How Can I Improve My Riding Video

How do you improve your horse riding without a horse? I would like to still grow in my riding. But have no access to horses

Like others have said reading books on riding, horse care, training, horse biomechanics, etc.. can help you bring a better sense of what to do and why once you do have more access to a horse. There are rider fitness books and dvds that are aimed to train muscles needed or flexibility for riding in addition to improving specific movements to improve your riding. Some simulate riding motions on a large balance ball or device like the Balimo or Humantool are supposed to help train seat and simulate movements in saddle. Any balance and flexibility or core strengthening are helpful exercises. Yoga, stretching. Many riders like Pilates and there are Pilates routines specifically put together for equestrians. A Bosu or balance board can be helpful to fine tune balance. I also think any work you can do to have inner calmness and be emotionally grounded will be very helpful in working with and riding horses. Meditation, guided visualizations, breathing exercises, etc…But don’t be dismayed if when you do actually get on the horse it doesn’t feel like your body is entirely under control. It takes some time and there is no complete substitute for actual time in the saddle but I do believe you will progress faster with this prep work and be a better rider with these complementary approaches.I am not sure about your exact situation but you don’t have to have a horse necessarily to ride. If there is a riding facility anywhere within reach you could contact them about lessons on one of the horses they have there. Even if you took a bus or something once a month you could make some progress and satisfy your desire to ride and be with horses a bit.

Exercises for improved horseback riding?

I have shin splints, bad knees, and I pull muscles pretty easily..

With this in mind, what are some good strengthening exercises to do while I am out of the saddle? Squats hurt my knees to the point of collapsing, and I pull muscles in my calves fairly easily.

What are some really great stretches and exercises that I can do in order to be stronger, more stable, maintain a great posture (over fences and on the flat), and to have better balance on the horse? My horse isn't a good horse to learn bareback on, and there aren't many horses that can be an option at my barn. How about some out-of saddle exercises I can do?

What is the most inspirational horse riding video on YouTube you have watched?

Great video to watch if you're frustrated with a misbehaving horse. Or just to be amazed at how well this girl can stay on a bucking horse and think fast under pressure.

What are the best exercises to improve my horse riding skills?

The best way to improve your riding skills is to focus on one body part at a time. The rider's body is divided into 4 parts:The seat, the leg, the upper body and the hands. Only when all those parts are correctly positioned and can work independently can you start using them together. I have found that focusing on one thing at a time leads to quicker muscle memory,which is essential to progress. For the leg there are several exercises. Sit ups (leaning forward and backward) while concentrating on keeping the lower leg in position, standing in the stirrups while relaxing the leg and allowing your weight to sink into your heels, toe touches,posting slowly at the walk concentrating on relaxing weight into your heels (much more difficult than it sounds). For developing the seat I like a slightly slumped position in the beginning, focusing on relaxing through the hips and finding the lateral movement in the horse's back, first at the walk and then into a slow trot, stronger trot and then canter. Once the movement can be followed it's easy to straighten up posture. Upper body control can be improved by arm circles and riding with alternate hands behind the back. Upper body improvement will naturally developed as leg and seat improve. Hands are tricky and usually separated good riders from great ones. They need to follow the motion of the horse's head at the walk and canter and remain steady at the trot, where the head does not move. Hand and arm control is impossible until the leg and seat are in correct position. Once you can sit the trot comfortably, start placing your hands on your head, your hips, your thighs. Hold them in front of you and concentrate on them not moving. To learn how to follow the head movement stand in your stirrups and place your hands on the horse's crest with enough pressure to keep them there while the horse is walking. Allow your elbows to open and close to stay in contact with the neck. Eventually this can be done at the canter. All of these exercises should be done on a patient, schooled horse that will not overreact when you make a mistake, because that's how you learn. Just try not to make the same mistake too many times. Have fun honing your skills.

What should I do if I want to improve my biking skills (MTB) to an advanced level while living in a very flat area? My friends aren’t willing to help me progress if I have a video idea or want to go and ride on the street.

