How Can I Get My Mum To Let Me Be Home Schooled

My parents won't let me be homeschooled?

i started high school about a week ago (i'm a freshman) and i can't stand it. it isn't just not liking it, it makes me anxious to the point where i'm physically sick. i can't focus in class because i'm trying so hard not to cry. unlike most people my age, i like learning, i want to learn things. but i can't learn anything in this school environment. i seriously looked into homeschooling and i think it could be a really good fit for me, but when i try to explain it to my mom she ignores me and continues to think of it in the same way. i understand that's it's hard work, possibly harder than school, but i wouldn't mind that, that isn't the part of school that gives me such bad anxiety. she keeps telling me i just have to make the best of school and even told the guidance counselor on me. it's so frustrating that she won't listen to what i have to say. any advice? thank you

How can I ask my parents to let me be homeschooled, because I am not used to my new school?

I’d ask them “can I be home-schooled because I am no used to my new school?” Simple as that. Discussing with your parents will be the best way to make a good choice.But you question raises more questions for us to ask in order to answer yours correctly:1. Were you home-schooled in the past and then moved to a public school?1.1. If yes, why?1.2 If not, why do you think homeschooling is the answer?2. When did you arrive in this “new school” of yours?2.1: Are you being bullied there?2.2: Are you just scared of the unknown/ other people?3. Do your parents have the financial and/or academic means to either hire someone to teach you at home or for one of them not to work and home-school you?The greatest danger of homeschooling is a lack of contact/socialization with people of your age, which may have bad effects on the creation of your personal identity in the future.Depending on the teacher, it may also lead to severely lacking knowledge in many areas, especially when home-schooling is paired with strong religious beliefs.If you answered yes to question 2.2, homeschooling would put you in a dangerous situation where you have fear of others and where such fear is reinforced by lack of contact and understanding of others. It’s a vicious circleI sincerely hope you discuss this with your parents and make a decision which makes all of you happy and which enables you to grow into a fine adult being one day.

How to convince my mom to let me get homeschooled?

Great idea!

First, do your homework. ;-)

You should approach your Mom with a well thought out case for not only why you want to do it, but several options for how to do it.

Check out the local laws via the HSLDA site (I'm assuming you are in the USA) so that you know exactly how to obey the laws.

And as an additional resource for planning your escape from school I recommend the Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get Real Life and Education.

Good luck!

I'm homeschooled and my mom won't let me go to public school?

hey :)

So I've been considering going to public school now for 2 years so far. I'm 15 now and I've been homeschooled for the past seven years. When I was in school, I loved it (granted, I was only eight hahah). I understand that high school is MUCH different than cute old elementary school, but I literally have five friends (and none of them are guys... seriously I'm worried that I won't even be able to talk to guys in college BECAUSE IVE NEVER BEEN AROUND THEM.) and I hate it. So I've been dropping hints for the past 6 months that I wanted to go to public school and just talked to my mom about it for the first time.

She said absolutely not.

She says that my public HS is full of drugs, sex, and all that fun stuff (sarcasm) and she doesnt want me getting involved in it. (She isn't making it up btw - her friends tell her about all the crap going on there.) The thing is, I'm a really good kid and I'd never give in to any type of peer pressure like that. My uncles are all cops and I know I'd be disappointing my whole family.

The whole point of going to school is to socialize - I haven't socialized properly in seven years.

I have 2 close in person friends that I see MAYBE once a month. I have 3 other friends from these classes I take one day a week so thats 5 friends - and we only talk at school.

Im a really social person and thrive in social environments and I just hate homeschooling. Every year I tell my mom I need to have a social life and socialize - I mean its really embarrassing when people ask "oh, youre homeschooled! How do you socialize?" and the answer is "Uh... I don't..."

And its not that I'm shy - I literally have NO opportunities whatsoever to make friends. I'm not in sports, I sing but only solo, and I only go to 2 classes once a week with other homeschooled kids.

What do I do? My mom is VERY set in her ways and once she says something, there is no persuading her otherwise. I was thinking of maybe joining a sport but theres nothing I'm good at except running (I run 4x a week just to get exercise). Also, my mom won't let me go to a private school because we don't have the money.

Any suggestions??? thank you :)

How do I convince my parent to let me be home/online schooled?

