How Can I Get Yahoo To Stop Urging Me To Put A Theme On My Inbox

What's the most professional email address when [ ] is already taken?

The most professional email you can get with Gmail is to get a Google Apps for Work account and use your own domain name.  I've done this with all my businesses.Example:My name is Cameron Crest.  My main company is Crest Web Services.My domain is http://CrestWS.comMy google apps email address is cameron@crestws.comMore about Google Apps email: Google Apps for Work – Email, Collaboration Tools And More

Why is Outlook poorly designed?

This is a light switch.You press the part which sticks out, and the light comes on. The bottom of the switch now sticks out - and you can press that to turn the light off.Light switches are the epitome of good design. Light switches haven't changed for decades. This design works because the relationship between its appearance and its function is next to perfect. An ape can operate it.This is part of the control panel to a nuclear power station. Don't let apes anywhere near it.There is nothing wrong with the design of this control panel (I assume not because most of us are alive).It is simply that:A nuclear power station is complex; andthe relationship between this panel’s appearance and the function of the station is a million times more complex than for a light bulbIt takes training and knowledge of the power station’s function to operate it at all, let alone with safety.This is the control system for a car.Like the household switch, the design has not changed much for decades. It’s a good design. You turn the wheel into the direction you want to go. The more you turn the wheel, the tighter the turn. There is a relationship between the steering wheel and the turn of the vehicle.That doesn't mean it's easy to use. It takes some practice and experience to drive well - to learn the relationship between the design and the function.Microsoft Outlook is not easy to use out of the box, no. It takes a bit of learning and practice. Some people claim “good design is like a good joke - you don't need to explain it” - but I don't buy this. I think “good design is like an old joke which still makes you laugh”. Good design still has to make you laugh, but it doesn’t have to make you laugh right away.A good design should give you the quickest route to exploiting the functionality of the tool. The relationship between the appearance and the functions should be clear - once you know the functions of the tool. But you still have to learn what the functions of the tool are.Outlook does that. It is packed with features and functions, but once you become familiar with them, Outlook’s design makes it easy to perform the activities required. It is also a design which has not changed much for decades - and that helps.To anyone who has ever used an email program before, Outlook is well designed.Flawless? Of course not - but Outlook is a design used by millions of people.

How do I get started using Quora?

1. Quora works by having the community ask and answer questions. When you want to know more about something, Quora delivers you answers and content from people who know the answer - like real doctors, economists, screenwriters, police officers, and military veterans.Ask questions when you have them. Here is more info on how to get your questions answered: What are some good ways to get people to answer my questions on Quora?Answer questions when you can!2. Use your feed and tell Quora what you're interested in reading.Your feed is filled with stories that interest you. You can view your feed by going to the home page.Build a good feed by following topics and people, and taking actions in feed that tell Quora what you like. For more on this, see: How do I personalize my Quora feed?Topics: When you follow a topic, questions and answers tagged with that topic will appear in your feedPeople. When you follow people, you will see questions and answers posted by these people in your feed.The easiest first step: start by following some topics that you care about and some people who write about them.You can also read some interesting questions and popular answers to get a feel for the site.3. Upvote answers that you think are helpful.When you see a good answer on Quora, upvote it.Your votes help people see good answers and make Quora better.You can learn more here:What are some frequently asked questions for new Quora users?What does a good question on Quora look like?What does a good answer on Quora look like? What does it mean to "be helpful"?

Have you played the Blue Whale challenge?

No-one has actually played it, because it is a hoax, not a real game!The Blue Whale game is named after the phenomenon of blue whales supposedly deliberately beaching themselves and is an alleged online / app-based ‘game’ in which, after being given daily tasks of mounting danger levels, culminates in the player (usually cited as a teenager) being forced to kill themselves after 50 days of play.A quick search will reveal supposed victims – happy, pretty teenagers from middle class families in Russia who killed themselves in order to complete the game. It has even been reported in mainstream national tabloid newspapers in various countries such as UK, mostly in Europe.However, a deeper dig reveals that the ‘game’ doesn’t really exist outside of the news stories about it. There has never been any verified proof on such an app being available, nor of news stories pertaining to the death of the teenagers in question.It appears that the real reason behind the viral news hoax was to highlight the need for parents to monitor what their children are doing online and to be vigilant against threats to their safety. Would-be games such as these would prey on vulnerable & impressionable kids.The truth, or what we know about those behind the game/ hoax, is quite murky and there isn’t a clear-cut answer out there.This Snopes article contains the fullest information I have seen on the net about this rumored game. truth is rarely plain and never simple!There is little real evidence of the Blue Whale game existing outside of what was reported in news stories. A quick search of the app stores reveals that. Of course, people are band-wagonning on the hype and creating their own apps and sites that they all claim are the ‘real’ Blue Whale.