How Can I Help My Sister She

How can I help my sister?

Her car broke down and wants me to take her kids to school, which is out of my way 30 miles there and 30 miles back. I tried to help her
by taking them and while they were in school I wanted to help her look for another car, since the one she had broke down and was totaled. She didn't want that help and started playing victim.
So I left and she had her friend pick them up.

Now that friend gets them to school late and she wants me to take them, especially because one has a field trip she says.

I don't trust her at all and she tries to emotionally take advantage of me. She doesn't talk to me about her situation but just wants help, how can I help her if she doesn't listen because I'm younger than her?

Right now I'm ignoring her and she knows it because she used facebook messenger that tells her when I viewed it and she last sent a "?".

It stresses me out.

How can I help my sister ?

My sister is pregnant with twins she's 15 she'll be 16 by the time they're born she's really worried about her boyfriend he's 6 years older than her that's not what bothers her he's my worst enemy I hate him not for this but other stuff he's done to me. I just try to stay away from him she's living with him they want to get married after they're kids are born. She's really afraid right now last week she was watching an episode of 16 And Pregnant there was a girl who also had twins she tried to get married but her mom and her husband didn't get along they had a big argument the mom starting running around having a fit like a kid herself. Also another one where a girl had twins her boyfriend were fighting he kicked her out of the car then drove off with the kids then after she tried to call the police he came back and attacked her. This is why she's getting married and moving in with him she knows me and him don't get along so she and him are moving so we won't have this problem even though he's really nice to her she's still worried. How can I help her feel better ?

How do I tell my sister she has bad breath?

Are you kidding me? She's your sister, this shouldn't be an issue. And if she makes a big deal of nothing then she'd be acting immature. You should be able to tell her if one of her **** is hanging out.

How can I help my lil' sister. She thinks she's hardcore Emo and is "cutting" herself. How do i stop this?

My sister is thirteen years old. I found some pretty disturbing poems and diary entries on her computer about how her life sux, my dad is never here, my mom is a "spaz" and i'm an a$$whole. She thinks she's Emo (the way she dresses, does her hair, the way she does her make-up at times, the way she thinks, things she does and music she listens to)She thinks that the only way is to slit her writs and then everyone will be sorry especailly my dad (she has scrathches on her arm if you can call them that!). Although my dad works from home spoils her rotten and never says that he doesn't have time for her or the rest of us. Yes my mom can freak out sometimes but who's mom doesn't? and brothers and sisters arn't always supposed to get along. I don't know why she is doing this or how to stop it. My dad is a hardworking man who helps everyone especailly his kids and for the first time in my life i saw my dad cry when he saw joie's arm and she seemed almost proud that she made him cry. HELP!

How do I help my sister, she is addicted to her laptop and her phone?

My brother is the same exact way. He spends his life everyday on the computer, Wii, Xbox, and DS. Right when he gets home from school he rushed up to it and does all of those things until 10:00 at night, maybe even later. Same with my brother, he doesn't bathe. He once went 2 weeks without taking a shower. My parents have to remind him 5,000 times to take one.

You should tell your parents about this. What I try and do is to get my brother to go outside and do something, or to play a board game, just to get his mind off of his video games. It usually doesn't work, but you can try and give it a shot. Maybe your sister is bored and has nobody to ever do anything with, so offer to go outside and play catch or something. If your parents don't seem to want to help, tell close family members about her addiction. They can talk to your parents about it and try to come up with a solution. If that doesn't work try talking to a guidance counselor at school about it, and they can talk with your sister.

This can turn your sister into a violent person, depending on how long she is on those things and what she is looking up on there. It turned my brother extremely violent and it seems like their is no way to stop it, except boot camp. Doesn't mean your sister needs to go there, but she might need to soon if her behavior starts to worsen.

How can I help my sister to improve her grades?

Your sister needs to sit down with an adult educator (a professional tutor, a teacher, a learning specialist, etc.) and have them see how she organizes her thoughts, learns, and prepares for an exam and then show her how she in particular can do it better, i.e. targeted advice. She also should be evaluated (free in the US through public schools) for a learning disability. I am not saying she has one, but it is worth looking into since she is motivated. The fact that her desire is high, but that written directions and on how to improve hasn't helped her makes me think this is a possibility. A learning disability is identified when there is a disparity between a student's intelligence and outcomes if the effort is put in. Find someone excellent and pay the money for this evaluation if it isn't available through the public school. It is critically important for your sister to feel successful (and be successful).