How Can I Heal My Sprained Ankle

How do you heal a sprained ankle?

Ice won't help you after the initial 24 hours. Try filling two buckets with water. One bucket should be filled with ice water and the other should be filled with warm/hot water. Alternate your foot every five minutes for 20 minutes ending in the warm water. You should also stretch your ankle if it is possible. Face a wall and press your hands against it in a sort of standing push up position. Put your sprained foot back as far as possible and try to flatten your foot against the ground. Stretch your ankle twice daily and do the cold/hot treatment once a day. Don't run on your ankle. The best exercise that I found was swimming. Don't do the breaststroke though, the movement might hurt your injured ankle.

How do I heal a sprained ankle? Fast :)?

Last wednesday at my aerobics competition I tripped and sprained my ankle really badly but I performed anyway and then iced it for the next 24 hours. It was unbearably sore for 2 days but I could walk with shoes on. I kind of tried to forget about it and if it hurt I would just ignore it. On Monday I went to training and it was hurting a lot, it is really swollen now and hurts so badly. I have nationals (competition) on saturday and I have to go it is so important to me and I don't want to let my best friend down because she is my partner. Is there a quick way to make it better? or is there maybe a way to numb the pain for a while? I have no idea what to do
Thanks in advance :)

How can i heal my sprained ankle quick?

okay so i was skating and i twisted my ankle pretty bad. it hurt alot for like the first 5 minutes but after that i was able to ollie without feeling pain. i thought it went away so i did a kickflip and it hurt again.

that was 3 weeks ago and during those 3 weeks ive only been able to skate rails or go switch, so is there any way to help it heal faster? cause its starting to get annoying

How do I heal my sprained ankle?

Here's the story. Today is Dec 29th 2010 and I sprained my right ankle on Nov 17th 2010. I really should have gone in to get it checked out but I didn't. I was playing indoor soccer and I rolled it. I was in some pretty intense pain and literally couldn't move for about 5 minutes. Stupid me, I waited about 10 more minutes and started to feel decent again and joined in during the second half. I rolled it again and it popped really loud. After that I was done and it began to swell into an orange. For a few days I couldn't walk. I used a cane, but I really needed crutches. My foot was black and blue all over. The entire right side of my right foot was black and blue. It was black and blue up to my toes. The black and blue continued up above my ankle as well. It wrapped around my heal to the left side of my foot also. This eventually disappeared after about a week and a half.

I've been wearing two braces when I do anything out of the ordinary. I can walk fine now, but my foot is fragile. I have a brace that has laces I tie up my leg and a skin tight stretchy brace. I wore both for an indoor soccer game about a week ago, but I couldn't really do much as I couldn't apply pressure nor kick the ball. Right now when I jump it's still pretty painful. With both braces as tight as they get I can kick the ball now, but not very hard. My ankle is still swollen a lot larger than my left ankle.

I'm planning to go snowboarding with my in-laws on both Friday and Saturday. I attempted snowboarding about two weeks ago and only managed a couple runs. What can I do to get my ankle to heal. I would of thought by now it would have healed. At least the swelling should of gone down right? (It's less than the first week, but it's been about the same sense) I'm male and 21. I'd really appreciated any advice I can get. Is it still necessary I run in and get it checked or am I good now? I really feel the pain when I push down on my heal. Thanks


How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal?

