How Do I Convince My 7 Year Old Daughter To Take Her Tonsils Out

How can I convince my doctor to let me have my tonsils removed?

Usually it's a matter of convincing the doctor that your illness or injury is interfering with a normal life, which it sounds like your tonsils are.

Note the variate ways you are impacted: missed days of school or work, frequent illnesses and a growing tolerance to prescribed antibiotics, frequent pain, inability to sleep due to breathing interference when you lie down, plus any others.

Your tonsils do serve a function and he might be reluctant to remove them because he'd hate for you to lose their protection.

Can you get your tonsils removed for no reason?

I had mine removed when I was 19 years old and I'm not trying to scare you but the aftermath of it was the most painful thing I have ever been through.

After the surgery I couldn't eat for about two months and I lost about 20 pounds...ending around 82 pounds which is extremely unhealthy. I'm a very small girl to begin with but 82 pounds is like anorexic weight!

If you aren't having problems with them then there is really no need to remove them. Some people have them their whole lives and never have problems with them. I was constantly getting sore throats, strep throat, tonsillitis, abscesses, etc, so I had reasons to have them removed.

If you get them out when you are young though then it's nothing. My doctor was saying kids can get them out and be fine and back to normal in a matter of days, but older people can take several weeks (and months in my case).

Good luck!

Should I make my 13-year-old kid wear a night-time diaper for wetting the bed? He has no bladder problems. I tried everything with him but I just give up.

Some good replies to this question. Especially Jonathan’s post.Bed wetting and diaper use - Bedwetting solutionsIf, you have tried everything and are now asking about diapers, my question would be why have you not been using them all along. What is it that frightens you about diapers. Oh forgive me they are disgusting. They do not have to be. They are what you make them and helping your child is what is most important.Of all the other ideas like, drugs waking at night no fluids before bed or how humiliating and degrading to make your child sleep in a pee soaked bed all night then to make them wash their own sheets every day, hoping that their bed will be dry by bed time. As well as the ultimate humiliation of the lingering smell of urine to permeated the child’s room. Why would a parent put their child through all of that, especially drugs? How can a parent hurt their child like this? If you have taken your child to the doctor and found nothing physically wrong then for God’s sake let your child grow and mature at their own rate.I’m sorry I do not understand why a parent would do these things. Is it that your child humiliates you that much? Is it that sister “Bertha Better Than You” has a child who does not wet the bed. And, hopefully you do not have a doctor who says your child is just lazy, if so get a real doctor who really cares about your child. I’m sorry these types of thinking are truly sad.Talk to your child about the use of diapers you do not have to force them on your child just get them to try them at least for a week. You as the parent have to think positive there are so many benefits here. First of all it is a way for you to continue the parent and child bonding when you diapered them when they were little what a fantastic idea. Reinforce they are dealing with their situation in a grownup way NOT in a baby way. And never humiliate them. Please read the benefits of diapers posted at the URL above.

Four year old tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy recovery?

Tonsillectomies for children are usually a quicker recovery than adults, however it's difficult for a child because they generally don't want to drink because it hurts, when adults realize they have to drink in order to feel better. I had a tonsillectomy at age 20, and knew that the only thing that made me feel better overall was drinking gallons of liquid a day!
I'd recommend telling him that he needs to drink water or he won't feel better. That water or liquid will help him feel better even though it hurts he has to drink. I know that's a hard thing to convince a 4 year old, so if that method doesn't work, try giving him warm chicken broth, or beef broth. Also, popsicles even cut up into smaller pieces in a bowl might be more appetizing. Best of luck!

Edit: If he still is refusing to drink anything, you may have to warn him that if he doesn't get any liquid in him, he'll have to go back to the hopsital to get them put into him (IV). I'd call the doctor and ask for recommendations.

Help With 5 Year Old Throwing Up For Attention?

I have a five (almost six) year old who is throwing up for what I now believe is attention. Granted, she has been going through a hard time. She had to deal with parental seperation about a year ago and that is still an issue. She also has a lot of food allergies and before we figured out what they were, she was vomitting constantly. Now, she is eating a diet that she has been eating for quite some time and which is perfectly fine for her so there is no need to throw up. She is going through a HIGHLY manipulative stage which is very difficult to deal with and seems to be throwing up around the times (not on cue) but near the times when she is told to do something that she doesn't want to do or when she doesn't want a parent to leave, etc. I have seen her gag but am a little torn on how to handle this because if there is some chance that it is not on purpose I don't want to treat her badly for being sick but I think there is very little chances of anything else. Last night she threw up when I told her it was bedtime. She wasn't sick before or after but seemed to want me to let her stay up because she was sick. I told her that I wasn't born yesterday and that I know what she is doing and if she continues to do it her teeth will get holes. I think she was a little scared by that but I am feeling like I really did the wrong thing. Is this common in kids and how do you deal with it properly?

How do I get my teenage daughter to stop making out with her boyfriend?

Well, I will say that I’m not particularly impressed by your daughter’s ability to Not Be Seen. This wasn’t smart on her part. She should be having her hot makeouts where you can’t see them. Even if you weren’t as ridiculously against this as it seems that you are, that’s just common courtesy. Like, I know my parents have sex, and that’s fine, but I’d rather not see it. If I saw my parents playing tonsil hockey in the car, I’d be like, “Ugh, Jesus Christ” and then wonder why the fuck they didn’t just park on the other side of the block.Actually, I’d be wondering why they were in the car in the first place when they have a perfectly good house. Wonders never cease.Anyway, you’re not going to be able to stop this and I really suggest you do not try. All it’s going to do is cause unnecessary friction between you and your daughter. Unless you’re going to lock her in a room and throw away the key, you can’t monitor her 24/7. And her boyfriend would probably show up with a ladder in the middle of the night, anyway. That’s romantic as fuck. You’re just giving them an excuse to play Romeo and Juliet, in that case.What I would say is somewhat reasonable would be “no sex in the house.” I assume she lives in your house. I can understand why you wouldn’t want her having sex under your nose, so I see that as at least somewhat reasonable. But you can’t stop her from being sexual in its entirety. It’s just not possible.What I would suggest instead is having a conversation with her about safe sex and let her know that you did see her making out in the car. I mean, that’s awkward - she doesn’t want you to see that, believe me. This will encourage her to be a bit more discreet and also ensure that she knows to use proper protection and has access to it and whatnot.Outside of this… she’s a teenager. Teenagers have sex. Surely you weren’t so naive to not think this was the case. That would be ridiculous.