How Do I Convince My Extremely Overprotective Mother To Let Me Have A Boy Sleepover

Overprotective parents? friend's parents are worse..They wouldnt even let him go out and meet his friends..But anyway,most 1st generation asian parents are like that so you'll have to put urself in their shoes,try to convince them and say you'll do chores for 1 week?2? or Tell them that my friend's parents are very decent people and wouldnt do that,and say that mostly girls get raped and not guys...
Gd luck

How to convince my dad to let me sleepover a friends house ?

So my dad is really strict to when it comes to having sleepovers at my friends house . My mom is perfectly fine with it . But when it comes to my dad , its most likely always a no . Im 13 , and I've known my friend for a really long time so I trust her , and Im not the only one sleepingover , my other close friends are going too . My dad allowed my older brothers when they were younger go to sleepovers at their friends home , so I just don't see why I'm not allowed . Please help , I've never been to a sleepover because of him . If theres anyway you could help me convince him , then that would be great ! 5 stars for the best answer .

How to convince parents to let me sleepover.?

I'm seventeen years old and I never stayed over at a friend's house.

My parents' argument:
doesn't want another parent to have responsibility over me
thinks the house will get robbed
doesn't think that the other parent is responsible

my friend's mom is a nurse
I'm helping out with my friend's homework.
I can always get a blunt object and smashed the robber's head in
my parents never been to a sleepover
Mom is VERY VERY stubborn...almost bipolar sometimes...

please help.

My Mom Won't Let Me Have A Sleepover?!?

"we are Asians and Asians NEVER have sleep overs" -- that part doesn't sound like racism. Assuming you got her words right, it sounds like your mom thinks Asians should never have sleepovers, no matter who they're sleeping over with.

Your mom does seem to think Asians and Americans are very different, but that's not necessarily racism. There are some physical differences, but the rest are differences in our traditions. Those are things we can change, and probably should change to some extent, when we try to make a life in another country.

"We're Asians, but this isn't Asia," might be a useful response. Maybe along with a little, "...and I think we should try to get used to some of the things people do here in order to make and keep friends, even if we're not used to those things." Perhaps also throw in, "It's already hard to be different, and when we separate ourselves it makes things even harder."

Your mom might come around if she had a chance to talk or meet with your friends' parents. You could have them call and ask if there's anything she wants to know about them before allowing a sleepover at your house.

If you have any adult relatives who would be on your side, or maybe some Asian friends' parents, one of them might be able to get her more comfortable with the idea. Parents have an annoying habit of not wanting to listen to their kids, but may listen to other adults who tell them the exact same things :)

Good luck :)


It doesn't sound right, no. But, I wouldn't start arguing with her that way. If you're gonna get what you want, you're better off approaching your mom by asking her to bend her traditions a little, instead of trying to cure her of racism.

She probably sees sleepovers as a sign of typical American teenage silliness. You could tell her you know it's silly, but that a little silliness can be healthy once in a while. You could also tell her that if she actually witnessed one of your sleepovers she might see that it's probably not what she's fearing they are.

Im 14 and my parents wont let me sleepover HELP?

well my parents are super religious and they used to let me sleepover at my friends house and now they don't. ive been caught sneaking out of the house and i felt really bad cuz they were super disappointed in me . now they dont let me go ANYWHERE . i hate it because my friends ask me to sleepover and i cant cuz of my parents . :( what should i do to gain their trust back?

Mom won't let me go to a sleepover - and I'm 18!!?

My friend is having a sleepover at her house this weekend and it's with a bunch of very close friends. Yes, there will be guys but we've known each other for years and we will never do sex or anything like that - that is how much we trust each other and are close with each other. Plus, my friend's parents will be there and the house isn't big enough to let weird stuff happen and whatever.
Moving on, this sleepover is something I'm looking forward to because it's kind of the final thing we'll all do together since my best friend is leaving for NYC next Tuesday and everyone else will be getting ready for college. The thing is - my mom won't let me go.
I mean, I'm eighteen for goodness sake's. I know it doesn't mean I suddenly get to do whatever I want or that I'm extraordinarily mature. I don't think I'm above my parents' rules but I just don't get my mom. She has very often, compared to my friends' parents, been strict about time and such. My friends' parents have been lenient and their kids haven't turned out terribly or something.
It's just so frustrating! I'm a legal adult and I think I should be permitted at least some leeway when it comes to a simple, fun thing like sleepovers.
I don't know what to do. My mom sounded pretty firm on not letting me go - and even went as far to say that I'm abandoning her when I go to college and that she'll never do anything for me ever again and blahblah. What do you guys think?

What would be the best strategy to ask an overprotective mom to go on a sleepover?

This depends upon the age and the situation.  But, the best strategy is to assuage the mother's sense of security.  The first step is to build up the responsibility of the friend and the friend's parents.  Make sure your mother seems them as "good parents'.  The second step would be to ensure that any chores, homework and responsibilities are completed in advance to demonstrate that you won't let something "fall through the cracks".  The last step might be seeing if you can get the friends parent to call you mother and ask.  Basically you are removing your mother's reasons to say no, and you are doing them in advance demonstrating sensitivity to your mother's concerns.

Why won't my mom won't let me go to sleepovers?

You certainly have a very high opinion of yourself, and I am not sure why, you have a huge forehead, uni-brow, and a huge pig nose.

Perhaps your mom is being so overprotective is because you are so young and she does not want you to get hurt.

Sit her down and tell her how responsible you can be.

My friend's mom doesn't let her go to sleepovers, to the movies, to picnics, etc. What can I do?

Respect your friend’s parent’s decision and move on.I would allow my daughter and/or son to do occasional sleepovers provided that I knew the parents very well. I also would not allow opposite sex sleepovers until they were on their own in college. Once they grew up, graduated from high school, and went on to college, I did not want to know everything.I would allow picnics and movies only if there was adult supervision when the children were in elementary school. For middle school, another parent or myself had to drop them off or pick them up. Hanging out at the mall all day was not allowed.I was fairly strict because I had survived a brazen abduction attempt in broad daylight. I was chased for blocks by a predator at the age of 8. I ran and ran, and knocked on many doors for help, but no one answered their doors. I was walking home alone from a dance lesson. He cornered me with his car and grabbed for me as I tried to cross an alley, and his pants were unzipped. I kicked and bit him, so he released me. I ran to a nearby gas station and sat there, shivering and scared to death. The people who worked there thought I was the daughter of a customer. I stupidly walked the rest of the way home. When I got home, my dad had guests over and was too embarrassed to hear my story. By the time my mom got home and the police were called, the lead had gone “cold.” They told my parents that I was very lucky to have survived, as another kid in the neighborhood did not. I never forgot what happened.I was a “free range” kid, as my parents meant well, but they had six children to care for. Once, a couple of men saw me waiting by a bus stop and they “invited” me in their car for a “ride.” I was 12. I said “no,” but they were persistent. A nice woman intervened, which was very brave of her to do so.Another time, a couple of boys took advantage of me at the roller rink. Just kissing, but again I was only 11 or 12. I didn’t need to get that experience so early. They tried to make dates with me at the bowling alley.Anyway, I watched my children a bit closer while our kids grew up. Respect other parent’s decisions. They may have good reasons for them.