The truth is it depends on what you do to heal it? If you just use rest and ice and wait for it to heal itself, it could take a very long time. The average healing time using rest and ice is about 4 - 8 weeks for the most minor of sprains. However, up to 30% of people who use rest and ice still have pain 1 year later.The problem is that the ankle will still be weak and unstable after it "heals". I put that in quotes, because even though you can get back to normal activities, your ankle won't really be healed up. It will still be tender and at a high risk for another sprain. That's why so many people keep re-injuring the same ankle time and time again. It's weak, unstable and has a poor range of motion. Not only does this negatively affect the ankle, but also the areas above it (the knees, hips and low back).I have found that in order to heal a sprained ankle quickly and fully, you need to do a good rehab or healing program for the ankle. Then, it usually takes about 3 - 7 days (for grade 1-2 sprains... for grade 3 sprains- the most serious kind, it takes about 1-3 weeks vs. 2-6 months or longer with rest and ice). In order to do a good ankle rehab program, you can either go see a Physical Therapist or try a good at home ankle rehab program (I recommend the H.E.M. Ankle Rehab System), which is designed to help you heal a sprained ankle fast (about a week for most sprains) and protect you from future sprains without the need for ankle braces, wraps, and tape. It is simple to follow 3 step system backed by the latest scientific studies and does not require any equipment.If you do a good ankle rehab program, your ankle will heal fully and that means pain-free, strong, stable ankles that improve overall movement and reduce the risk of future injury.Thanks!

How long does a sprained ankle take to heal?

well that would depend on how severly your ankle is sprained it could take anywhere from a few day to a couple of months to fully heal... as for your second question you will be able to begin exercising again as soon as you are able to bearweight on your ankle with out pain.... in the future you may want to wear an ankle brace that you can get from any drug store while workingout or playing sports to help prevent future injuries

How long will my sprained ankle take to heal?

There's many factors that come into play that determine the time it takes to heal. What grade level of sprain the doctor rate it as? I, II, or III (I = mild, III = worst) Have you sprained your ankle before? Your age? How physical are you?

For most people who sprained their ankles for the first time, it takes about 2 weeks to heal. For severe, it takes far longer. To heal it faster, if it's a mild or moderate, a chiropractor who's trained to correct ankles can cut your healing time by 50%. After 1 week, either the chiropractor or a physical therapist can show you how to rehabilitate the ankle to further accelerate the healing time.

How long does it take to heal a sprained ankle? How can you heal it faster?

Depend on severity of sprain and age and fitness level. Usual advice is rest, ice , compression, elevation - RICE. Modern rehab uses heat, massage, injections of medications, PRP - placel injections, etc.if you are a professional athlete, the answer is usually a much shorter time frame than the average helps to access the latest therapies and medicines. If you live in a third world country, it will take a lot longer.

How to help a sprained ankle heal faster?

A sprained Akle Will take atleast 3 Weeks Depending on how badly. I was playing Dogdeball and SParined mine 2 weeks ago =/ not the Best way to go down. haha =]. But Im in Basketball and Ive been ou for 2 weeks. Its not fun at all. we just barely have enough to play. Torniments are in a week or to so i intend toplay better or not.! =] But I just started walking on it last week. Ive tried Running and Its still hard to without my anke Hurt so dont Push ur self. Do R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) it should be better soon! Get cruches if need and Feel better Hun! I wanna Play again to!

How can you heal a sprained ankle really fast?

You should visit a podiatrist first to get a professional opinion on your condition and to find out the best method of treating your sprained ankle.Ankle sprains happen when you roll or twist your ankle in an abnormal manner, causing damage to the ligaments supporting the ankle bones.As a result, you feel pain and discomfort in the region and in some cases, you may even notice swelling in your ankle.Firstly, it would be a good idea to lay off any activities that could potentially cause more damage to the injured ligament; this will give enough time for the ligament to heal and recover.For the swelling, application of an ice pack 10–15 minutes every hour should help in reducing it.People with a flatfoot condition tend to be more vulnerable to ankle sprains as the feet lack a sufficient mid-curve and move beyond their normal range of motion.If you’ve been spraining your ankle frequently, then it would be highly recommended that you get a detailed assessment of your feet performed by a specialist to identify a flatfoot condition.Once confirmed, you could choose to try a pair of MASS4D® customised orthotics which provide the greatest supportive force to the feet in order to stabilise the arch and to normalise the functioning of the foot and ankle complex.Read more about how MASS4D® foot orthotics can help prevent ankle sprains.