How Can I Keep A Hedgehog Safe From A Cat

Can you feed a hedgehog this?

you can but don't use it as its primary food. you will have tooth decay and mouth problems. they need to eat a dry cat food (or hedgehog food) that is high in protein and low in fat. they also should have an extra source of protein such as meal worms or crickets.

Is it humane to keep a pet hedgehog?

This is Noodles, rockin' the post-bath look.Noodles enjoys cuddling, pooping on the humans she's cuddling, running in her wheel, pooping while running in the wheel, swimming in the sink, pooping while swimming in the sink, freaking the cat out, pooping in the corner of her cage the cat likes to sleep in (See? Cat deserves it.), sleeping in a pile of fleece on top of a heating pad, pooping anywhere other than her fleece pile… and the fact that she has the kids trained to find bugs for her to pretend she doesn't want, then snatch up and devour.Because who would want to do all that work themselves, right?Also, they poop. All the freaking time. The only inhumane part of this is how much poop there is to clean out of that wheel every morning. Thankfully she has me for that little job.This critter has it made.

How do I feed a pet hedgehog?

Many breeders agree that a high quality cat food should be given as the hedgehog’s primary diet.The cat food you give should be high in protein and low in fat. It should also contain fiber.You can choose between dried or tinned cat food, but never give your hedgehog fish-flavored food. Fish can give your hedgehog an upset stomach.Most commercial hedgehog foods don’t meet hedgehog nutrition requirements. However, there are a few that do.You can also give your hedgehog some fruits (remove the seeds) and vegetables (boiled or steamed) as treats.You can give your hedgehogapplesbananasmelonscarrotsleafy greensstrawberriesto mention a few. There are some fruits and vegetables that are bad for hedgehogs like onions, garlic, and grapes.You can find a full list of safe foods here and safe treats here.

Can i keep a hedgehog in a closed room?

I am thinking of getting a hedgehog, but i also have three cats; i'm only really worried about one that might try to hurt him but if i got one his cage would be in my room so i could have the door closed. I am still in high school so the door would be closed most of the day and i just want to make sure that is ok for the hedgehog. I have heard and read that some small animals need a good air current in the room and i live in Tx, so in the summers it can get really stuffy and warm in my room, not all the time but a few.
So if this isn't a good idea please let me know so i can think of an other way to keep my cat away; if anyone knows first hand what to do please tell, i have everything else i need know for caring for them so this is really the only thing that is holding me back.

What are the costs of keeping a hedgehog as a pet?

In the beginning, hedgehogs are expensive. A hedgehog can cost anywhere between $70-$300. You’ll also need a cage (you can make your own, but you’d still need to buy materials), a space heater or ceramic heat emitter, exercise wheel, food and water bowls, bedding, a good-quality cat food, and a carrier to bring it home.The initial cost will be about $94 – $219 .After you have everything set up, the monthly cost of keeping a hedgehog (food, treats, bedding, toys, ..etc.) is about $17 per month.If you want more details, you can see How Much Do Hedgehogs Cost?

Is citric acid safe for hedgehogs?

What cat food has citric acid in it? How much?

Where did you get that you can't give a hedgehog Vitamin C? That's not true. You have to be careful as too much can cause gastric upset, but vets actually recommend Vitamin C. Can you tell me who told you that?

Unfortunately there is a lot of bad information out there on hedgehogs and how to care for them.