How Can I Stop Being Obsessed With This Movie And Actor

Am I the only one obsessed with the movie Titanic?


I saw the movie for the first time when I was about eleven years old. I cannot even begin to describe my obsession with the movie. Since then, I have seen the movie most likely over fifty times. I went thorugh a phase where every night before I went to sleep I would watch the movie. THat went on for about three weeks. THere is not a single thing that I do not adore about the movie.

- Leonardo Dicaprio. Unbelievable actor and the most gorgeous person alive in 1997.
- Kate Winslet's acting
- THe cinematography: In the beginning it makes u celebrate the ship's luxury and by the end you feel the ship sinking on your heart. I feel cold just watching the sinking. James Cameron's directions is considerably the best in history.
- It won eleven oscars.
- Not at one point of the movie is it boring. I can never find an opening to even go to the bathroom.
- I think about it at least once a day, or every other at least.
- It affects me all the time
- I base my fantasy future romance on Jack and Rose
- THe music can lift you up and break your heart
- the script influenced me to become a screenwritter
- I have gone to classes on the history of the ship since watching the movie
- My life goal is to meet James Cameron and give him a hug for making this movie
- All the time I rewatch every youtube video I can find on the behind the scenes, making of, cast interviews etc.


all i can say is that in 2012, i am going to freak out and see that movie 10000 times!!!!


I'M OBSESSED!!!!!! LITERALLY!!! I LOVE LEONARDO!!!!!!!! He's breath-taking! Kate Winslet is also a NORMAL looking women and more beautiful then people like Kate Moss. GREAT BEAUTIFUL AMAZING MOVIE!!!!!

I get really obsessed with Movies/TV Shows/Actors/Books, what's wrong with me?

Your just like me kim....i like to repeatedly see movies/tv shows over and over and over again just in case i missed something and so i could get a perspective on it and nothings wrong it just shows that ppl with our thought process are perfectionists in a way and your age has nothing to do with it

im 16 1/2

After I watch a good movie I get obsessed and can't stop thinking about it. What is it and how can I stop it from happening?

After I have had enough of thinking about a good movie, I imagine the cast leaving the set and going to their cars in the studio parking lot, as most leave their companies each day. Movie are like simulations or video games only performed on movie sets, just like jobs are performed in cubicles and conference rooms. Just like one needs to tune out their work outside the office to rest, movie viewers need to let go of the powerful fantasies that actors created in their work, or that authors created in their novels.

Why am I obsessed with acting?

I have studied acting since I was a teenager myself. It’s an exploration of the human state, and, ultimately, a quest for personal truth. Silly? Not in my mind. I call it natural to want to know how others feel, and yet retain your individuality at the end of the day. In the end it’s another means by which we gain understanding of the unknown. You may, at times, look silly to others, but my advice is to not take that too seriously because (and I have done this several times over the course of my 45 years) when you act out a role and can learn to enjoy the fact that you might look a little silly, others will laugh with you, not at you.I hope this helps.Adrian.

What's it like to be obsessed with a musician, actor/actress, or celebrity you've never met?

We learn from our obsession, and outgrow it.Most of us go through a celebrity-obsession phase when we're teenagers. We cover our walls (and fill our electronic devices) with pictures, we clip every news item to keep it from being "lost," we buy every shirt and backpack and breakfast cereal with their image on it, we hoard their trivia, we seek out every movie or tv show with even a minute-long cameo appearance, we listen to the same songs over and over and over the way we used to listen to Goodnight Moon. For a while we have so much celebrity-related "stuff" that we think we own them somehow.Then, when we get a bit older, we step out of the poster-papered room a bit in mild wonder.What does this celebrity represent to me? Is s/he reassuringly down-to-earth, or wildly creative? What talents most impress me? What physical characteristics do I find attractive?Often we find that the celebrity represents what we wish we were, and what we seek in a romantic partner.By the time we enter the working world, we tend to look back on our teenage years with "I can't believe I was that obsessed" compassion for our old selves.In the late 1980s the singer Morrissey directly addressed his teen fans about their obsession, which a lot of celebrities (and fans of celebrities) can relate to:When you're dancing and laughingAnd finally livingHear my voice in your head and think of me kindly

What is the best way to stop being obsessed with something?

I am in a very similar situation. I share a burning will to succeed and have what’s necessary to walk the path to get there, like you from what I have seen. I am stubborn and dedicated.I read your other questions too about how you can’t decide what you want to focus on, and like you, I keep failing to answer. I don’t know what you or I should pursue.Luckily that’s not what you asked. I don’t have a stable mechanism of relaxing myself. I keep finding different ways to do that as I lose interest in things unhealthily quickly.This is what I liked today:I recommend you read these thoughts of mine after you listen to it a little, while you still are listening:-It doesn’t necessarily make me think less.Nor does it answer any of my questions.I don’t know what it does,but I have something on my mind.-People around me don’t understand me.They don’t know that I am different.I don’t learn and do things the way they do.They want to make me like themselves.I want to show them.The way they don’t understand will come to surpass them.-Do I want this enough?I question myself a lot.Why don’t I work harder for it if I really want it?Time is running out.-Thing are going badly.And it is not okay.But I always handle it.I will show them who I am.-

What do I do about an obsession for an actor that I just realized is hot?

I’ve “had the hots” for David Attenborough & the Moody Blues (any/all of them) since the 60’s & for Mark Harmon since 2002.Given the chance would I let them park their boots under my bed? Maybe, maybe not. The likelihood of the opportunity arising is so remote as to be less than zero.Having said that, Murphy being the sick & twisted bastard that he is, they’d all lob on my doorstop at the same time. I’d still have to decline as my bed’s just not big enough.It’s a head trip, nothing will happen to change that, I can happily smile & wipe my chin whenever they come into view.The one who makes my toes curl, my heart pound & gives me the fluttery feeling is the one sitting beside me watching these gorgeous men on the telly. He’s the one I’ll go out to dinner with, go shopping with, argue with, love & sleep with.Enjoy your fantasy but recognise that it is just that, a fantasy.

How can I stop obsessing over... Twilight?

I'd rather you read the books than watch the movies. The movies do the books zero justice, so soak up the books.

As long as you don't wear Twilight clothes, talk about it 24/7, get bed sheets with Edward Cullen's face all over it, and plaster your wall with the posters. Any other Twilight movie merchandise is a no-no.

Just avoid acting like a freak. I love the books. Hate the freaks, haha.

My friend is VERY obsessed with nick jonas?

okay my friend is so obsessed with nick jonas, dont get me wrong he is an amazing guy and hes like the cutest hottest guy on the planet, but im not gonna get into an obsession like her cuz of what is happening to her right now..she is so obsessed, she searches videos of him on youtube for 3 hours straight watching them and shes starting to to be unsatisfied w/ life because she cant be with him and shes really sad now because they will most likely never be together..i mean its possible but we all know its not likely. im worried about her she says he is the boy of her dreams and she will never like any guy more than him.she is really getting upset that this fantasy is not coming true. and before she falls asleep in her bed she says she plays a movie in her head of her and nicks love story..which makes her feel better...but thats the closest she can get to making it feel real. any suggestions on how to make her stop thinking its him or nothing? or a way to get them to fall inlove? lol