How Can I Get Skinny Thighs Fast

How to get skinny thighs?

Believe it or not dancing, running, jogging, or any other exercise that means "leg-work" will not do you too much good. The key to losing weight in any area of your body is burning more calories than you consume and the average person's calorie diet is 1500 - 2000 So let's say you jog for 2 hours, you burn about 700 calories. That's only about 35% of the calories you consume. To burn off all those calories you're going to need to jog well over 2 hours, at least 6 hours a day. There must be a more simpler way to lose weight. There is! And this magical weight loss trick is very simple. Weight lifting. I know that guys are all into getting "ripped" more than girls, but not all weight lifting techniques will make you "ripped", just skinnier and sexier. Doing just 15 reps a day with small weights for an amazing half hour a day for about 1 - 2 months will make you show significant changes. You know that fatigue or tired feeling in your arms after you lift of push something heavy. That's the build up of lactic acid and it's a good thing. So you might be wondering, How does this work? or How can just spending half hour a day do me any good? Well when your arms feel tired, that means a lot of lactic acid is building up inside your arms and your body is repairing your muscles. The repairing of muscles takes a lot of work and calories. So even a whole day after you did these 15 reps, your body is still repairing your muscles and burning calories. Just from one workout, you can burn 5000 calories! So you don't have to keep watching what you eat and do agonizingly long workouts to lose so little weight.

I hope this helps you

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How can i get skinny legs(thighs)???!?

i know a great book with exersies

8 minutes in the moring to thin thighs

How can I get thinner thighs fast?

1. Leg Exercises- If you're on a mission to get thinner thighs it can take a little time, so settle down and do it the right way. After all, it may have taken years for those thighs to get that way, so it takes time to get rid of them.As you know spot reduction is a myth! You can't do it, so don't try, it's not a waste of time, but just exercising your legs won't make thighs thinner. You have to lose overall body fat then the thigh fat will start to come off.2. Flabby thighs- You can safely lose two pounds a week just by eating 1200 to 1500 a day, no less than 1200. It's not as hard as it sounds, usually if you reduce portions and not eat seconds as well as drink water with meals it will work like magic.That is, considering that you are doing at least moderate exercise. After all, what a pity to lose fat thighs just to have them look flabby! This is what happens to those who lose weight without exercise. Did you know that flabby thighs can look as bad as fat ones? It's true I've seen them many times at the beach.3. Billy Blanks- If you're going to get thinner thighs then why not have good muscle tone, so that you can show them off. A combination of cardio and weight training would give you the best results; however, a Billy Blanks video can do a pretty good job too.As long as you exercise 3-5 days a week on a consistent basis and lower calories, as instructed above, your fat thighs will be a thing of the past. No rush, no panic just steadily day by day making healthy choices. Don't fall for scams that promise the moon and end up worse off than when you started.4. Thinner thighs- It's also a good idea to keep a journal and chart progress this way you know exactly what you did and how many calories you ate. Plus when you document everything it keeps you accountable and on track.The really great part is that it's such a simple weight loss plan that anyone can do it. And here's an added bonus! You can go shopping for a new bikini to show off your newly toned thinner thighs.

How can i get skinny thighs fast?

Do the exercises below 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
And walk at least 30 min, 3 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday),0...

I've been going by this exercise routine for about 2 months now and I have seen a great difference in my legs. Hope this helps you see results too!

How to get super skinny thighs asap?!?

so i am 17, i am 5'5 and weigh around 122 pounds. the top half of my body is fine and thin but the bottom half is not as thin as i want it to be. my thighs are muscly and big. i can almost squeeze into size 8 uk skinny jeans but used to fit perfectly, now i have to wear size ten and i hate it. i really want to get into size 6 jeans or at least a small 8. i jog from time to time but not alot. i really do not want to gain more muscle and make my thighs even bigger, i want thighs like these girls:


i want legs like these in at most a month, please help if you can !!
thanks, asap xxx

p.s please dont tell me i have a problem with how i see myself cuz i know i probs do, so if you are not going to give me anytips on how to get skinny them just leave it! thanks!

How to make my skinny thighs thicker ?

Here are three exercise-video-clips you are looking for.
The first one demonstrates the squat, lunge and step-up.

(You can add a 4th exercise to the circuit --- the diagonal lunge).
(Do the exercises above twice a week).

Twice a week also (but not when you do the exercises above), you can do this third video. The exercise is based on a martial-arts position (of horse stance). All you'd need will be the first 2 min 22 seconds of this video (which is similar to "hands waving at clouds" of taichi Beijing form):
If you go to the gym, look for the hip adduction machine:

How to get skinny legs fast!?

im going to school soon!
and i really want to wear those skinny jeans!
so... i also dont want people like oh my goodness thats bad for you,
maybe give me an anwser that like can gve me skinny legs in a week 5 days or so??? please!!!!!!!! help me thankyou!

10 points.! How can i get skinny legs and thighs really fast?

Well I'll bet you burned a lot of calories posting this question three time within 4 seconds.

But seriously, jogging and running are ideal, beacause you can always keep your own pace. You don't need a treadmill, but if you are really commited to it and it snows where you are I suppose it would be a good idea.

I suppose it wouldn't be "Skinny legs and Thigs Really Fast" but it would create an improvement. And of course walking won't do anything. Walking will never do anything, it's just walking.
And running or jogging wouldn't do anything either unless you really commit to it.