Depending on where you live, there will be laws that support an online education, or restrict it.If your local laws support that, you might find that your school has online classes available. If they are offered by the school district itself, your parents might be willing to let you do it for a year.Don’t ask them to let you do it for the rest of your education, because they won’t agree to a long term plan they haven’t seen proven.Ask for one year, just to get a break from having to deal with being at school.Many places have homeschool communities that get together at a park or community center once a week. (Often called “park day.”) Even homeschooled kids who are doing their courses online, can meet up with a community of homeschoolers to have that “socialization” so many parents are afraid is missing if kids don’t go to school.Middle school age is definitely the very worst age for a kid who tends to be bullied, to be in school. Parents sometimes ask me, “I want to homeschool my kid for a year or two, but I’m not going to do it for their entire education. What is the best time to homeschool them?”And I always say if they’re only going to homeschool for one or two years, do it in middle school.Some kids are just bully magnets (I was). By Junior and Senior year in high school, I wasn’t being bullied. But in middle school I felt never safe. And in high school, it got better, but not as fast as I would have liked.If you can look up the laws in your location, and the online school options, and put together a kind of “sales packet” for your parents, a sales presentation to sell them on the idea of letting you learn from home.Include in the pitch, contact resources for the local homeschoolers’ groups, what coursework you would do, how, how much will it cost them, and what you will do if you have lessons you need help with. Parents like having teachers their kids can ask questions to. If you are doing classes online, there may not be teachers to ask, and they might be worried you will want their help. They may not remember all the history they learned in school, anymore, or may not have progressed far in math, etc.In other words, make it easy for them, and have a plan for how to get help if you need help they cannot provide.Look up “homeschooling” and your location (city/county/state/country, whatever makes sense for where you live) and you will find local resources.

I want to be home schooled but my parents wont let me?

Okay girls...
I am a parent of an 8th grader. My daughter too made straight A's all up until middle school (6th) and now, well, I've shed many tears realizing she was not going to pass the 8th grade. She is still so smart but just can't focus from the drama and social scene. Then it turned into violence. So... for safety AND education - I mean education - not sliding by in school, but actually learning - I have withdrawn her from school and we've just begun homeschooling. (She too wanted this but not until this year...?)

So maybe you could explain this to your mother: My daughter is now working harder than ever before and she is at home away from all the drama; now she can concentrate. Because realistically, us parents are suppose to be sending our kids to school for education, not social interaction. If you're not passing your classes, then you really aren't getting an education are you? Glad you have a great social life. Unfortunately, that social life will not build a future for you of any kind whatsoever.

And for your mom: of course I'm scared out of my mind that I will screw this up; but then again, I also realize that if I never let go of my idea of how important education is, then I will not let up any either on her education. After all, let's be real; it is our responsibility to teach our children what they need to know to succeed in life.

How do I convince my parents to let me be homeschooled?

My mom always uses the excuse "What about your friends?" ! I love my friends at school, but they all live close by so hanging out with them isn't a problem if I'm homeschooled. I want to focus on dance and circus training/contortion, but my parents think school comes before anything else, so it is impossible to convince them. I even wrote an essay to them. I am in accelerated classes (highest level) so I think they are worried I won't get enough academics. But my dad stays at home so even he could teach me, or I could go to a partial week school where you only go a few days a week. I want to focus on my long term goals, but my parents can't see that and won't homeschool me.

Do you ever let your kids stay at home from school every now and then?

I did this regularly through the school years.One time in 8th grade our son had some buddies over. The discussion was how to fake being sick to convince your parents to let you stay home from school. When they asked our son what he did, he answered truthfully: I just let him stay home.My view, of which I convinced my wife, was that going to school is work both there and with homework. As our son did very well in school, we would let him take off a day or two every quarter.Our son would look at he days where there was little work and let us know in advance.In high school, there WERE a few times where he was not as prepared as he needed to be and he would ask me to sign him out early. I did this readily. He would explain the reason to us and follow through on the commitment.I made the right call as our son was a valedictorian of his graduating HS class. And there is my credential above.Note: Our son has always been motivated and self-directed. Because of this, it worked for us, but YMMV.

How to get your parents to let you stay home from school?

Alright, if you are somewhat serious about wanting to stay home, wake up in the middle of the night tonight and after flushing the toilet go into your parents bedroom with your best "sick" face on and say you had awful diarrhea while gripping your stomach. This generally got me to stay home back in high school/middle/elementary.

If you are REALLY serious and 100% want to not go to school, here's a surefire way of doing it, but you have to fully commit: Sneakily go into your fridge and find some colorful foods/leftovers. Take it into the bathroom and put a good amount into your mouth and chew chew chew, no matter how bad it tastes. Refill your mouth if you turn the food into a small pile of mush, and repeat until you have collected a solid amount of chewed up food in your mouth. Hide the leftovers somewhere in the bathroom or nearby location you can easily get back to later. Now's the most important part: Slowly walk into a room where your parents are sitting/sleeping, and moan, then project all that food over the floor in front of you. Once the food left, continue to "gag" and spit on the pile, while holding your stomach. Surely they will get up and hurry to clean it up, and you just have to put all the food back where you found it, and deny any food coming your way the rest of the night/morning. Surely, you will stay home from school.