How Can I Stop Complaining To My Boyfriend About Everything

My boyfriend thinks I like complaining. Is it because I tell him too much?

It's probably because it's always about the same stuff.To most men, there are things we can change and things we can't. We choose to either grin and bear it or walk away from it completely if we can't change it. Either way we don't keep going on about it.My mom likes to endlessly go on about things that she doesn't like. I used to stress it because if a problem is presented to me my goal becomes to fix it. I can't fix many if not all her worries. Had similar problems with my last red headed mistake. She'd bitch, I'd propose solutions and eventually would get yelled because she was just venting, not looking for any solutions.Most guys can't comprehend how one functions that way.

My boyfriend's mom always complaining...?

My bf lives with his sister at their parents old house (which is 3 hours from me). Their parents live at another house, but own my bf's house. His mom is almost always there and his sister and mom argue 99% of the time. Sometimes it's just his mom complaining about anything and everything. It falls on my bf because he has to hear it, hear about it, and sometimes they both argue with him. He's a very calm, quiet person and will do anything for anyone. He's a mechanic but laid off so he can't afford to move out. I hate when he gets mad, but I'm never sure what to say to help. She doesn't like when I come up because then she can't sleep on the couch (fold out bed, which is bigger than my bf's). I don't wanna sound like I am telling him what to when if I offer a suggestion, but I don't wanna stay silent and just say "yea" all the time. Any suggestions?

How do I get my boyfriend to stop whining? That's all he does.?

Start whining too! He will see how annoying it is and will stop.

Why won’t my mom stop complaining about everything and anything?

Your Mom is fulfilling her unconscious mission. It’s obvious that the Gods, having confidence in your abilities, blessed you with her presence so that you could learn patience, tolerance and unconditional love. When you have learned these, and drained the cup of that karma completely, then that lesson ends and new and more interesting things unfold.

I'm tired of my grandma complaining about everything?

a lot of old people complain, especially old women. there is nothing you can do, and no you should not tell your grandmother to stop complaining. She has earned her right to complain, and you need to respect your elders. My grandmother complains and nit picks and gossips, but I know that is just with her old age, I know she doesn't hold it against me, and I just let it go and am nice to her. It's like she can't help it, so you just have to go on with your life. Good luck with your grandma.

Why does my boyfriend complain all the time?

Okay. Lets first address the underlying problem, your boyfriend needs to grow up. Someone must have given him the illusion that life is easy or something because he's sure acting like he should be handed everything and work for nothing. That's a problem he needs to solve and not just for your relationship but for himself because he is going to get knocked on his butt one day by reality and that might just be you when he tips you over the edge. Now, you can do nothing about his constant complaining but simply tell him to stop or that he is bothering you but again this is about him needing to grow up and it is not YOUR job to give him the education that his guardians obviously did not give. If this is bothering you a lot and you care about him, have a talk with him and tell him but if your sick of it (which is seems like you are) let him go. Sometimes people need to bump on the head before they see the truth about the things around them. Good luck.

Why is my boyfriend always complaining against me?

You are his girlfriend, not his wife. Chances are, he doesn't see you as wife material if he constantly criticizes you - not that you implied that you want to be his wife - but just in case you are secretly hoping.

Why deal with ANY man that can't accept you being a mother to your children? Your children need you more than he does. If he is so selfish as to get mad that your child's bus was late which made you late making his lunch, then he has serious problems. Besides that, why can't he make his own lunch? If you are going to be with this man, you need to know that this is how it will ALWAYS be. Love it or leave it but don't think you can change it. There are some things that you can do to make life easier for yourself such as:

Making the lunches the night before so that's one less thing that you have to do in the morning.

Your six year old is old enough to start dressing himself with only a little help from mom.

Cook one meal for everyone. I am sure the food he eats couldn't be that bad and is probably better for the kids anyway. If not, I am sure his food can be slightly modified so that it's suitable for you and the kids without you having to make 2 meals because that's just not smart at all. You can even prepare some of it ahead of time if he eats a lot of chicken, prepare the chicken for the week so that all you have to do is cook the sides.

