How Did The Way You Were Parented Affect Your Attitudes Toward Genders In This World Are People

How does race, poverty, gender, ect affect a students education?

That is tough and also very specific to each region and society. Some societies are very different from others regarding education. Also, the level of education makes a difference. My family could not afford a modern computer. As a consequence I could not do some homework at home. I was allowed to come to school a few hours early and use the school computers. I did "OK". Poverty only starts to influence education at higher levels. The higher the level of education sought, the greater the cost. Someone pays whether you or someone else.
Race by itself does not influence education. Culture does so more than race. Racism is related to culture. In some cases you are considering the child's response to racism much more than the child's race is considered.
Gender is up for grabs debate-wise. We simply don't know enough to say with certainty how gender influences learning. There are hints, but only hints. The other problem is that averaging students in such a way puts increased burdens or difficulties on the boys or girls who do not fit the mold or who are not average. Their learning would be hindered.
Parents involvement is important. They influence the child's attitudes toward school as well as the child's behavior.
Teachers methods are important. They are always learning how children learn. They change from year to year with understanding and also with using technology in teaching. It is know that it is critical. It is not know exactly how.
There are simply too many variables to nail down an answer. I have talked with teachers. They tell me that the same problem has to be addressed completely differently with different regions. The inner city children of New York have a vocabulary and sense of English that is almost completely different from rural OK. You cannot teach them the same because their understanding and environment are so different. In OK cows are seen everyday. In New York City they are in a zoo. In some places the food was seen alive only hours before it is eaten. It makes a difference. Again, that is just the tip of the ice burg.

Is gender identity dictated by attraction?

I feel it is possible for some people to act masculine to attract people who may be attracted to masculinity (not all attraction pairings are for masc/fem. some can be masc/masc or fem/fem and some cannot be characterized within an attraction for masculinity or femininity)

Also, some men, whether they identify as as gay or not, can consider themselves feminine or display femininity. Likewise, some women, whether they identify as lesbian or not, can consider themselves masculine or display masculinity. And there are some people who may not display either, and may not consider themselves either.

Here is an example of how expectations of attraction may affect gender: in some gay communities,some men who are gay act hyper feminine because it is culturally attractive in some communities. In some heterosexual communities, some men who are heterosexuals act hyper masculine because it is culturally attractive in some communities.

That example highlights another aspect of gender dynamics, they can change for some people over time. This to me means that attraction may not be the only thing that affects gender identity, but it could be one of many things.

I believe that gender is a social construct and that people react to cultural expectations of behavior that a society has labeled gender. My reason for believing this is that gender is not consistent universally, it changes over time and also depending on the culture one is from.

In my own culture, people can be without gender, or with multiple genders. My own culture differentiates between sex and gender and we also recognize more than two sexes.

How does gender affect our identity?

It's simple, just think about all the gender bias there are out there. People expect different behaviors of different genders, this is the way our society works. Each country is different, so I'll focus on western culture.

If a girl wears a skirt, it's fine. If a girl wears pants, it's fine. When I guy wears pants, it's fine. When a guy wears a skirt, he's a fag! He's a fag and there is something wrong with him! o.O Mind you, this isn't my opinion, but this seems to hold true across the board. Wearing clothing, listening to certain kinds of music and even television shows fall under this 'gender bias' I'm referring to. Having a certain 'norm' forced on you can be rather troublesome. Like a girl who wants to 'code and hax' rather than 'curl her hair' may be frowned upon by her more 'girly' peers, where as she may appeal more to 'the guys' now.

As a girl, I was suppose to be taught to be pretty quiet, not to rough house with the boys, and playing video games was something that was reserved only for males. (This is growing up in the early 90's by the way.) I did all of these things and as a result, I was I called a tomboy. If I were a boy, these things would be common place and no one would think twice, but because I was a girl I was slapped with a label.

This is only a small example out of many. Try and find some things that effected you because of your gender. Good options to think about exploring are 'weight', 'sexual orientation' and 'job titles'. You'd be surprised of the bias's out there! You may actually be sickened if you dig too deep.

If I gave you all the answers to your project, you won't learn anything from it. You need to do some 'self-exploration'. The project isn't really about having the 'correct answer', but how well you can identify yourself as an individual and how 'being who you are' effects how you grow up and interact with others.

Culture problems would be something along the line of 'gay bashing'. If a guy is gay, he may be beaten up. If a girl is gay, no one cares...most of the time.

To sum up what I said: Your gender comes pre-set with cultural norms you are expected to follow. If the status quo doesn't fit your values, you are viewed as an outsider.

The rest is up to you. To the 'Google' you go!

Is there any research done on how a mother's attitude towards a son affects the son's attitude towards women?

It is the same as how a dad treats his daughter if dad is cruel fair that will identify and attract abusive men ( I am a product of this example). My boyfriend and his mother would be a phenomenal case study. He is a mommas’ boy, he loves his momma. He runs to her when he is upset with me, she waits for these moments to show him no woman is worth leaving his momma for. When he crosses her she has no use for him and pulls the silent treatment or she calls 20 times a day to tell him he is the worst son / he has ruined her life / career etc... He is very much the same way with me, very jealous and possessive and I am wonderful until the moment he gets a hint I am not perfect then I am the worst, I need to pack up and get out and don't let the door hit me in the was. What they both are really trying to say through their thick skinned ego is STAY WITH ME I LOVE YOU but it comes out as fuck you get out of my life! Like I said I have a history with extraordinary men so I've learned how to read between the lines. Pretty sure there has been extensive research on the psychology on this trio filled with statistics and facts. This is just happens to be the exact bullshit I am dealing with/ learning from at the current phase in my life… ( keep in mind my boyfriend is 17 years younger than myself , he prefers older women. I am sure there is a study on that as well) Lol!!

How does gender stereotyping affect a child?

Just to say, I think children should be stereotyped, it can cause alot of confusion to the child as well. Maybe not completely stereotyped, but they should alteast know if they are a girl or boy, when their older they will choose themselves if they want to be either boy or girl, most people do that anyways.

How does race and gender affect our socialization?

Some people think that race demotes your personality and characteristics. Also, gender also demotes you because a lot of men in this day and age still think they are more important than women. Life is all about tolerating people. And respect.

How much does culture affect your personality/character and who you are? Is culture everything to someone's personality traits?

There are various opinions on how environment affects personality. There are psychologists who believe we are all born as a ‘clean or empty slate and then culture would be something that develops our personality.But most psychologists believe our personality is a product of both environment and genetics.The culture you come from no doubt has an influence. Children tend to be influenced and shaped by the world they grow up in. It may conflict with their natural dispositions and reactions and so then they have to choose. With these choices we make, we are deciding what is dominate: our natural self or the environment.Some people conform to culture to the extent of becoming iconic representations of it. Others reject it or at the least resist its influence.By the time we are adults we tend to make our own choices and grow beyond the culture we grew up in. Some adapt other cultures and some reject culture altogether thinking that it stifles or corrupts a person’s personality and character.We all have the will and imagination to create any life we want. We do not have to be confined to culture.

What is the difference between sexuality and gender ?

'Sexuality' is basically how you tend to lean towards intercourse... homosexual, heterosexual, bi-sexual, asexual (no joke, there are people classified as 'asexual').

'Sex' is the anatomy you're born with.

'Gender' is the way you behave and identify with people. Do you behave and identify as a boy or girl, by social standards?