How Can The State And Local Officials

5. Where were state and local officials during the aftermath of Katrina? Why was this a problem?

As I recall, I think it was the Sunday after the storm that we started asking drivers with truckloads of ice to go elsewhere and find somebody in greater need. You won't find a lot of dissatisfaction with state and local officials in MS. Over in LA, it seems some officials had a higher priority on being in control than on getting things done.

How many state and elected officials are there in the US?

The Legislative Branch This is a breakdown of our federal legislative branch which is composed of 435 Representatives and 100 Senators.  If you're looking for numbers regarding local governments, you're going to have a great deal of work.  The link above only deals with federal elected officials, but there are also state senators and representatives, county, and city officials, and so on.  If you want to get that in depth, this site should help you out. State Government

Are state and local officials in states that have legalized marijuana immune from federal money laundering and RICO laws? If so, why?

No. Federal law trumps state and local laws. If someone is charged with federal money laundering and RICO violations, they would be indicted and charged in the federal system, which always trumps any state or local law. As long as the federal government and DEA classify marijuana as an illegal substance, technically anyone can be charged with a federal crime of possessing, distributing, etc marijuana. No one is immune from these charges—even state and local officials. I hope this helps!

Does Votizen intend to ever add state or local elected officials?

FindMyRep by Envíes is another great way to find contact info for all of your local, state, and federal elected officials. Give it your address, and it finds all of your local elected official’s phone numbers, emails, social media accounts, and wikipedia pages.

Which of the following officials enforces the state's weights and measures laws? ?

In NY State, it is the Division of Agriculture & Markets, so here at least the answer would be "B".

Plz help me!!!!!!!!!! I need help on state and local governments questions. Just pick a,b,c, or d?

2. Most individuals when they come in contact with government it is
a. at the local level
b. at the state level
c. at the federal level
d. because they are being sued
3. The major reserved powers of the states are the powers to
a. tax and spend
b. establish roads and a post office
c. establish lower courts and to regulate interstate commerce
d. issue writs of mandamus and writs of habeas corpus
4. The states have a general police, meaning
a. states can create a limited armed force
b. states are authorized to hire trained enforcement officers providing the state pays for such a service without aid from the federal government
c. the state can promote and safeguard the health, safety, welfare, and morals of the people
d. the state can enforce laws without any interference from the federal executive branch
5. All state governments in the U.S have
a. a unicameral legislature
b. a separate appeals system for civil and criminal cases
c. a provision that allows the citizens to vote for county secession from the state
d. an executive, legislative and judicial branch
6. The initiative is a technique
a. that allows state legislatures to override a governor's veto.
b. which voters can propose a change in state or local laws by submitting a petition to the legislature
c. that allows citizens an avenue to remove officials from office
d. used by courts to redraw state legislative districts.
7. State laws that legalize marijuana for medicinal uses
a. are in keeping with national public opinion that drug laws should be more lenient
b. have been supported in Congressional action
c. violate federal law
d. a and b
8. The highest state appellate courts are
a. federal appellate courts
b. state supreme courts
c. the U.S supreme courts
d. petit courts
9. The state can create a local overnment
a. if the ppl in that area approve with a 2/3 majority
b. but cannot change the boundaries of such a government
c. and the state can terminate the right of a local government to exist
d. providing the county government does not oppose the new government
10. A document issued by a government that grants rights to a person, a group or a corporation to
a. legislation
b. a charter
c. a rule
d. a platform

Which of the following elected officials would be considered part of the local government?

A city councilman.
volunteer fireman=not even part of government

Why do federal, state, and local governments not issue stocks?

Stocks are shares of ownership in a private company. Since the government is not a private company it cannot issue stock. Governments issue bonds, which are IOUs, promises to repay borrowed money.

How can we influence state and local governments to be open by default?

“History is made by those who show up.” - Benjamin DisraeliIn my experience, not only are state & local elected officials interested in their constituent’s reasoned ideas, nearly every change to government occurs through an open meeting. It is a legal requirement that all changes to the state code (or even administrative code or, for that matter, municipal code) have a public hearing. Any quorum of elected officials is a public meeting (so, for instance, w/3 county commissioners or 3 port commissioners whenever 2 meet, it is open to the public).If it helps, think of it this way. Elected officials want to be re-elected. They can only do so if they give the voters what they want…so they need to know what the voters want.In my opinion, the problems are twofold. One, too many crazy people go to the meetings (i.e. repeated harping about some problem not under consideration) and there’s a LOT going on, so there’s a LOT of meetings to attend.