Remind him that you are not his mother and this is how you do things. Stand up for yourself more. It's your house too. If you feel you have no say so because he is the bread winner, then you had better figure out how to be independent really quick. He sounds like someone who is tired of the 'family' thing. If after 7 months he isn't being an active father figure to your children, then he really isn't the one for you. Dono't be surprised if he ends up breaking up with you for someone independant without children.

Remember that your children come before ANY man so any man that requires you to not mother 3 young children probably isn't the one for you no matter how much you say you love him.

If you want to live like you are one of his cadets, then be prepared to deal with it and stop complaining. Or you can stand up for yourself and lay down some of your own ground rules.

How to stop bitching at my boyfriend?

We're both sophomores in high school. When we're together, everything's great. However, it's things he does when we're not together that make me angry.

He tells me he's hanging out with his guy friends, but then hangs out with girls instead. He told me he knows how I am, and if he told me where he really was, I would complain. And I can't deny it's true (mostly because his close girlfriends are ALL OVER HIM). I know I shouldn't be mad, and he has a right to his friends, but I bitched anyway.

I like to give him surprises and make him feel special, but he doesn't really do the same back. I planned a movie night with his favorite movies and candy, made him a CD, wrote a story, etc. And I KNOW how wrong it is to expect things in return. But it's not like I want him to go spend money or anything. It'd just be nice if he did a little something to show he cared too, like planning a date for once (I always do it), or ANYTHING. I got a spiral notebook we could each write in and hand off to each other since we don't see each other that much, but he wouldn't do it. But here's the problem: I shouldn't expect these things. I know it's wrong. But I still complain about it.

He goes up to his lake house literally every weekend, so I don't see him as much. I know it's not his fault his family goes away so much, but it still frustrates me. He doesn't contact me while he's away. When he gets back, I'm really happy to hear from him, but I guess I'm a little hurt, too, that he didn't contact me, so I act bitchy. I realized I really had a problem when he said it was nice to be away from me for a while. I always apologize right after I flip out, but he doesn't want to hear it.

Gross or not, I get SOO much worse around my time of the month. My temper just flares. And I cry at the drop of a hat during that time, and he hates it.

How can I control my temper around my boyfriend? I care about him so much and don't want to make him feel bad. I need some tips for staying calm and talking out issues nicely. Thanks so much for the help.

Why does my boyfriend say I’m complaining when I tell him how I feel?

Run the way you approach telling him how you feel by your mom, aunt, brother, uncle or teacher - it may indeed come off as complaining and not your feelings.Sometimes we women read guys wrong as well, or our approach sucks and we have no clue it sucks. Be willing to accept that you may be doing it wrong and listen to a third party before casting blame anywhere.

My husband complains about everything I do. Even when there's nothing to complain about! How can I get him to stop?

leave him , he's never he's never going to stop he has to find fault in you to tear you apart to make himself feel better. Maybe he feels neglected or underappreciated at work and he needs to come home and take it out on somebody. Who knows there's so many things that it can be. But if he's going to find you as his Whipping Boy Can we time something happens and complain about you and about everything that you do all it's going to do is just leave you a mess. People who feel the need to take something out at somebody else all the time or constantly find fault with them don't really care about them. You don't have a relationship. If you did he would sit down and talk to you about these things and together you could work out how each of you could improve bringing something better into the relationship and marriage. Don't be a doormat or Whipping Boy for anybody keep your head high try as you may to whatever extent you want to but when you know it's over it's over don't let somebody keep tearing you apart. But when you go on to the next guy and get a new relationship going find someone out there that you can actually have a relationship with. Pic somebody that's more compatible to you choose well get to know them and how they are before you settle into a real serious relationship or marriage again because people have a tendency to fall back into the same old rocks that they came from so be very careful good luck