How Crazy Are Peta People I Think I Was Almost A Victim Of Road Rage Because Of My Anti-peta

What do people in other countries think about Donald Trump?

CanadaWe’re concerned for our poor neighbours to the south, while simultaneously amazed at this unbelievable spectacle:UpdateI was astounded and dismayed, but not really surprised, when I read the Calgary Sun (a right-wing and very conservative news daily). They had published a poll taken of their readers to find out which presidential candidate people supported. The poll showed 48% support for Trump, 27% support for Hillary and 25% undecided.These sad numbers should not be surprising because this is an oil-producing province and Trump, a climate change denier, said that he would give his blessing to a huge pipeline project to send Alberta oil (most of it from our Athabasca “tar-sands”, a very polluting and expensive source) to the US Gulf Coast.A presidential endorsement of this “Keystone XL Pipeline” (Barack Obama already said, “No”) is something that Alberta oil barons would dearly love to see and so Trump is their man; environment and world peace be damned I suppose, as long as the oil companies keep making money. :^(Trump’s approval rating will be much lower and Hillary’s much higher in more liberal-minded parts of Canada, such as British Columbia and Ontario (maybe in Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia too). Saskatchewan and Manitoba, prairie-land in the middle of Canada, are a mystery to me.

Why is pepper spray banned in England and why does no one try to protest to get it legalised?

Because it's the will of the people that it should be banned.I heard a story in New York back in the 80s. A man lived on the upper West Side and worked in Midtown. In the summer he liked to walk home, cutting across a corner of Central Park. He felt safe in the daylight. In winter he took the Subway, being wary of dark in the park. But one glorious day in autumn he took the chance in the half lightAs he walked along he saw a jogger coming towards him. The jogger bumped into him as he passed. Instinctively he felt for his wallet. It wasn't there. Angry, he went chasing after the jogger, got him in a headlock and yelled “gimme that wallet!”. The jogger handed over the wallet.Shaken but satisfied the man returned to his apartment and went to his bedroom to change. And there on his bed…… was his wallet. He'd just mugged a guy. And that was without lethal or debilitating weapons being used.The thing is, here we believe in something called due process. We believe in innocence until proven guilty. We believe in a fair trial. We believe that the best way to stay out of trouble. We don't believe in vigilante justice. We know it's dangerous to jump to conclusions. And in the end it's our country to run as we wish, not as how you think we should.By the way, you can't get pepper spray but you can get canisters of compressed air which when deployed will make a very loud, attention-attracting noise which will do the job without causing anybody physical harm.