How Can You Make Friends When You Can

How to make friends when you're shy?

As a fellow shy person, I can relate. Honestly, the only way to make friends is to break out of your shell. Do things you normally wouldn't be comfortable with doing.

One thing I love to do is compliment people. It works like a charm. There was this girl in my math class last year who sat next to me. She had a great sense of style and seemed really nice. One day I just said to her "I love your shirt. Where did you get it?" She told me where she got it, and it ended up being a store I loved. So we started talking about the store, and the day after that she talked to me. Now we're really close friends.

Just walk with your head held high and give off an air of confidence. No one is going to hate you for telling them their hair looks good.

I know this sounds weird, but complaining works, too. All teenagers hate getting a lot of work. Maybe say to the girl next to you "I can't believe how much work this insane teacher is giving us." I've done this a lot, and even though I didn't become friends with all the people, it did help me feel more confident. Because not once did someone make fun of me or give me a dirty look. A few ignored me, but I just laughed it off.

Just realize that these people in your classes are just that- people. They have flaws and insecurities just like you. I bet you there are other people in those classes who are in the same boat as you. Go talk to them. I doubt they would want to be alone.

Break out of your shell a little. What's the worst that could happen? They ignore you? So what? Shrug it off. Live a little bit. It'll be worth it when you find those few people who were meant to be your friend.

How do you make friends in jail?

Be nice and open. Workout everyday so you are alert and focused. Ignore when people curse or talk about doing bad things. Avoid making bad choices, make good choices much as possible and always just be yourself. Think of yourself as a warrior who was put in jail by bad guys.

Just listen to others. When you help others you will help yourself.

Be careful though of bad apples, those people that seem over nice and friendly may have hidden agenda's and they trick people by being friends, and they try to use people. So just stay strong and just be first your own best friend, open and honest.

Learn everyday, it will bring you peace. Inspire to each day. Learning is our lives. You can have a great deal of value to others when you are learning and growing, you can have positive influence on the world.

How can I make friends if I have none?

You are young and have time to change. So don't give up.  First of all, if you observe people in social interaction, you will understand the dynamics at work. Social interaction means that people are communicating. They have reasons and objectives, just like when you don't understand something in class and you ask a question for clarification.  When you realize this, just learn to listen before you speak, then think about what you hear and and ask questions to get the other person to share more or explain, or continue their story because you show an interest.  The key is to have an interest in what they are saying.  If you cut them off so you can talk about you, you are showing that you don't care about what they are saying, but you want them to care about what you are saying; it will be taken as an insult.  It is usually best to listen to them first; ask them questions showing your interest and enabling you to learn more about them.  Then, when they do ask about you, keep it short and interesting, and fairly quickly switch back to getting them to share more about their self.  It shows you would rather learn about them than toot your own horn.  But when they ask about you, be open and honest. Don't exaggerate, and don't play mysterious or hard to get. Just be gracious for their interest and tell what they want to know without turning the spotlight on yourself for too long.  If you develop any kind of relationship it will only happen through mutual or shared interest and it can only happen if you are willing to listen to them. Two things can happen as you go through this process: you develop a relationship and friendship due to shared interests you discover about each other that leads you to want to spend more time together to learn even more about each other or you discover incompatibilities that end the interest in being together or learning any more about each other.  This is a little overly simplistic overall, but reciprocated interest is important.  No friendship will develop if one or both parties are overly self-centered and focused on being heard rather than on listening to the other party. Give it time also because friendships usually develop gradually; not overnight.

Should I tell her that we can't be friends?

I am in love with her, but I don't think she wants to be in a relationship with me - she told me I'm the "nicest" person she has ever met, that's pretty much the kiss of death - I don't want to be her emotional tampon, should I tell her we can't be friends if we're not going to date? I am hoping this will make her re-evaluate the situation, or maybe think of a possible relationship between us that maybe she hasn't quite thought about before... What do you think?

How to make friends when you're homeschooled?

