How Can I Improve This Piece

How can I improve my piece of writing?

Strong writing skills in English come from practice and determination. No one is born an excellent writer. Learning to be an excellent writer in English takes a lot of time and practice. Anyone can be a good writer if they are determined enough. Everyone has a different reason why they need to improve their writing. Maybe you need to improve your writing for work or for your English class at university. Or maybe you want to start a blog about learning English or you need to respond to emails in English for your business.Below are the Tips to Improve Your English Writing Skills: Keep All of your Writing in One Place: Buy a notebook or journal or start an electronic journal. By keeping your writing all in the same place, you will be able to see how much you are improving and keep it organized.Practice Writing in English Daily: The importance of writing daily is that you start to create a new habit. Writing every day in English will soon become natural and something you look forward to. You will not see a significant improvement if you are not dedicated to becoming a better writer in English.

How would you improve this piece of python code?

If you’re looking for specific issues:You don’t need to check for whether len(self.values) == 3; it will always be 3 items long. If the user passes too few arguments, an error will be implicitly raised.‘self.values’ does not need to be an attribute of ‘self’. You can just write “values = [x, y, z]”, since you never use it again.If the passed parameters are not ints / floats, x, y, and z will not exist as attributes to your Point3D object and future operations on it will raise strange error messages, as it lacks these attributes.More generally, you really shouldn’t be handling error cases with print statements; you should raise an error. Check this out:class Point3D(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
if not all(isinstance(i, (int, float)) for i in [x, y, z]):
raise TypeError("Must pass int or float for x, y, z")

vector = Point3D(1, 2, 3)
You can tailor the string in TypeError to suit your needs, eg. stating which parameter was screwy.This way, code using Point3D can handle the error using try-except rather than the code quietly continuing in the face of incorrectly typed arguments.Even more generally, truly ‘pythonic’ programming, as it its called, uses ‘duck typing’, which basically means you don’t do these type checks; if the type of the arguments can do everything that they are asked to, eg. being incremented, squared, added together, etc., then the program should just let it be. This style of programming means people can pass inputs with custom types to your class and as long as these types can do what is required of them, the program shouldn’t complain.Read more about it here: Duck typingBasically, you should either not bother doing any checks whatsoever and let the error ‘bubble up’ to the caller, putting the responsibility of dealing with it on them, or put try-except wrappers around every call to a method you expect your class’s attributes to have.I recommend the former, and just giving descriptive documentation:class Point3D(object):
A point in 3D space.

x (int/float): X coordinate.
y (int/float): Y coordinate.
z (int/float): Z coordinate.

def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z

vector = Point3D(1, 2, 3)
It is perfectly reasonable to expect others to read these docstrings and behave accordingly.

How would you improve this piece of writing?

The man opened a manhole and then proceeded to move down the wet and rusty ladder. Show, not tell. Instead of telling us he went down a wet and rusty ladder, try to describe what it feels like going down a wet and rusty ladder. Perhaps the ladder sways. Perhaps his hand slips off of the wet edge of the ladder and he almost falls. As he moved down, he felt a fog of foul scent enveloping his thin and trembling body. You don't feel a fog of foul scent! You smell it. What does this foul scent smell like? Trembling - from the cold? Or from being scared? He told himself that he had to see this through. Who else would help his poor sister? She had no one than him. I don't like this particular question. It sounds dumb. Why doesn't her parents look for her? Do they not care? Does she have friends? If she has no one other than her brother then write it. Or perhaps you could expand on how he feels. Why are they so bonded? What is pulling him to search for her? There are many other ways to show what this question is asking?Warning: Be careful of redundancy -- unless there is a good reason to be redundant.He relit his inner fire and mustered the courage to go further down.How did he relit his inner flame? Was it from saying she had no one but him? Also, it is implied that his inner flame was lit by continuing anyway. It is senseless to tell the reader he has the courage to continue. If you expand on the previous description then it is implied.Good luck.

What makes a piece of writing good, and how can you improve it?

The information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement."We improve our products, based on feedback , until they're the best."synonyms: response, reaction, comments, criticism, reception, reviews the modification or control of a process or system by its results or effects, e.g., in a biochemical pathway or behavioral response."These internal forcings result from feedback within the climate system."

How can I improve this piece of descriptive writing?

