and can join some job and earn than you might not have to pay. But you will be asked to pay an X amount for the child support. If she is filing for the case and if you have a good lawyer he can turn the table around and can make sure that you dont need to pay. Also alimony depends on your earnings and not the whims on fancies of your wife or her lawyer. They can ask for anything they want and they will do as more the money the lawyer is able to get to your wife the bigger chunk of commission is taken by the lawyer.If you love your wife and you want her to stay my only suggestion would be talk to her no matter how influence your mother in law is. She is your wife and now the equation have changed that you need to make her understand. Go for marriage counselling and try to sort it out. Try and make your wife understand that for your child sake. It will be traumatic of the child later on.Also if your MIL is causing the trouble rest assured if you get divorced and she marries someone else the same thing will happen there as well.

The court gave my father full custody of me. Does that mean that once I’m 18, can I be with my mother since I’m considered an adult at that age?

In the United States a “child” is considered an adult when they turn 18 years old. As such, child support typically ENDS at that time. There may be college support / health insurance support .. and any other COURT ORDERED arranged support for you. But again, that has to be written under COURT ORDER.But for the most part (like 99 percent of the population) … when you hit 18 years old you are legal adult and no longer have to follow parent orders / etc. This means you may move and work where you live and wish. You may be with whomever you wish.Keep in mind, it is a HUGE transition period and often requires SOME ASSISTANCE from loving parents to get you from 18 to say 22 years of age. So if your dad has been good to you … and is helping to support you even after he no longer has to (usually at age 18 ) I wouldn't be so quick to blow him off .. especially if your mother is NOT voluntarily helping you.In short, don’t bite the hand that is feeding you.But for the most part .. yes, you can do whatever the heck you want when you hit 18. And your parents may kick you out of THEIR HOUSE once you hit 18 (or if still in high school when you turn 18 … they need to wait until you have graduated … to a maximum age of 19). And guess what? It doesn’t matter if you are employed or not. Once you are 18 .. their LEGAL JOB is done with you except for court ordered instructions.Note: I’m no attorney - but this is pretty commonly known stuff in the USA.

Who gets child custody in India?

In India, the custody of child is governed under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. The District Judge of the area where the minor child is residing is empowered to decide the custody of the minor child. While granting the custody of the minor child, the paramount consideration of Judge will be to look into the welfare of the minor child whose custody is being sought by the petitioner. It may be the natural parents or any other relative of the minor child to whom the Judge can grant the custody of the minor child. Section 7 of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, empowered the District Judge to decide the petition for grant of permanent custody while Section 12 of the Act make the provisions for the temporary custody or the visitation rights of the parents or relative. Once the order is passed by the District Judge, the minor child cannot be remove without the permission of the District Judge from the jurisdiction of the Ld. Judge.The interest of the minor child in any movable or immovable properties can not be alienated or transfer without the permission of the District Judge and the District Judge has to decide that whether such transfer is in the interest or benefit of the minor child or not

My baby's father is trying to take full custody of my child! Is he able to?

It really depends on what you are glossing over as "rough time". He feels there is enough evidence (whether objectively or subjectively) to prove you're unfit.

As far as the money:
Child support is for care and maintenance of the daily needs of the child. It is NOT for a savings account. If the money's being thrown into a savings account, he shouldn't have to pay it. If both you and your parents can't figure out how to mask that you're tossing the money into a savings account vice buying clothes and food, well...

To be fair, taxes should have been split from day one. You're screwing him out of his half of the tax deduction - unless you got pregnant alone.
He's still paying for HIS half of her support - he should get "odd" years, you should get "even" years. But since you don't even file a tax return, why do you even let your parents claim... unless you're a dependent also.

If your "rough time" included a criminal record for any felony or "moral terpitude" (prostitution, public sex, etc.), you probably are unfit.
If your "rough time" included drug use, you'd better be in a rehab or 12 step program.
If your "rough time" included both of the conditions above, you ARE unfit by society's standards.

But you're the woman, and courts are traditionally sympathetic to women in custody disputes.

Can C.P.S. take your baby away for being underage?

she has to prove that you are unfit to take care of yourself and a baby. its very hard for them to prove that.if you are going to school and have someone who is reasonable to watch your child and you have everything for the child then they can not take the child from you. if you were under the age of 16 then they would have you mother or father step in to help you. hope i helped you..

Is it possible to give custody of your child to a friend (in Canada)?

What you want to do is assign someone to act as parent in your absence, with the ability to deal with things like formal paperwork and medical issues on behalf of the child to fulfill your responsibility.I do not know the exact process in Canada, but it should be similar in all ex-English states.It can be as simple as filling out and signing a form which is witnessed and filed.It may require a judge to examine the plan and talk with all parties to ensure that everyone is truly aboard.With all parties including the child agreeing it should be both reasonably fast, painless & cheap.In loco parentis, can be as simple as turning over the kid to an adult babysitter for the evening.Formally, it is the authority of most colleges and universities over under-aged lo·co pa·ren·tisˌin ˌlōkō pəˈrentəs/adverb & adjective(of a teacher or other adult responsible for children) in the place of a parent."he was used to acting in loco parentis"

What does interm custody of a minor mean?

That means that while the courts decide what to do with the child, someone else will have temporary custody of the child. It is an alternative to foster care.