How Do I Defend Myself

Being a vegetarian: how to defend myself?

People who eat meat think they will become as strong as an Ox.....forgetting that the Ox eats grass.

Diets that are rich in animal protein are known to cause people to excrete more calcium than normal through their urine and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Plant protein is as useful as animal protein without all the fat, cholesterol, antibiotics, hormones, etc.

Elephants, rhinos, giraffes, bulls, deer, manatees, and horses are able to gain strength and size from eating an herbivorous diet. A mountain gorilla is primarily an herbivore. How do they get their protein? They built strength and muscle, as do many vegan body builders and athletes, with plants that have a high protein content.

Of note: Quinoa has the highest amount of protein compared to other grains

I don`t know how to defend myself!?

what is the point of defending in such a fashion? if i call you a dumba**, does this make you a dumba**? if not then why does another person perceiving you matter to you. logically speaking, there are nearly 7 billion people on the planet and i guarantee you that at least one of them hate you simply because you are you. if you want to argue with people then do so blindly and without guidance, for it will produce the same results. if you wish to find these undesirable experience not scathing then i advise you to look within yourself. when you know yourself others perception of you will become irrelevant.

quite frankly, asking for advice on how to argue is probably the most immature thing i have heard in a while.

insecurity and weakness when considering psychological stability is solely derived from a lack of self knowledge. all this is because most people lie to them self and try to convince them self that distractions are who they are. too many people try to define them self by their job or wealth or friends or family or other superficial aspects of life. i realize most people think family is worth it but what if your family is someone like hitler; does this mean any relation to hitler is automatically sh*t. sorry to say but in the end family means nothing when considering self.

i realize the tone of my answer may seem a bit as*holic but it is only because the old saying is true in most cases; the truth hurts but can make you stronger.

How do I defend myself?!?

This is lame, I know. But there's this girl in my class, she's a year younger than me and short. She wears glasses and has braces, and she's violent. Literally. And she doesn't even realize it. Okay, so she thinks we're friends, and when I say no to something or do something she doesn't like, she will pull my hair or STRANGLE ME. She's strong, and she doesn't realize how rough she is actually being. I see her as a child because she looks like one, and I don't want to hurt her. I always tell her that if she does things like that i'll tell the teacher, do it back 10x harder, etc. but she doesn't give a f. She does it anyways, and it actually does hurt. And if I say anything, she'll start to cry, so it makes me look like the bad guy. Telling the teacher doesn't help, either they don't understand me (I go to a Mexican school, 'cause I live in Mexico) or they brush it off like "she'll get over it."
It makes me mad because I want to slap her or something but I look at her and I see a helpless little rat, and it's like if a cripple mouthed you off, knowing you wouldn't do anything. It makes me especially mad when I say something, or get mad at her, she laughs like i'm actually joking around. I'm starting to get really p.o and I need her to stop. I want her to fear me instead, but I don't want to get suspended. I've already been suspended.

Why is it hard for me to defend myself?

If you mean sticking up for yourself, then that could be due to many things. Are you one of those who doesn’t like to rock the boat? I mean, is it easier for you to just accept what others say so that you can avoid confrontation?You could be one of those who was taught to respect others, and never have an opinion that contradicts anyone else’s for fear that it might cause some sort of trouble. Either way, any reason I give to explain why you don’t defend yourself, says the same thing: you don’t value yourself.It took me a long time to realize this, but now I’ve realized that life is way too short to be living in a cage. I promise you, that once you start to actually let people know that you won’t be talked to, or treated a certain way anymore, your life will change. It won’t be pretty at first, but that’s ok. Stay determined, and you’ll be fine.Void everything I’ve said if you happen to be a kid living in your parents house, and you are trying to find a way to avoid doing your chores. In that case, there’s no way around it, you’ve got to do them. :)

How do I defend myself against my brother?

My 12 year old brother bullies me and my mom alot and im sick of him bullying us. He lies,steals from us,throws things at us,punchs us,hits us, he only cares about himself, he never helps around the house, he calls us names and he always gets into fights with our mom. He thinks if he bullys me he gets what he wants so i wanna prove him wrong, hes really fat and huge he 213 pounds and im scared that if I fight back he will kill me.

What are some non-violent ways to defend myself?

Talking, running or giving what they want.Fights are often started over misunderstandings or the attacker viewing you as a “subhuman”, whatever it takes him to justify the assult, taking calmly changes that.And obviously if he doesn't calm down, give him what he wants. There isn't much of a way to defend yourself without violence,and your health is more important than your valuables.

I want to learn how to fight & defend myself?

lately theres been soo much **** going on around town and at parties. kids getting jumped and fights everywhere. im 17 years old, 6 foot 150 lbs and i workout, am in good shape and strong for my weight. i want to learn how to fight and learn how to defend myself if i and up fighting.. summers coming up and my whole schools just gone nuts and every party kids are getting jumped so i needa get on my grind and back myself and my friends up if they need some back up. my friend told me to try muay thai but i just wanna know straight up what the best would be for my situation.?

How do I Defend myself against my parents?

Okay, so let's keep this as brief as possible. I am 16, honors student and very interactive in school. I believe my parents have been emotionally abusing me for years, and I don't think I'll be able to take it anymore. When they yell at me, which is everyday, they call me names. Dozens and dozens in a few minutes. Nasty, stupid, idiot, dummy, fool, liar, liar, liar. My father always tells me how I won't make it anywhere because I'm so dumb, how I should never speak in public because I'd sound like an idiot. My mom always says, and I quote, "If I could go back and do it again, I wouldn't have you. I swear, I wouldn't have you." It hurts, and I don't think they realize what that does to me, how it makes me feel unwanted. And they hit me, a lot, but that's another story. How do I defend myself? How do I keep myself from feeling this way?

Thanks for any help.

How can I defend myself in a court on a criminal case?

The best way to defend yourself in a court on a criminal case is by hiring a experienced lawyer. Its not like you cant defend yourself, but assuming that you aren’t a lawyer, the optimal solution would be to hire a criminal defense lawyer.Even if you are a lawyer, representing yourself in a case wouldn’t be wise. You should hire a lawyer because they know all about the law, rules and regulations and have experience to deal with any problems that may come during the process.In my opinion, these times are the correct time to contact SODORO DALY SHOMAKER PC LLO. It is an reputable law firm offering proper support to the clients who have been accused of crimes.