How Can I Stop Feeling Worthless

How do i stop feeling worthless?

I'm 17 and I feel ugly, unwanted, annoying, and I pretty much dislike myself all together. I have NO friends outside of my family which is small. What I do when I'm totally down is try to think about good things I have been blessed with such as my eye sight - I can see when a blind man lives, I can taste food _ I'd rather not so I'm not so fat but ya know? And I can walk - I have two legs to run or dance ... Also remember there is always going to be someone prettier and someone uglier than you. Someone smarter and someone dumber. Someone more logical or more stupid. You are You. I avoid mirrors too, but if you look at this way, you are VERY UNCONCEITED. I mean there are girls that flap open their compacts 24/7 to make sure their make up is perfecto. You don't. Something I do to make myself feel better when I'm feeling totally fat or hideous is I pick someone "good looking" and find a flaw on them.. like their eyes are too close, their teeth have a gap, or GOSH, look how fat she is (ONLY in my head.) I know it sounds mean, but it will help you improve your self-esteem. Just don't EVER say anything. Another thing that should help is getting involved in something like Martial arts or a charity. It will give you the confidence that you are helping somone less lucky than yourself. :)

How do I stop feeling so worthless and lazy?

Make this question to yourself and write the answers in a piece of paper, seriously:If you had all of the money and all of the time in the world, what would you do?Sit down by yourself, in silence, no phone, no PC, and answer that. You can have multiple options, of course. Even if you think “Paraglider instructor! … shit, people will think that’s dumb” You need to know that it isn’t dumb at all. If you have a passion, you can almost always make a living out of it.Now, are you handed everything out to you by your parents or others?Do you have an easy life even if you don’t do anything?I have a very good friend of mine who was the exact same as you.In his case, though, he was also dealing with obesity. His mother won a million bucks or more on the Miami lottery (we never knew the exact sum), she quit her job and took on the upkeep of the house and she let him get anything he wanted for the longest time, without asking him for nothing in return.The only thing he did was playing video-games and hanging out with us from time to time. No women, no hobbies other than games, no workout, no studies, nothing. He wasn’t interested in doing anything, but the root reason behind that is that he really didn’t need to and was never encouraged to do so either.The only thing that changed him, now at 27 years old, is that he got a girlfriend.She loves him genuinely and he would give anything to prevent losing her.Because of this, he started studying and now works at a hospital pharmacy and is planning on going to live with her soon.He found his motivation, and that’s what you gotta do too.I have another friend who studied 5 different careers and finished only one, until he got to study psychology now and he found that he loves it, and he is going through with it to the end.Sometimes you just got to try until you find something, don’t give up.Also, remember that the more inactive you are, the less you’ll want to do things.Surround yourself with active, energetic people, and that will stick with you, even if for a few hours, you’ll remember what feeling productive is like, and that changes you bit by bit.Good Luck!

How can I stop feeling worthless and unloved?

It’s quite simple. However, it is not easy. Start wanting yourself and start loving yourself before you do anything. Because, the uncomfortable truth is you are with yourself 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. And if you aren’t your biggest fan and you don’t mitigate the negative voice in your head you will never feel loved or desired. It doesn’t matter if you achieve “every success” (I won’t get started on that ridiculous concept) and the whole world loved you and people were literally throwing themselves at your feet, it wouldn’t matter because you don’t love or want yourself. Some of the emptiest and most unhappy people on the planet are those that have achieved the big lie of “success” and are popular or famous but they don’t like themselves. It’s obvious when you look at how they treat others and treat themselves, how many celebrities kill themselves? The answer is a lot. So, it would be wise of us to consider the fame/money myth debunked.Pursue things that invigorate you, that give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks. Talk is cheap and that is all most of the world does. Also, stop searching for people outside of yourself to validate you, your self-esteem is something no one but you has control over. So, take control and build a life that bring you peace, abundance and gratitude.

How to stop feeling worthless after being cheated on?

First things first, he has the problem and he is the one who is worthless.

Second thing, run yourself the biggest bath known to mankind. And lie in it. Soak for a little while, do your legs and then your hair when you're out do you nails and feel all lush & clean. Have a complete day to spoil yourself rotten. Whether it's lying in bed in a robe after the huge bath with cheery dvds (comedys, no love stories allowed!!) Or maybe get dressed and pop to the shops to buy a new outfit, new book, new dvds etc etc.

If you have close friends then plan a day/night with them. Get some drink (if old enough & if you do drink, of course) get some chocolate, some dvds & music and have a good gossip.

If you don't, then stick with the spoiling day.

Feeling ugly, fat, ashamed, embarassed after being cheated on is COMPLETELY normal. But what to think of is what if Mr Perfect is close by? Walk with your head held high, you're not gonna let that scumbag ruin you're future, right? Plus if he happened to be walking by when you're looking cheery and positive, that would suck to be him. Show you're over it, his cheating meant nothing because in the end he meant nothing.

Be positive :)

How do I stop feeling worthless after rejection?

Rejection isn’t always about you.Rejection can be about many things and mostly we misunderstand rejection.The person who rejects you, is coming from their own perspective and their own reality.There may be many things in play. Some of it may be their own self esteem issues, their perception of what is.And sometimes the other person is living in a prison they created in their own mind. One where they won’t enter into a relationship of any kind until everything is absolutely perfect.Some live in the past and replay or attract the very past they are hoping to get away from.So remember this if nothing else. Its not personal and most likely its about them.Keep going, square your shoulders and try again.You are worthy.BlessingsCaterina BarregarRelationship and Self Esteem CoachWomen’s Empowerment

How do I stop feeling worthless after a breakup?

Stop listening to Ed Sheeran for one!Listen to Katy Perry’s Firework. That’s all about self-worth and value.Your value and worth as a person comes from inside of you, not by who you have hanging off your arm.Relationships teach us things about ourself.And, some relationships are not meant to be forever, because, we’ve exhausted the lesson through that person.I don’t think she broke it off because you spoke to someone. There must be more to it than that.Nevertheless, you sound like a nice person. Accept that she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore and, open your heart for someone just as nice as you to come along and float your boat.

A guy is making me feel worthless?

How can I stop liking someone that doesn't like me back? He's friendly with everyone, which is exactly why I'm feeling that he just sees me as a platonic friend.

I seek validation from him and he does not return it, obviously because he's not interested in me romantically. It's taking a great toll on my mental health and I need to know how to stop feeling for him.

How do I stop feeling worthless after a guy I have feelings for rejected me?

I just want you to realise a few things.He's not the last guy you'll ever meet. There are so many more guys out there. Better guys. If he can't see your worth, it's his own problem sweetheart. Let go of that. Accept it. Come to terms with it. He doesn't deserve you. Think of all the qualities that you have. I'm sure you're a beautiful person.Work on yourself. Stop concentrating on him. Make yourself better- spiritually, physically, mentally. You may do it with the aim of making him regret his decision but gradually turn this into making yourself the best you can be for you to be happy with who you are no matter what.A guy who doesn't like you doesn't change the person that you are. Someone will come at some point in the future and make you understand why this particular potential relationship didn't work out. It has nothing to do with worth, only the situation.By feeling worthless, you're acknowledging that there is something extremely unattractive about you. Please don't believe that. Don't be so unkind to yourself. Don't put unnecessary blame on yourself. He could be gay, for all you know and here you are being cruel to yourself. Even if you can't stop putting the blame on yourself, atleast be forgiving of yourself.Become even better than you are right now. This isn't about him. This is about you. Treat yourself well and most of all be kind, to everyone but more importantly to yourself. You deserve it. Cheers!