How Do I Choose A Good Tattoo Kit For My Boyfriend

What gift should I get my tattoo artist boyfriend?

If you are a tattoo artist please let me know what my boyfriend would like and where I can get it. I know he really wants something along the lines of equipment, ink or something that will help him tattoo. If you cant think of anything cool thats under $50 please let me know.

Should i let my boyfriend tattoo me?

ive been wanting to get a couple tattoos and my boyfriend is a tattoo artist he has a couple tattoos that he did himself he hasnt shown me yet because of where they are on his body. i havent really seen much of his work except for a couple of tattoos he did for his friends and a really good rough sketch of a tattoo for our friend kyle the stuff is really nice that he does just that im thinking that if we break up i might look at those tattoos and regret having him do them because having them will remind me of our relationship and its nothing against the tattoos themselves cause none of them are about him im just afraid of it being a tattoo i regret because he did it

I really want to tattoo my girlfriend's name on my body, but she says it's bad luck. How can I change her mind?

I'm a strongly pro-tattoo person, but I have to agree with your girlfriend here. You should not tattoo her name anywhere on your body, for several reasons:It's too strong of a romantic gesture, especially for someone you're only dating. Getting someone's name tattooed on your skin is only appropriate for couples that have been married for a long time, since there already is a real sense of permanence and commitment to the relationship.  She doesn't want you to do it. That should be the end of the conversation right there. I'm sure that she appreciates the gesture, but if she doesn't want her name on your body, you should let it go and move on. It puts a crushing amount of pressure on her. When you make an enormous and permanent sign of devotion, like a tattoo, she will feel like you're obligating her to do the same thing. That is unfair, and may cause her to want to break up with you. Trying to change her mind on an issue like this will most likely make you seem unreasonable. As applies to many aspects of a relationship, this is one place where no means no. Respect her decision. Pressuring her to change her mind will lead to resentment.If you two break up, you will regret getting that tattoo. You'll be stuck with a memory of someone that you can't easily rid yourself of. If you two break up, it could damage your romantic prospects in the future. Some women simply won't date a guy with another woman's name on him, unless he's a widow. Some will not date a guy who tattoos women's names on himself while dating. It'll make you seem like you fall in love too easily and quickly. You'll seem reckless. If you two break up, you will either have to get it removed (costly) or get it covered with another tattoo (costly). Unless you have a lot of money lying around, that's just wasteful.Does she even like tattoos? If someday you marry this girl and you two share a few anniversaries together, then you can consider getting her name on your skin. Maybe she'll even want to join you for a couple's tattoo session. But anytime before then is a recipe for disaster.

What are some cute ways to present a tattoo as a Christmas gift for my boyfriend?

I am going to pay for my boyfriend to get a tattoo he has been wanting as a Christmas present. Any cute ideas? So far I'm just thinking of getting a cute Christmas box and having a picture of the tattoo he's wanting inside... then making homemade chocolates (he loves chocolate) and having them in the box too. Decided to post on here and see if anyone has any better ideas.

Do you need a tattoo license to tattoo in your home?

Yes you need a license to tattoo out of your home. If he tattoos out of the home, he is breaking two laws, both which are punishable by fines and/or jail time. In the US, in order to tattoo, you must be a licensed artist, and, if you are tattooing, you must be in an inspected, licensed facility. You cannot legally tattoo out of your home, even if you are licensed, without having the state come in and inspect the environment. It is very unlikely that the state, no matter where you are, would ever grant a permit to tattoo out of the home, there are too many dangers. And I hate to play devil's advocate, but, I doubt any shop would tell him that he doesn't need a license. And, if they did, they are doing it to try to prevent him from getting a job in a local, licensed body modification studio. What he's doing is illegal and dirty. He's known as a scratcher in the industry, and will never gain respect. If he "teaches" himself, he will develop bad habits and do crappy tattoos, and no shop will ever hire him. If he's serious about it and wants to be a tattoo artist, he needs an apprenticeship. They are costly and take time, but, it's the only way to do it. Would you go to a person who is practicing medicine in their home, someone teaching themselves how to do pap smears out of their basement? No, you would go to a licensed doctor in a state regulated office or hospital. And yes, although tattooing isn't the medical profession, there are many safety hazards that scratchers know nothing about. Tell him to put his cheap eBay kit in the trash and stop breaking the law.

Best tattoo machine/kit for a new artist?

Perhaps a tattoo machine is the most important tool to invest in for a professional tattoo artist. Size of the Tattoo Machine is the most vital factor while choosing a tattoo machine. Since drawing a tattoo is a job that involves constant use of hand so the weight of the tattoo machine should not be tiresome for your hands. If your budget allows then you must go for a tattoo machine that automates the speed of the needle movement and the pressure that it applies on the skin. As it is very important to apply the right amount of pressure to put the pigment at the right depth in the skin so that it stays for longer time. Last parameter to choose a tattoo machine would be to look in to what size of the coil is fitted in your instrument. As the coil size depends upon the kind of the needle you will use for outlining and shading.
These are some of the common parameters that are kept in mind while choosing a tattoo machine by the artists but then there are obviously individual parameters of artists, which are as different as the artists themselves. BTW, one of my friend once purchased a tattoo machine from, which used well. Perhaps you could try.