I was homeschooled until I went to public school to play Football before high school. I had made friends in a number of different places before going back and it definitely helped my transition into the social aspects of high school. I was athletic so I played a few different sports: basketball, baseball, street hockey, and golf. All of them were on community teams so it incorporated kids from a bunch of schools in the area; I didn't feel like an outcast for not going to a certain school because everyone was from different schools.

I also just made friends with the kids in the neighborhood. Summer is a great time to do that since everyone is playing outside. Just use the approach I used back then (and continued to use for dating) and that is to just ask them if you can hang out. If they say yes, you just made some friends. If they say no, you're right back where you started and can try again.

I also have very religious parents, so I met a lot of people through my church. While I am no longer friends with them since I left the faith, they were still friends at the time.

Now the one place I would avoid trying to make friends is homeschooling groups. Unfortunately, socially awkward is the norm for homeschooled kids. Mixing them together in one setting does not always help. Granted some of them really just need to be around more people, but at the end of the day I felt the groups I went to only stunted my social development. The biggest problem is they just don't know how to act like kids.

Look into community groups like 4H, sports, clubs focused around a hobby of yours, etc. Just don't be afraid to ask people.

I am lonely, how do I make friends?

For a moment I thought I was the one asking this question; it sounds like something I would've written not such a long time ago.When I was in highschool, I barely had any friends, and most of the people I thought were being nice to me turned out to be flakes. They only wanted to be friends with me because I was able to help them on homework, or because they thought it was cool to know someone who was good at martial arts, or because they needed someone to show off to their other friends. I was pretty cynical back then, and it was hard to make any new friends because I thought all of those people were out there to use me.Fast forward a year or so, I was in my last years of highschool; this time I had entered a school for students who were among the top performers in NC. Point is, I thought there would be no different than my old highschool. You'd have classes, albeit more challenging, and you'd have students who were undoubtedly trying to take advantage of each other, even more so because of the difficulty. So when I got there I barely left my room for the first two weeks; my room mate, who went to school with me since 2nd grade, finally exasperated, pushed me out of the room to eat food and go out to talk to someone. Like a fish on land, I was completely lost and (forgive the pun) floundering. That was when I turned around and found this girl, in a red shirt with a cartoon panda on it. To her credit, she was nice enough to say hi to me when I just stood there mouth agape, unable to form words. I managed to say hi, and we talked, for like 5 minutes. And after that a lot of different things happened with me and her, but the important part of this story is not that. No, the important part of this story, is this: In order to find true friends, you first need to go out and talk to people. If you don't, there's no way you can ever find friends. When you're looking for friends, it's best to join social groups (different school clubs/orgs) that you are interested in. By doing so, you ensure that the pool of people and you have something in common to talk about. It also increases the chances that you and they will be like minded. True friends can not be found, they can only be built from our existing friendships. So one step at a time; find some friends first. Then invest time and effort and care in each other to build up trust and loyalty. Best wishes to you!

I have autism, and I can't make friends?

I go to a school with 5 other problem students, in alternative school. they all suck. also, I try to make friends outside of school, and I try to get a girlfriend so bad, but no luck there, either. I have even tried contacting childhood friends, but no luck. I have tried talking to the girls my age at my Turkish cultural center, but no luck. I try befriending children, no luck. I try using social media, I get blocked. im 16 and a guy, and I just want to ask you, is there something wrong with me? does everyone hate me, and what is the point of living?

How do you make friends, when you have a bad reputation?

Well the answer is so easy for me but will be the hardest thing you ever do in your life.....You have to make the effort and stick it out no matter what. You simply use these simple little phrases. "I am sorry if I hurt or upset you" "Please forgive me " "Just give me another chance to show you that I am not the person I used to be" . You are a teenager and that makes it hard because I know how kids are these days. It is never easy to fix hurting peoples matter if you are young or old. I am sure you will be go through alot before you get positive results but remember this....keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. BE YOURSELF!! All too often kids these days forget they don't have to be like everyone else. stop being a clone and just be yourself but I can tell you this MUST LOVE YOURSELF if you want people to love you in return. Try starting with your family them how you have changed the rest will fall in place. good luck