How Can I Help My 4yr Old Border Collie Not Be Affraid Of Traffic

Why is my dog afraid of the toaster?

Because its not "socialized" to the toaster...

Place the toaster in the same room with the dog and let the dog face his fears, only then will the dog learn that the toaster is not their to harm him.

My German Shepherd ran away. Will he come back?

During a thunderstorm last night, our german shepherd bolted out of the house, being scared of thunderstorms. We arrived home around 2 hours after the storm, he was gone.

This has happened before, the next day he arrives home during daylight. But this time is different. This time there was daylight lasting atleast 2 hours after he left the house.

What should I do to retrieve my beloved dog?

I hit my dog whenever he wouldn't listen?

So me and my boyfriend just adopted a now 7 month year old puppy about a month ago. He was very sweet, and playful when we first meant him. He's a Labrador Retriever mixed with Border Collie. Well when we first got him he was very scared "In his paper work it said scared" he seems to be use to us now

He doesn't listen alot tho. I don't think he's even gone 5 days without being good. Every few days he'll do something wrong. I bought a dog training book, but anything I try with him my boyfriend tells me "No that won't work, hitting him will" Which I can see why my bf said to hit him, cause he does seem to listen better.. My boyfriend's parents, my dad, and sister, and a few of our friends all beat their dogs until they listen so I thought it was the right thing to do..

I never owned a dog, much less a puppy in my life! I didn't know! And now I feel bad. My dog got scared and tried to defend himself out of fear, my bf took it the wrong way as he was trying to attack me when he wasn't.. I do feel bad and no longer want to hit him. Even tho every single person tells me to hit him i'm no longer doing so..

My question is what way can I train him when he's bad so he knows not to do it? He understands no pretty well but sometimes won't listen at all unless you hit him... But ik there is a better way to train him.. Please help, and no rude comments, we both didn't know hitting a dog was wrong.

Ok so I have a Border collie/chihuahua mix. I know it sounds weird but?

he is adorable. To my question, he is about three months old. I have had him for four weeks. I started kenneling him as soon a i brought him home. I get up play take him for a walk in the morning and when I get home which is about 5 hours later! Then he is out playing! he just seems so hyper I cant get him tired. I have 2 rat terriers and i don;t remember them being like this! Does anybody know what else i can do?

Should I release my hamster to nature? My hamster is trying to "break jail" every night. I wonder if it is eager to be free. Will it be happier living in the wild?

If by "the wild" you mean inside your home, then by all means go ahead.He will love living under your fridge. Ours did, when he escaped. Make sure and leave out some food and water and he'll be happy as a clam. Oh, but he'll need a mate. The two of them will be happy under your fridge or they may decide to move into larger quarters behind the dishwasher when the kids arrive. They'll die eventually, probably from chewing on power cords or falling into the toilet. I don't know how ours did it, but he somehow found a way. (We found him before it was Too Late.) Some of their offspring should survive though, and continue to entertain you by climbing into your sock drawer and chewing up your socks to make a nest.In the outdoors, they will soon get cold and wet, and they won't know how to find food or evade predators, so that is not safe for them. They won't be happy at all.I think what your hamster really wants is some exercise. First, he needs a running wheel in his cage. This is an absolute necessity. Hamsters love to run and explore, that's why they love escaping. In measured wheels, they have been recorded traveling as far as four miles in one night! That doesn't mean they want to be fed to the neighborhood cats and owls in the great outdoors.We let ours out for a run every night, indoors of course. We taught them to come when we called. (They were all very tame to handle, so they were not scared of us.) I call a hamster by scratching and making scuttling sounds with my fingers on the floor. They are so curious about that noise that they always come to see if it might be another hamster. Then I just scoop them up. Sometimes they would fall asleep in certain favourite places, like my shoe cupboard. We got to know where to look for them. Don't ever feed them outside their cage (except as bait). If they can't find any food during their outings they are usually happy to find a treat back in their cage when they return.For the more skittish ones, another way to catch them is to put a small dark box on the floor. We used a tea cannister. Dark holes are irresistible to hamsters, they just can't help themselves, but must go in and take a look. Worked every time. We had full-sized hamsters, not the mini Russian ones. The mini ones are much harder to tame and catch, but I think the same techniques might work.