How Did Milton Friedman Get Away With Destroying The South American Country Of Chile

What are some examples of economic inefficiency?

Look at the Public Aid structure in the US..Thats a economic inefficieny if I ever seen one .....Tax the Heck out of the middle class to support generations of worthlees, Don't care to be educated, don't and won't work Weasels. Take the money from hard working indivuals that eat hamburger helper and pay their bills and give it to scum of the earth,,people that just want to make more worthless babies and drink beer..
So they can eat Steak..smoke cigarettes. And drive Cadillacs

Why do Marxists not give the Chilean economy as an example of a successful Marxist economy given it's the wealthiest Latin American nation?

The democratically elected Marxist Government of Salvador Allende in Chile was overthrown by a US supported military coup in 1973 after several years of CIA sponsored economic and other destabilization. The military junta, a fascist dictatorship, implemented the so-called free market reforms suggested by Milton Friedman and the “Chicago boys” which dismantled the social democratic reforms that Allende has tries to implement. It was only after Chile recovered from fascism and Chicago and resumed in a quieter key a sort of social democracy after the overthrow of the fascists that the Chilean economy began to boom for everyone to the extent that it booms for everyone in a capitalist society. Marxist can take no credit for the current state of the Chilean economy except insofar as it is based in someway on What Allende did. That's very remote. Chile rather stands as an example of the dangers of a nonviolent democratic transition to socialism in the face of violent capitalist resistance.

Do cons and libertarians worry about the lack of examples of successful countries with their policies?

Liberals can always point to the large number of countries that have higher taxes and more government spending than the US, and say "look, these countries get more vacations, work less hours, have universal healthcare (which is more efficient than ours), have better educated students than us (despite having public education), and they have GDP growth rates that are similar to ours."
Canada, Sweden, Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, etc. the list goes on and on. Sure they don't have as many billionaires but they have less extreme poverty too and lower inequality.

What do conservatives and libertarians have as examples? What do you use?
Certainly there are some developing countries that have grown faster after liberalizing, but they are all much poorer than Western Europe or Canada and are likely to remain so for a very long time. I doubt many conservatives would point to China or India or Indonesia or Chile as their model economy to emulate.

I suppose Hong Kong is a decent candidate, as Milton Friedman and others supported it, but it does have a lot of social welfare spending and while it has no income tax, the government pays for all these social programs by owning all the land in the country and leasing to private users.
The government owning all land doesn't seem like something cons or libertarians would generally support.

So is the booming, prosperous economy (with benefits for all, or most) that you believe would occur with deep cuts in spending and taxes just a utopian ideal? Or are there some actual examples you would use? [Can you do it without using US history? The biggest expansion of government and of the economy happend at the same time from post WWII to the 1950s-1970s (when the top marginal tax rate was very high), and Clinton who raised taxes oversaw the largest expansion in jobs and the stock market and economic growth since then.]