How Can I Poop So That I Don

I don't poop regularly?

well this may be your regular. if you dont have hard stools or painful defecation, they its not constipation and does not need to be fixed. its just for you an inconvenience to get rid of so much at a time. everyone has their own pattern, from many times a day to once very few days.
if it is constipation, then try miralax 17g daily, make sure you stay away from constipating foods like too much milk and increase your fiber and water intake.

Why don't owls poop at all?

Owls do, in fact, poop.

The pellets that you find near an owl tree are the fur and bones of their prey. The pellets are regurgitated, but the bits that the birds digestive system liquefies and passes through the intestines come out of the bird's vent as droppings, just like those of other birds.

I would suggest that you avoid "mounting a full-scale assault on every one of those sons of bitches" to avoid bringing upon yourself serious legal problems. Owls are protected by federal law.

Are there animals that don't poop?

Yes. Demodex mites, which are microscopic animals distantly related to spiders, do not poop or excrete any waste. They only live about two weeks. During that time, they store all their wastes inside special large cells inside their elongated abdomens. They don’t actually have an anus or any way for waste to leave their bodies.(Image source: Discover Magazine)

Don't laugh...Why is my poop so big?

Are you pooping every day? If you don't poop every day, then you are collecting too much material for one poop. Try pooping after you eat breakfast every morning.

Is your eating disordered? This could also cause your poop to accumulate until it comes out in one giant poop.

You could be eating a large amount of fiber, which would make your poops big.

Why do geese poop so much?

Really they probably don't poop any more than any other bird. The bigger a bird is the more they poop and geese hang out in big groups so it really make a big mess. A little bird poops every 15 to 20 minutes so geese probably do too. A little bird weight 3 oz. while geese can probably weight up 3 to 5 lb.

I don't eat much but I poop a lot. Could something be wrong with my body?

First of all let me tell you that if the consistency of stools are normal, there is no blood in stool, the frequency of thrice a day has been there for a long time, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. At least you don't have a disease.If this frequency would have been coexistent with pain or weight loss, I may have thought of irritable bowel disease or gluten allergy . If any such issue is there you may consult our specialist doctors for free on docscall app. DocsCall - Doctor Consultation App - Apps on Google PlayDocsCall - Doctor Consultation App - Apps on Google PlayThe answer lies in our diet. In the western world people go once in two days whereas in India we end up going twice a day . This is because of high amount of roughage in our diet. So if you want to decrease the frequency of your stool I would suggest you have slightly less of vegetables and fruits and more of protein. Also taking isabghul at night with warm milk or water will also help in decreasing your frequency.If still you are facing issues with your stool you can consult our specialist doctor for free on docscall.

Should I be worried if I don't poop every day?

Unless this is a recent change, then probably not. “Normal” is regarded as anywhere between three times a day to three times a week. So, if that’s how you’ve always been, then it’s normal for you. If it represents a recent change - perhaps it’s of more concern.

How do DOGS Poop so cleanly? IE: How come they don't get poo all over there butt like me?

I don't understand, my dog can drop a two pound loaf and just two kicks of his feet, and he is done. I drop a load, and I get shiite all over my butthole, and am wiping for like ten minutes. The dogs butthole is clean as a whistle? I'm not suggesting we give my dog the white glove cleanliness test, but when I get done pinching off a deuce, my anus and all affected areas look like a Jackson Pollack painting. How can dogs shiite so efficiently?

Why does my poop not smell?

Maybe you just have excellent pooping technique, poop into a modern toilet water bowl so swiftly it goes under water like a penguin.But more likely your nose has just acclimated so you think theres no smell - go away for five minutes, smell the roses, coffee or anything else really to reset your nose. I'd lay money that when you reenter the bathroom afterwards that the smell becomes noticable.

Is there such a thing that we don't need to poop everyday because we have an efficient digestive body?

No. If you don’t have a bowel movement at least once day on average, it’s because you are not eating enough vegetable matter. You are eating what astronauts call “a low residue diet,” which is fine for a trip to the moon, but not healthy long term.