How Can I Understand This Question

I don't really understand this question?

Two ducks are sitting on a canal as a water wave travels underneath them to the right. The wave has an amplitude of 50 cm, is moving with a speed of 0.44 m s−1, and has a period of 5.2 s.

At a particular time duck A (to the left of duck B) is at a peak when duck B is 50 cm below and falling. Assuming that the ducks are less than one wavelength apart, how far apart are they

I can't understand this question!!?

It's just you,that question is understandable.

Add one orange marble or one yellow marble. That would
give you a total of 24 marbles. You have 8 blue marbles
which would be 1/3 of 24.

A = 8 blue marbles , B = 1/3 of total marbles, convert 1/3
to 3, C = total marbles
((A)*(B)) = C Therefore>((8)*(3)) = 24

How do I understand the question E=mc^2?

I assume you mean, equation, not question.  But here goes....Understanding E=mc^2 is trivial really.  E = Energy.  M = mass. C = Speed of Light.If you ignore the c^2 part, which is just the "speed of light" squared, it is basically just saying that energy and mass are the exact same thing.  E = m.  But the mass part can change with movement.Which means that when you have a moving object, it is more massive, because it has more energy. The energy is mass. This equivalence stems from another set of principles, that show that not only total energy but also length and time depend on motion.So when something is sitting still on your table, its not actually "still" its moving at unfathomable speeds through the universe, and its energy/mass comes from this movement.Enough concentrated energy can create mass (matter/antimatter), and mass can be broken apart to extract pure energy (think atom bomb).Thats E=mc^2 in a nutshell.

How do I understand questions properly?

If you can’t understand question it’s probably not your fault. Some questions are written in poor English and are difficult to understand. Some are trolls and not worth answering. Others, which usually start with “What if” present such weird and complex scenarios that I don’t bother trying to answer.

I dont understand this question 4th grade?

it says
You eat many different vegetables. Describe four vegetables that you eat different parts of or stages of the plant in its life cycle. List each vegetables and the part or stage of its life cycle

u dont have to give me the answer i just dont get it

I dont understand this question 4th grade?

it says
You eat many different vegetables. Describe four vegetables that you eat different parts of or stages of the plant in its life cycle. List each vegetables and the part or stage of its life cycle

u dont have to give me the answer i just dont get it

Can someone help me understand this question?

A sound wave has a frequency of 759 Hz in air and a wavelength of 0.52 m.
What is the temperature of the air? As- sume the velocity of sound at 0◦C is 325 m/s.
Answer in units of ◦C.

How do I easily understand a question in maths?

For me the best way is to imagine a real scenario.It would make more sense if you would add more details to your question though.When I explain my daughter 3x + 2x = 5x, I take her hand, put 3 pieces of paper with an “x” on them in her hand and I say “you have 3 x’s”. Then I add 2 pieces with an “x” and I ask her how many x’s does she have now.I am Dutch, but in the German language there is a beautiful word for “to understand” - it is called “begreifen”. Actually there is a similar word in English: “to grasp”.These words show how intellectually understanding something has its basis in feeling with your sensors: fingers, mouth, ears, eyes etc..It is for example a proven phenomena, that a when you learn while speaking loudly or gesturing with your hands, you can learn the information more quickly and retrieve it more easily.So for example for a math question that you hear, try to write it down in text or draw a picture. That will help you to understand the question.