You have some good bits in there. if I were to rewrite it I would write the following:I paused after escaping the surge of spectators. They were squeezed tighter by the rush through the shambolic layout of the narrow streets. It was enough to make anyone claustrophobic. Yet, here I was, watching over the madness as the people scurried about below me...As you can see What I have written is similar in nature to what John has written. Something you need to work out is why the people are rushing as this will change the wording slightly. Is this surge normal in which case the emphasis will be on the chaos. If it is abnormal then the emphasis should be on why the people are rushing. You have a few words which don't fit at all. Commission, for example, is not a word that can be used in this context. when using descriptors check an online (or actual book) dictionary to make sure the meaning fits with what you are saying. Some words have nuances which we can easily forget when writing so you need to double check to make sure it fits in the context that you are writing.

If you were to create a piece of technology to improve your life, what would this be and why?

Selfish answer: Something like an automatic carwash for humans, which quickly performs the functions of taking a shower and also manages to brush and floss my teeth, wash my hair and dry it into something resembling a hairstyle, and bonus points if it could three-D print a cute new outfit onto me every day. Shoe soles would be a challenge, I guess, but someone can figure that out.Dream answer: A way to rescue every lost soul, human or animal, that I see on the internet. One click would send enough money to people in the unfortunate's hometown who are in a position to rescue, pay for any needed health services, and house them until good people create space in their household for the long term. I don't have enough money, but maybe if it were crowdsourced...I have looked people up and sent money out of the blue a few times. There was a family whose dog was shot by the cops and survived but needed vet services...that was back in 2007, when we didn't hear about it as much as we do now.

How do I improve my oboe tone?

Hey everyone! Hopefully this question isn't asked too much, I haven't been around the Music section much!

Ok, so I have been playing Oboe for... 4 1/2 years. I don't take private lessons, and they aren't really an option (they cost $40 a piece, and closest place is 20-40 min away), so although I play in my schools band every other day, I am really quite self taught. The school gave private lessons that I took the first two years I played (5th and 6th grade) every week, but we really weren't focusing on tone then...

Anyway, now, I am using a medium reed. I am first chair (out of two oboes, a lot, I know) and have been since we first started chairs three years ago. My teacher (who knows really nothing about the oboe) says that she thinks I'll be in the Honors Band next year (you are invited in and must try out), which I really want to be in, but really can't offer me much advice. Me and the other oboe are really completely ignored. We have NEVER been given ANY advice on how to play with a better tone, and although I can say that I have done a pretty good job at teaching myself how to give a correct tone, I have a few questions.
1) Sometimes, when I play for a long time, I get cuts on the inside of my lips from biting down on them. Is this normal? How do I prevent it?
2) How can I improve tone? I have heard about pretending you are whistling, and that's kind of what I taught myself to do...
3) What are the best reeds that you know of?
4) Any exercises/difficult notes I should work on in particular? What notes are the easiest to play with a good tone?

Thanks! Any other advice is greatly appreciated!

How do I improve sight-reading on piano? Do I have to read a piece just once and then go on to the next piece, or should I read it a few times before moving on to the next one?

The best way to improve your sight-reading is to invest in sight-reading material only. Don’t start with literature until you have mastered a series of sight-reading material. Start with early-elementary level and move your way up to the early-advanced levels.Once you’ve done this, then graduate to sight-reading piano literature.Two great sight-reading series I recommend are the following:Jane Bastien A Line A Day Sight-Reading Levels 1–4Paul Harris Improve Your Sight-Reading Series Levels 1–10Good luck!Christian Martin

How do I work to improve a spoke piece in order to convey my ideas?

Stories make presentations meaningful and memorable … The main suggestion I will share is to include stories. Stories excel at engaging your audience and give them elements with which they can relate.A great book on this topic is “Lead with a Story” by Paul Smith. Paul also has a series of podcasts on this same topic, Paul includes stories you can use as well as providing guidance on how to craft your own.So one aspect you can work on and build on is to collect stories. Using a tool such as OneNote or Evernote can allow for cataloguing, tagging and retrieving these stories.Becoming a storyteller and working on this craft will provide you many benefits among which, I trust, will be impactful ways for conveying your ideas.

How do I improve my ability at playing fast piano pieces? For example I'm learning L'Orage for my grade 5.

The secret to playing fast is practicing slowly. Essentially, there are two ways to playing faster:Strain yourself, and in a kind of ham-fisted way just force yourself to do it faster and hope for the best.Refine your technique, so that every movement is as efficient as possible. The only way to do this is to address the minute aspects of your technique in slow practice. As you gradually find more efficient ways of playing, you will be able to save both time and energy as you play.Also, remember that your fingers will “remember” mistakes as if they were correct, so you will save yourself a lot of trouble if you start off slowly without mistakes compared to diving in and letting mistakes happen.