How Can Iron Man Be In Avengers 2

Is The Avengers: Age of Ultron set before Iron Man 3?

No.In Iron Man 3, Tony gets anxiety attack everytime anyone mentions the new york attack. However, the danger Sokovia posed was much greater. If Ultron was successful in carrying out his plan, he would have caused global extinction. However, no one in Iron Man 3 mentions Sokovia. Also, as pointed out by a fellow quoran, he didn't have the arc reactor glowing in his chest.Feel free to comment and upvote. I write mainly on Marvel and sometimes on DC. Follow me if you are interested in them too.

How to get Avengers tokens in an Iron Man Mk VII app scene?

It's the scene where Tony's facing the man with whips (Vanko). I place the Iron Man suit on Tony and nothing else happens besides Vanko's whips getting brighter when I touch it.

Did Avengers 2 happen before Iron Man 3?

No. Iron Man 3 deals with the aftermath of the first Avengers movie, when Tony nearly died after bringing a nuclear weapon in space through a wormhole (yeah, that does take a toll on a man who believed himself to be on top of the world)I see where the confusion might be, since Tony seems to have destroyed every single suit he owned in the end of the movie, whereas the very opening scene of Age of Ultron features him fighting in an Iron Man suit.I believe he couldn't stop making them. If I remember correctly, at the beginning of IM3, Tony is testing Mark 42, so it's safe to assume he likes making those and it didn't take that much time to create since it's kind of like copying the classic suit and modifying it, rather than create it from scratch.So at the beginning of AoU, Tony has apparently rebuilt some suits (I'd say 2-3 since he does not seems to leave fights unharmed), he has developped Veronica with Bruce (I wouldn't have destroyed that one either) and used his armor making skills with the Vanko idea of drones to create the Iron Legion, human like robots controlled by Jarvis to help the Avengers by controlling civilians.Just so you know, timeline wise it happened like this:1942 - Most of Captain America2010 - Iron Man2011 - Iron Man 2, Thor and the Incredible Hulk happen approximately in the same week (called Fury's big week) between May 24th (Duel of Monaco, IM2) and June 2nd (Battle at Culver University, IH, Battle of Puente Antiguo, Thor, and Battle at the Bifrost, Thor)2012 - Avengers (Battle of NY on May 4th) and Iron Man 3 (end of December)2013 - Thor 2 (beginning of November)2014 - Captain America 2, with the Battle of the Triskelion happening on April 4th. GotG happens in November but it's a bit disconnected.2015 - Avengers 2 begins at the end of April, with the big finale being on May 6th. In July, Scott Lang is released from prison.

Should I see Iron Man and Iron Man 2 before watching Iron Man 3?

I know this may be a stupid question and common sense, but I'm being legit.

I saw the Avengers and the only other movie I'd seen was Thor (I love Tom Hiddleston) but I understood the rest of the character's storylines. I knew why Tony called Steve "Capsicle" and I knew that The Hulk went into hiding and so on and so forth.

I haven't seen Iron Man or Iron Man 2 but I really want to see Iron Man 3. Is that okay? I know who Pepper is and I know that Tony made his suit while in captivity and of his "heart" and stuff like that. (I really don't know much about his "heart" but yeah. I just know he doesn't have one.) So is it okay? I mean, I understand who Tony is so.. yeah!


Avengers age of ultron opera music?

Hallo everyone! After the hulk VS Iron Man fight scene, hulk is listening to beautifull opera music trough his headphones. But I can't find the music... Can you help me? Thanks in advance!

How does Thor 2 leads to the Avengers 2?

Alright so let's start with Iron Man 3. It has been confirmed that Ant-Man is not responsible for the creation of Ultron,but he is in the comics, and they've been dropping hints that Tony is ultimately responsible for it. The hints being Tony has destroyed all of his Iron Man suits and that only leaves JARVIS, who we see is able to pilot them himself(Ultron can hack into them with relative ease in the comics), and the actual release for the Age of Ultron trailer. It was released through the JARVIS app and we see an Iron Man helmet being pounded constantly only to form the Ultron helmet.

Thor 2, I believe that this doesn't lead into Avengers 2 persay but Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers 3. To explain this we have to take a look back at the first Avengers. The villain at the after credits for the movie is known as Thanos the Mad Titan.To try to keep it brief he is essentially an alien who can handle Thor and Hulk without breaking a sweat and is in love Lady Death(the Grim Reaper of the Marvel Universe basically). Thanos' most iconic story was known as the Infinity Gaunlet story where he collected the Infinity gems to kill exactly 50% of the Marvel Universe.

At the Thor after credits we meet the Collector. He recieves the Ether(?) from Lady Sif because "It is unwise to keep two gems at the same place". Collector then smiles as they leave and say one more to go. So the talking about two gems would imply that the Ether and the Tesseract are Infinity Gems. Now who is the Collect? As his name implies, he enjoys collecting things. He wants to preserve and collect rare artifacts,species,heroes,etc. He's connected to Thanos because he traded him the Reality Gem for the last of some dude's race.

The Collector is also making an appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy. Also Drax's family was killed by Thanos,Gammora is Thanos' adopted daugther and the main villain movie is Thanos' sister.

What did Maleketh mean. As Odin said before the Universe, there was Darkness which means Maleketh believes life should never have existed. It is a mistake.

Who are your top 5 Marvel's The Avengers Members?

Here's my top 5
1. Captain America
2. Iron Man
3. Spider-Man
4. Thor
5. Hulk
HM: Black Widow, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Wasp, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel (Carol), Doctor Strange, Vision, Falcon, Hercules, Wolverine, War Machine, Wonder Man, She-Hulk, Ghost Rider (Robbie), Nova, Blade, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Spider-Woman, Sentry, Namor, Luke Cage, Thing, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Winter Soldier, and Tigra