How Can I Split A Number Into Single Digits

C#: How do you split a number into digits?

You can make it a string and access each character using substring method.

int number = 123;
Substring(1,1); // will print 1

Substring(2,1); // will print 2

Substring(3,1); // will print 3

Substring(1,2); // will print 12

Substring(2,2); // will print 23


Substring(start character, number of characters) /// starts at 0.

Hope this helps.

C: How can I split a number into digits?


using namespace std;

int main()
int Jack = 2220;
string MyString;

ostringstream stm;

stm << Jack;
MyString = stm.str();

int SizeOfStr = MyString.size();

char MyChar[SizeOfStr];

for(int j=0; j {
MyChar[j] = MyString[j];

cout << MyChar;


One thing is there is some 'junk' in the output.
=/ If you need extra help I can expand on the code
to help get rid of the junk in the output.
My email:

- Hex

EDIT:Ok. I don’t remember the details of of C++ but you can follow the algorithm. I’m not sure if this is right.suppose x is the number you want to split.
for(i=1;i<=x-2;i=i+2) { //search all odd numbers up to x-2
if(i%2==1){ //find out if the first one is odd
for(j=1;j<=(x-i);j=j+2) { //search for another one in the rest
if(j%2==1 & (x-i-j)%2==1){
cout << x << " = " << i << " + " << j " + " << (x-i-j) ;
Can you be more specific.Do you need to show exactly three digits?Do you include 1? because you can just write a number n as a summation of n “1”s.

If we apply modulus operator on any number remainder is returnedSince we need last 2 digits, on applying mod 100 on the given number last 2 digits(remainder) will be returned.Similarly if a number is divided by a number then quotient is obtained, since we need first 2 digits we should divide it by 100.Example:let number be 20162016%100 = 162016/100 = 20C program:#include
void main()
int input,num1,num2;
printf("\n Enter a 4 digit number : ");
num1 = input/100;
num2 = input%100;
printf("\n %d \t %d \n",num1,num2);

How do you split a number into individual digits (excel 2004 for mac)?

In cell A1 paste the 100 digit number.
In cell A2 put this formula
Drag\Copy this formula right across 100 columns.

If you want to delete the formulas but keep the values, select Row 2 and copy it

Select another Row and
Paste Special:values

You could paste the 100 digit number in any cell.
Select from the menu--> Data\Text to Columns
In the "Convert Text to Columns" Wizard...
Select "Fixed Width" & next
You now have to click in-between each digit (100 times) to tell Excel where you want to split the number. then select "Finish".


Sorry about that...
Before pasting your number in A1, change the format of A1 to "Text"....
*Right-click on A1
*Select Format cells
*Select the Number tab
*Select "Text" in the Catagory list.
Paste your 100 digit number in A1

As an alternative solution to User answer,Find the number of digits with using ToString method and Length property. For 1234, it returns 4, for 12345, it returns 5.Divide it by 2. For both case, it returns 2 because of integer division. And get 10 raised to this value which makes 100 in those cases.To get y, divide (see: 7.7.2 Division operator) your values to 100 like 1234 / 100. For 1234, it returns 12. For 12345, it returns 123.To get z, use modulo operation (see: % Operator (C# Reference)) like 1234 % 100. For 1234, it returns 34. For 12345, it returns 45.This is not exactly different from Clyde answer of course, but it is a different approach at least. How to split a number into seperate digits?

The the ToArray method of a string to extract the individual characters.

Dim str As String = TextBox1.Text

For Each Character As Char In str.ToArray

If you want to work with specific characters just load an array using the ToArray method and you can assign specific array elements to various labels.

Dim myArrayOfCharacters() As Char

myArrayOfCharacters = TextBox1.Text.ToArray
'You must make sure array index values are valid.
'If you don't have enough characters in the textbox
'you will generate an error
Label1.Text = myArrayOfCharacters(0)
Label2.Text = myArrayOfCharacters(1)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("You did not enter enough characters in the textbox")
End Try

Notice that you have to handle potential errors or ensure that enough characters get entered into the text box to avoid generating an index out of range error

In Matlab, how do I split a 6 digit number (possibly with leading zeros) into two entries of 3 numbers each?

A1 = 123456 A2 you want 12 A3 you want 34 A4 you want 56 If this was a text field, you could use RIGHT/MID/LEFT functions to split it out. But since they are numbers, you'll have to move the decimal point around and TRUNCate the number - meaning delete any digits after the decimal point. This will work for splitting any 6 digit number into 3, 2-digit cells A2=TRUNC(A1/10000) A3=TRUNC((A1-(A2*100))/100) A4=A1-(A2*10000)-(A3*100) ===================== Part two If you are dealing with a number that is of a variable number of digits, the text functions I mentioned are probably the best way to go. If you find that this approach (turning the numbers to text) creates problems in other calculations, you can use the approach I mentioned above, but with a more complex equation that looks at the number of digits in the input cell. Should note that if you start out with two digits for the year, excel will drop off any "leading zeros" if the cell is formatted as a number - meaning 0801029999999 becomes 801029999999. Obviously this would mess up your 2-digit year. If the cell is formatted as text, the leading zeros will be retained. Let's do text - A1=0801029999999 A2=MID(A1,1,2) A3=MID(A1,3,2) A4=MID(A1,5,2) In this case A2=08, A3=01 and A4=02

Here goes the complete, workable, rudimentary C program:#include void main(){int i = 99 ;printf("Enter a 2 Digit Number: ") ;scanf("%d", &i) ;int Div = i / 10 ;int Rem = i % 10 ;printf("%s%i\n", "Number is: ", i) ;printf("%s%i\n", "First Digit is: ", Div) ;printf("%s%i\n", "Second Digit is: ", Rem) ;}This has been tested using gcc 4.4.7 on a Linux machine.If you give a two digit Number, like say 56, it would give you, first digit as ‘5’ and second digit as ‘6′.If you give a single digit Number, like say 7, it would give you, first digit as ‘0’ and second digit as ‘7’.If you give a large Number, like say 1234769, it would give you, first digit as ‘123476’ and second digit as ‘9’, which is very logical.If you give a junk number, like say ‘rrrryywty’, it would give you, first digit as ‘9’ and second digit as ‘9’, as the default value that has been set to the variable concerned, is 99!Hope this helps.

Splitting a NUMBER in matlab?

What you need to do becomes obvious if you think about what happens when you divide your number by 1000. If you have a 6 digit number, and you divide it by 1000, you get the three digit number given by the first three digits, with a remainder of the three digit number given by the last three digits. For example, 123456 divided by 1000 is 123 with a remainder of 456. Similarly 111222 divided by 1000 is 111 with a remainder of 222.

If you exploit this fact, you can do this using only 3 lines of Matlab code:

n = 123456;
x = floor(n/1000);
y = rem(n,1000);

This gives x=123 and y=456.

y is the remainder of n when divided by 1000, which is the last 3 digits. And if you divide 123456 by 1000 (and instead of thinking about remainders as we did in the first paragraph, think of decimals), you get 123.456. The Floor function floor(a) gives the lergest integer less than or equal to to a, which in the case of 123.456 is just 123.