How Can I Locate A Cigarette Smuggler For The Book I

What are the TSA’s rules on packing cigarettes in your luggage?

It’s a customer issue not a tsa issue tsa doesn’t care about cigarettes there is no threat inherent in cigarettes of terrorism: customs limits you to two cartons , they rarely check as long as u don’t have a suitcase full you will be fine the best way to go over two cartons is to empty the cartons , most custom officials are not going to take the time to count every pack of cigarettes or check every item of clothes for a pack of cigarettes , if u actually have an amount worth co discarding it will be impossible to hide , even four or five cartons or of the pack in multiple suitcases you could sneak through , custom restraint on cash and tobacco and items is to prevent wholesale smuggling

What is the best way to smuggle politically forbidden books from Hong Kong or Taiwan to China?

Back in 1997, Mao's physician's autobiography was banned. Sitting near Lowu -HK crossing, while eating congee in Shenzhen, this vendor approached me and I bought a copy for 30some RMB.I used to bring in questionable stuff across the border, but since I was in Shanghai, the best method was to arrive at the airport after 21:30 because even if they do scan my stuff coming in-- the working grunts don't care. The point man before 21:30 to collect customs is off.I usually bring a couple of humongous duffle bags of the stuff I can't live without (bad American habit), so I always look suspicious. And have brought maybe 30lbs of questionable material some trips from 1996-2013, only once was the material quarantined for three months until I left in 1999.Again I fly into Shanghai and other than paying custom taxes on a scanner and monitor once they don't care.Another way is to take the train from Hong Kong-- Hung Hom, Kowloon and when leaving to check into customs in Shenzhen, just leave the contraband material in the space above the doors. Even though the guards do come in, they did not check up there. But I haven't taken the train since 1999 either.I would suspect the most unforgiving method is bring the stuff over the border of Lowu. In 2011, I had too much stuff, so when visiting my friend in Shunde, Guangzhou, I brought a huge duffel and fold-up bike onto the hovercraft from Tsimshatsui (HK-China building) to send to my dorm in Beijing.Largely the customs don't care what I would bring in, but are more interested in ways to tax you.But be cautious and reasonable.

What is the fine if you got caught bringing a cigarette into Singapore through the airport?

None of the other answers (so far) are accurate. Others have mentioned, if a single pack is opened and not full (at least one missing) you will be let through, but a full pack or more will see you detained in a back room for a while.if you are caught bringing cigarettes into Singapore you will immediately be issued a $200 fine per pack. In addition the cigarettes will be confiscated and you are then given the option of paying the duty of around $7 per pack. I told hem I wasn't interested and they suggested to me that paying the duty is still cheaper than purchasing a new addition a note is added to your immigration record and you are warned that if caught a second time the fine is $500 per pack. I have no idea what would happen for a third offence but the risk of paying a $500 fine is enough to stop me bringing anything questionable into Singapore.That was a few years ago but I still suggest you don't push your luck

What are some of the biggest or most interesting black markets throughout history?

Chairman Mao badges…In 1966, Chairman Mao Zedong said that the bourgeois had infiltrated the Chinese government and were trying to restore capitalism in China. This started the Cultural Revolution, leading to the purge of many high ranking officials and the persecution of millions of Chinese.In order to avoid suspicion, people began wearing Chairman Mao badges. (There were many variations of the badge, but all depicted Chairman Mao.)Before the Cultural Revolution, few people wore the badges. However, their popularity skyrocketed.Not surprisingly, the demand for Chairman Mao badges exceeded the supply, and a vibrant black market sprang up in China buying and selling the badges.Thus, an attempt to stop capitalism resulted in the creation of capitalism.

Would the world be a better place if everyone was high all the time?

yes and there would be less drug trade because every one would grow it there self

Can the scanner machines in airports detect the currency notes in the checked-in luggage/hand luggage?

I'm a very frequent flier and this has made me an expert at getting through security. Although I dislike the process, I cruise right through because I know what I'm doing and have to do it two to four times a week. I really never got stopped until about a year ago. Suddenly my backpack set off the scanner every time, requiring additional hand checks. I was puzzled, but of course the screeners didn't tell me what was going on. Finally I began to put together the pattern. They weren't looking at my computer compartment, camera and lenses, or electrical cables. Not even my toothpaste and mixed nuts. No, they were satisfied when they spotted my copy of A Game of Thrones!I finally got one TSA checker to spill the beans: The scanners are trained to look for large blocks of organic matter, since that's what explosives (and drugs, though the TSA does not have a drug enforcement role) look like on the screen. That thick, packed wad of paper was setting off the scanner.For this reason, I imagine that the TSA would absolutely detect a large wad of cash in your carry-on and would flag it for hand screening. Then they would likely report you to the police standing by (the TSA have no authority to arrest, only to refer to proper authorities) and you'd face some serious questions about why you were traveling with so much cash. As noted, there are restrictions to the amount of cash you may legally carry abroad, and the police might also see cash as evidence of potential criminality.Plus you could be robbed. All in all, a bad day at the airport.

My mom smokes too much?

My mom smokes WAY too much! 1 packet and a half a day to be precise. I am telling her it is very bad for her and her friends do as well, but she won't listen. I tried taking a packet and throwing it but she just has 5 a with her at all times. I try to tell her to look in the pharmacy for something and she always says tomorrow. Is there any thing I can do to help her stop smoking, or at least reduce to half a packet?!

P.S: My dad does not smoke but he is in another country for 12 days for business so he can't do much :/ (he used to smoke but he got over it)

I think my son is smoking marijuana, do you think he is?

He said to his friend on the phone, when i walked by his bedroom door, do you have any chronic? i googled chronic its actually spelled cronick- when referring to marijuana, and and it is a type of marijuana grown for large quantites and high potency....

I have never smoked marijuana so I don't know what it smells like , but i've never noticed him smelling like anything weird. My wife says we should check to see if his eyes are red...

what should we do ? send him to rehab? call the police? how should i punish him?

is this true is my son smoking marijuana?

should i check his cell phone records and call the police about the chronic marijuana dealer?