How Can I Get My Mom To Stop Bringing Old Topics Back Up

What is your aim in life? How are you planning to achieve it?

Huh ! Aims ... well there are so many of them like getting a good job  , making my parents proud , taking my mom and dad on a Cruise all on my expenses and I aim to live up to the expectations which my parents had set for me .I aim to fulfill all their dreams . I aim never to hurt my closed ones .I aim to be successful . I aim to take my  rejection positively and my failures as learning steps .I aim to always be learning, never give up, and give my absolute best .I aim to fall in love someday all over again .and aim to make people around me happy ! Don't know how many I can actually  achieve and all my life will go in aiming , securing the goals , making my family happy , sacrifices , adjustments , adapting to new environments and what not because that is what we all are expected to do . Basically there will be new aims , new choices at every stage of my life or everyday and my priorities will change so do my aims .How do I plan to Achieve ?I do not want to plot a strategy for the above listed aims , I wanna face life the way it comes to me , there's not any definite plan or solution to any problem . But most importantly I aim to live in the moment , enjoy the most of it , live at peace and I seriously aim to cherish my  passion , my childhood  love - PAINTING (I want to explore all the types Oil , Pastel , Acrylic, Fresco , Tanjore , Tempera , Enamel , Gouache and start my own blog .)Thank for the A2A Seema Shah mam .

My boyfriend keeps talking about his Ex. What do I do?

A2AMy advise to you: Tell him how it’s making you feel. And tell him to stop until you are ready to bring that topic back up, if he cares enough he will make the effort.Here’s my story:Ah yes.. I went though this… my boyfriend was in a relationship with his ex for 4 very special years of his university life. So they basically grew up together, had the same circle of friends, lived together, hung out together, even were in the same course ( they were basically together all the time ). So he’d talk about his friends (consequently his ex) all the time- which was okay. It’s when she started coming up in the conversation all the time. And I’d wonder, is he over her? Why does he keep talking about her? This is not healthy surely? I would get obsessed over this. I hated myself and thought it was something I have to put up with.I sort of brought it up with him.. asking him are you over her? And he laughed and said of course! But she’s a friend (yes they’re still friends) and she was a big part of my life, which is why I talk about her. I would occasionally bring it up. I wanted to tell him to stop but I felt horrible so I didn’t.I told myself, he’s right. She���s just his friend. And he’s sharing his past life with me. It’s in the “past” for a reason. I should feel privileged that he shares and embrace it. I talk about my friends all the time. But I would get so jealous about all their travels, and fun times they had.I would complain to my friend about my internal turmoil and frustrations. And he saw it one day.. he was hurt and said I didn’t know you felt this insecure about my ex? Why didn’t you tell me this? I said I tried but I felt it’s not fair to you. I told him about my internal turmoil. Since then he didn’t bring her up until I started with the amount I was comfortable with. And we’re in a much better place.Sorry for the long rant. Basically I didn’t want to bring it up because it made me look insecure but it was driving me crazy. My advise to you: Tell him how it’s making you feel. And tell him to stop until you are ready to bring that topic back up, if he cares enough he will make the effort.

How do I tell my mom that im a lesbian?

Coming out is a long process, one that’s never quite over. The most important thing is to make sure you’ll be safe if you do. This doesn’t just apply to family, but also to friends, coworkers, and many other areas of life.How do I do that?Where is your mom, politically speaking? Generally, liberals will be more accepting than conservatives but of course you can be shocked either way.Ease into the topic. If you know anyone else who’s LGBT+, maybe say “Oh, my friend Stacy came out to me”. Gauge her reaction: if she doesn’t seem to fazed by it, you’re probably safe. If she does, maybe reconsider coming out.Is there a backup plan? It sucks to think about, but lots of LGBT+ youth face being kicked out of their home, conversion “therapy”, etc. Make sure you have a backup plan, like another family member or friend.Okay, I’m pretty sure I’m safe and I have a plan just in case I’m not. Now what?I’m glad you asked. There’s lots of methods to come out:Tell her. This is a bit daunting, but a simple “Hey mom? Can I talk to you about something serious?” Will let her know that you really need to talk. Sit down and be prepared to answer questions she may have, like “How do you know?” or anything like that.Out yourself through various means. This can be through a joke or pun, or maybe just talking about how pretty that girl is on the TV show you two are watching together. If she’s good with subtleties, she’ll probably end up asking you about it.Write a note. This is what I did, and I don’t regret it a bit. I knew I could never tell my parents to their faces, so I chose to leave a note on their bed. It can be funny or serious, whatever you think will fit.I told her! Now what?Now, you have a couple different scenarios.Your mom accepts you and is totally chill. Great! Maybe you have to answer some questions, maybe not. But overall, everything is good.It might take some time for her to come around, but she’s won’t be outright angry. Having a child that’s LGBT+ can be a shock and she may just need time to absorb it.You totally miscalculated and shouldn’t have told her. Now what? Well, if the two of you can agree to not talk about it, it can be pushed under the rug. Or, you may need to implement that backup plan.Keep in mind there are many resources, like the Trevor Project, to help you through this. You’ve got this, girl! Best of luck.

What can we learn from the Sunni Imam and Shia Ayatollah?

Sunni Imam and Shia Ayatollah

There is the story of a Sunni Imam who gave a speech in front of a Shia mosque. He began the speech by praising the Ayatollah of the Shia mosque and declaring his undying love for him. After this, the Sunni Imam began insulting the Ayatollah’s wife and declared her to be a Kaffir, Fasiq, Munafiqh, Nasibi, and an enemy of Islam.

The Ayatollah rushed outside and began yelling at the Sunni Imam. The Sunni Imam responded, “but I love you, dear Ayatollah!”

To which the Shia Ayatollah responded with, “then why do you insult my wife?”

The Sunni Imam calmly replied: “I love you, but I am against your wife who is an imprudent, inappropriate, and hateful woman.”

The Shia Ayatollah raised his fist in the air and said: “By Allah, if you hate my wife, then you hate me! My wife is my beloved!”

The Sunni Imam said: “She is my enemy. May Allah curse her!”

The Shia Ayatollah was rightfully incensed: “By Allah, I cannot stand for such slander. May Allah curse you! An enemy of my wife is an enemy of me! By Allah, I wish to kill you!”

The Sunni Imam then said: “O Shia, you reject the love of those who hate your wife. So then, why do you think the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) will accept your love for him when you hate his wife and insult her, calling her a Kaffir, Fasiq, Munafiqh, Nasibi, and an enemy of Islam?”

To this, the Shia Ayatollah was left speechless.

Indeed, no man allows others to slander his wife, and the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) is the one with the most Gheerah (protective “jealousy”) in regards to his wives. If the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) heard the things which the Shia say about Aisha (رضّى الله عنها), no doubt the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) would be furious.

Hurting the feelings of the Prophet’s wives (رضّى الله عنهم) is hurting the feelings of the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم). In fact, this methdology of targetting the Prophet’s wives (رضّى الله عنهم) was used by the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) to hurt the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) in the incident of al-Ifk: they insulted Aisha (رضّى الله عنها) in order to insult the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) by extension.
