How Do I Add On Edit A Question On Here That I Previously Asked

How do you edit your question details?

You can't edit a question (never have been able to either).

The reason for this is that editing can cause problems for the answerers

e.g. say you asked "What time does the last bus from X to Y leave on Saturday" and then you would get people answering this e.g. "11pm...."

So then you change the question to asking "what is the name of a female sheep" then technically all of the previous answers would not be answering the question and anyone coming along later could see that and think they were point gaining

Therefore if you miss a point or want to make a correction, then add an update explaining and people can see the details this way.

Note: once a question has been answered you can no longer delete it either..

How do I add additional details to my questions here without having to put links instead?

This used to exist, in a feature aptly named Question Details.The feature was removed about a month ago, and now they use Question Sources, which is the ability to link a webpage to the question.When this change occurred, all previously existing question details were moved into the question comments. You may occasionally happen across a question that previously had details, but doesn't make sense without reading the comments to find them.The best way to include details to a question now is by writing a comment on the question right after you ask the question. Be sure to put at the end of the question “Details in Comments” or something similar, to let writers know that you've left extra info in the comments for them.

How can you ask a question anonymously and still add a comment to it on here?

You cannot leave comments anonymously.The only anonymous activities allowed on Quora since late March 2017 are posting questions and answers, editing them if you have the anonymous edit link that was generated when the content was originally posted, and private following of questions.Note that private following is not truly anonymous; there is still a record in the database, even though it is concealed from ordinary users. Anonymous questions and answers, on the other hand, are not connected to the user account that posted them.If you believe it is unfair that Quora won't let you comment anonymously, complain to the trolls and stalkers who abused that feature to death.

How do I add question details on Quora?

UPDATE:As of 2018, Quora has changed the user interface and removed the answer details feature. Quora no longer supports adding question details.———————————————————————When you start adding Question, first popup comes where you need to add Question Heading as in the picture belowAfter you entered you question heading here and click on next, another popup appears which asks you if your question is similar to the existing ones. This is where you have option to write question details before adding your question. See the boxed area in the image below. There you can click and add your question details.I know this is not very much visible on first but that is the intended way of adding details.

Why can't you edit a question comment answer or reply here if you've put in a linked photo or video?

The  question asks about a "question comment answer or reply".  I assume  you're not asking about questions or answers, because you can easily edit  those. A comment, however, or a reply to a comment (which are  basically both comments) are harder to edit. I can do it, but apparently only on the Quora app on my iPhone.

How do I ask a question on here but add more detail afterwards it doesn't let me?

You just asked the question. And go edit the details.I have done so on your question: I added the sentence: “This is how to add details.”Click on the ellipsis in the right corner below the question. Go to “Edit Question and Details” and click that. That is how you can change your question and its details.

How to delete a question on here?

If the question has answers, the only real way to remove them is as violations. You will need to get friends and network to report. The easiest thing to do is go to the question and change the asker to anonymous. You will then be the only one who knows it is you. The staff in the past would remove one or two, but no longer.

Theres no ask button? how can i ask a question normally??

If you don't see a submit button when posting a question try refreshing the page. Here is how to ask a question. Type your heading in the rectangular box top right where it says whatsup? click details under that, enter your details you can click expand if you want more room click add photo or video if you wish click there, follow the prompts to do so click submit it will now show the category YA chose to place it , if is inappropriate click
"edit category" above browse for the
category you want click and choose it, if
you don't see it
in the initial list click "All" top line
left and you 'll see them all to choose a sub category click the main one and from the list choose the sub category, click then
If you don't choose it at that time you can return later and change the category.
It's always good to return and choose best answer to your question that way you get 3 points back of the 5 points it cost you to ask and you made the answerer who took the time to help you a happy camper because they earned an extra 10 points. When you answer a question you'll also appreciate it.