Your skills are one thing so just do your best to find challenging single track conditions and learn how to go FAST. Since there are no hills, then the best way to improve your physical condition is use rollers. Once you learn how to balance and ride on rollers you’ll soon be beating just about anyone who “used to” pull away from you. What rollers do is conditions your blood to pick up oxygen just when you are at the edge of giving up, and instead gives you that energy to keep up, and or pass those who are trying to drop you.Incredibly, you can easily over train on rollers and you should never do any strenuous roller routine more then 10 minutes a day, or at least in 12 hours between sessions.Here is the absolute best way to train on rollers, you do 10 minute intervalts.One minute On spinning as fast as you can at over 100 plus rpms and faster!One minute Off, just spinning to rest.Then again One minute Full speed till your heart wants to jump out of your mouth fast, and so on for a total 10 minutes.Start by simply spinning easy for about 3 minutes to warm up, and get your balance going. Then start your 10 min work out, you’ll be drenched in sweat so try to set up your rollers out doors in the shade.Here is the best way to set up your rollers; Do it out side in a perfectly flat surface / if you can not find a perfect flat surface then point the rollers going up as best as you can / purchase two 25 pound bags of potting soil and put them on each side of the rollers to help you get on and off your bike when on the rollers / get a big fan and set it at high fanning you when you do your work out routine / find a big clock with a second hand sweep and place it in front of you so you know exactly when to start and stop / then after you’re done with your 10 minute routine, then gently rinse your bike off with a water-hose, because the sweat will destroy your bike. Wiping down or getting one of those sweat catchers is not good enough, you need to rinse down your bike with water.Try to keep your roller work outs a secret, cause if those you are trying to catch start using rollers, then you’re back to square one. This is how Tinker Juarez went on to become a world champion “on rollers”…GOOD LUCK, Dan

How can I improve my seat in the saddle?

My favorite helpful hint that I shared with my students and used myself involves imagery. We tend to tense our legs and focus too much on where they are. That causes us to ignore the rest of our body, and it's the upper body that's reflected in our legs.Try this:. Imagine a horse with no saddle. Naked horse. Now imagine two feed bags. One bag is full. The other bag is half empty.Are we good so far?Put your imaginary full feed bag across the horse's back, balanced carefully where the saddle would go. Now let the horse walk away. How long did the bag stay put? One step? Two? Maybe three if your horse is a very smooth mover.Now do the same exercise with the half full bag. Make sure the grain is evenly split on both sides of the horse. The mostly empty middle of the bag is where the saddle would be.Now let the horse walk away again. How long did this bag stay? A lot longer, right? Maybe ten steps or even more.Your body is that bag. You weight needs to be down. Put your weight in your hips and legs and be that half empty bag. If your weight is low, sinking into your heels, even on both sides of the horse, your upper body will naturally be upright and balanced. It has no weight in this fantasy, so it floats. Don't focus on it. Let it float there in balance above your center of gravity.When the horse walks off, let your seat bones follow the horse's movement, rocking back and forth like that feed bag. The bag doesn't fight the motion. Nor should you.Now a little more physical effort to help get your muscle memory locked in place.At home, off the horse, find a staircase. Stand on a step. Any step will do. Now drop your heels. Okay? Hold that position gently (don't force, just sink). Rise up and drop again ten times. On the tenth rep, hold the position of your heels and sink your rear as if you were trying to sit on a stool on the level below you.If you tip or lean, you'll fall over, so just let your upper body float (there's a lot of floating in my head) and stay balanced.There you go! Perfect position. Do that whenever the spirit moves you. The more often you practice, the more automatic the position will become.The next time you ride, don't focus on your upper body. Let muscle memory and imagery take over. You can tweak the position later when you need to adjust to other gaits and different horses, but always keep that relaxed, floating feeling in your mind.Happy riding!

Gallop and Ride video game for Wii- how do you jump your horse?

I'm trying to play the game Gallop and Ride ( for the Nintendo Wii, and I'm trying to improve my horse's skill level by jumping obstacles. However, I cannot seem to find out how to jump, even in the booklet or in the on-screen instructions.

Please help quickly, I'm so lost!

What websites provide best snowboarding lessons?

Without a doubt, my favorite is Snowboard Addiction. While it primarily is focused on freestyle... it does have videos on learning to snowboard for never-evers. How to improve your freeriding as an intermediate. How to learn to ride in powder, on bumps. How to carve your snowboard, etc.How to Snowboard - Learn To Ride (Regular) Snowboard Addiction Tutorial Section Improve Your Riding, With Online Video Tutorials And Training Products