How Can One Be A Misogynist If One Is Telling The Truth

Are people strange? Does this remind you of any misogynist we know?

Michael this was not about Jim Morrison. He is dead. This was for someone who delights in using my name in his posts and has called me at one time or another a snake, a pit viper and a geek.
I am a geek - but I am not a snake.
Eat the quote with a spoon Gio.

Am I misogynistic? (I'm female)

It's slightly hard to tell from the question whether or not you are simply more masculine, or whether or not you have intense internalized misogyny. It is very possible for women to be misogynists.A personal feeling of not fitting in with femininity is not misogyny, but an implicit and explicit dislike for women indeed is. These are not mutually exclusive, however. It's a bit misogynistic to associate women with the negativity that you do.You don't have to seem outwardly feminine to be a woman, and behaving in a “feminine” manner does not make you potentially any less misogynist, so if that's all it is, don't sweat it. You don't have to necessarily just be friends with women. If you feel that women are inferior or annoying or so on, then yeah, you should work to unlearn. It's a little concerning that you “just tolerated females”. I am always changing and growing in my perception of womanhood, and I am unlearning internalized misogyny too because we are taught it from such a young age. It's always good to be introspective, so you have the right mindset there.Don't let anybody tell you that you have to behave a certain way due to your gender.I hope this helps.

Is Bernie Sanders misogynistic or sexist because he is running against a woman? If your answer is no, then why do some people consider his supporters to be misogynistic and sexist for not voting for Hillary Clinton?

No, Bernie Sanders is not misogynistic or sexist because he's running against a woman, nor are his supporters. I've never heard anyone, male or female make that illogical argument. Please calm down about the election and don't go around creating false controversies.By the way, your ugly question is now getting ugly answers on Quora. I will stop with these four, although I'm sure there will be more.1. The guy, with eight upvotes, who's chastising Clinton for somehow claiming "victim status" for a comment she never made. Bringing up Anti-Semitism was a real low. Ugh, just ugh.2. The guy, with seven upvotes, who claims (falsely) that "Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright have made the claim that folks not supporting Clinton are misogynistic." Neither said this and they have apologized for their unfortunate comments about young women voters.3. The guy who rushed to the defense of "Bernie bros," who weren't even mentioned in the question. This was followed by a comment from another Sanders supporter who claimed, without proof, that ugly sexist comments attributed to Bernie Bros actually come from Trump supporters.4. The guy who claimed to be “saddened” by a remark that Madeline Albright never made (that Sanders should have let Clinton run unopposed). He hoped that "Hillary didn't put her (Albright) up to saying the remark that Albright didn't say. Not surprising, that answer ended with a campaign commercial for Sanders.

What is feminism's view on ISIS/Daesh's brutal Misogyny?

This is an interesting question, since feminism is generally not being personified because it is a cluster of related yet mutually opposing ideologies, none of which has a claim to the orthodoxy. You won’t hear ‘feminism’ as such speak, because no feminist is entitled to speak for feminism.Your question is however putting the finger on one of the rare points of unanimous agreement among all feminists, namely that ISIS/DAESH is not a misogynistic organisation, but a profoundly misanthropic and misobiotic one.It is an objectifying theocracy. Its subjects objectify themselves. The brutal treatment of women by Daesh is being perpetrated by self-objectifying men on self-objectifying women. That is why it is so brutal. It is what self-confessed lowly instruments of God do to other self-confessed lowly instruments of God.They do anything to anybody that they believe they can do by divine permission, or must do by divine mandate.Only God has personhood in Daesh. The only way any lowly instrument of God can achieve a status faintly resembling personhood is by dying whilst killing for the faith.In other words: Daesh is a death cult.You don’t criticise a death cult on their particular behaviours towards particular people and groups of people. You only criticise people and organisations who you would be prepared to tolerate, on the condition that they modify certain aspects of their behaviour.Well, are we prepared to conditionally tolerate a death cult?I didn’t think so.

Are you a misogynist if you still support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh?

Yeah, that’s a stupid question, right? Yes, of course it is. Believing that Brett Kavanaugh isn’t guilty is still a reasonable assumption. Believing his story over hers doesn’t make you a misogynist. That’s obvious isn’t it?I had thought so, but apparently I was wrong.I asked this question because Friday I made a post on Facebook supporting Brett Kavanaugh. It was basically an essay and I was very specific with my word choice. I didn’t attack Ford, didn’t call her a liar or anything. I explained each point as carefully as I could.Not too long after that I got a text from one of my girlfriends. She told that X was talking about me on his/her FB page. Here’s what she showed me.To be fair to X I copied my FB post and shared it here to my blog.So apparently not believing a woman automatically makes you a misogynist. I wonder though, what if I’m the one being accused? What if those accusations are false? Should I still believe the woman?Why should I believe the woman and not the man? Are we only allowed to have empathy for women now? Because you can’t say “just for victims” because we don’t know who the victim is. Is it Ford? It could be Kavanaugh though. If he is innocent that makes him a victim of a false allegation. And it’s a rape allegation so it’s not one that people are likely to forget.For the rest of his life he’ll be known as someone who was accused of rape. Now, if he did rape her, this is fair and well deserved. But if he didn’t? That’s harsh man, that’s really harsh. It doesn’t just hurt him, it hurts his entire family as well. I imagine his wife must be in quite a bit of emotional turmoil over this.We need to stop assuming guilt. We’re approaching these sex crimes thing with presuming that the woman is telling the truth and the man is lying. Which means the accused is the one that has to prove his innocence. Rather than the other way around.In my mind this isn’t much different from the lynchings in the south. Sure sure, Kavanaugh isn’t likely to die. And I don’t mean it’s similar in that way. I mean it’s similar in that you have large groups of people calling for punishment for someone without having any proof. These people get so convinced of what they know that they will ignore anything that suggests otherwise.Supporting Kavanaugh doesn’t make you a misogynist. Nor does it mean you are blindly following your party lines. It’s possible to stand up for a man and not be a misogynist.

Can misogyny be "cured"?

Misogyny. What a word! Taken from the Greek miso, to hate, and gyne, for woman, it literally translates into “woman hater.” Commonly used to describe men who hate women, the last place you would expect to find a modern day misogynist is in a seemingly loving, committed relationship. After all, committed relationships are built on trust and respect, right? How can someone who loves you, respects you and trusts you, be a misogynist?

The truth is that many misogynists are in monogamous relationships but they are not truly committed because they can’t be. Their underlying feelings of superiority over women, their disdain for the feminine mind, their jealousy over any success enjoyed by a woman or even women in general are constant barriers to true intimacy and commitment. How can you tell if your man is a misogynist? It may take a little detective work but once you know, you can see your relationship for exactly what it is and take the steps you need to in order to live a happier, more fulfilling life.