How Do I Find The Old Me

How to get the old me back?

Over the past year so much crap has happened to me... so much betrayal. I used to be this guy who could get along with anyone, had so many friends, was so socially, met new people and got popular everywhere I went. I was so happy back then....

Over the past year, I've been cheated on, dumped, used, betrayed numerous by those who were closest to me, numerous times, stolen from, grounded over and over. It was a domino effect, that led to the collaspe of me, starting when my ex left me.

I'm not me anymore... I lost myself along the way. I'm socially awkward, I have no friends at my school. I have a hard time talking to people, I'm sorta depressed. I lost my confidence. I am paranoid, and just unhappy. I want the old me back so badly... I'm graduating and going to college, so I'll have a fresh start. But HOW do I bring out that confident, strong, funny, smart, trusting guy I used to be again... this is killing me.

thanks you all for the help

How can I get the ‘old’ me back? I used to be so optimistic about ‘life and it’s challenges’ until I had my heart broken twice.

Typically, when you start adulthood, you are wide eyed and bushy tailed . In other words, you haven’t a clue what goes on out there . Until you begin to experience it, what you may think the “ old” you was, really wasnt the “ you” , you think!You hadn’t experienced all the parts that shapes and defines a person. You had ideas of who you thought you were but until you go through the ups and downs , that’s when you decide how to look at life ,how to place feelings , thoughts, emotions and outlook. What side of behavior you want to be on.Heartbreak has now shown you reality . It’s up to you to figure out if you use it positively or zone in on the negative. Consider the old you a child and now you have to transfer that child into what you wanted to be like then , into the adult you are now.Find a balance you like. You can be positive and still be cautious.

Can my 18 year old friend take me to get a piercing ?

i'm 15 and i want to get a second ear lobe hole done at Piercing Pagoda... my dad says no so i want my 18 year old freind to take me to get it done ..the only thing is on the site it says anyone under 18 years of age must have the consent of their parent or legal guardian
to obtain our ear piercing service. here is the site :

How can I get my old self back?

Something like that happened to me in my early teens, what did I do? I stopped trying to be the cheerful, little girl I used to be and started embracing my very own self. Yeah, perhaps you'd like to be as social as you were before but, guess what? Wave goodbye to that person because you won't be the same as you were ever again. They say that what we live and the experiences we have shape us into the human beings we end up becoming, and it's true. You'll see, while you are trying to get back the person you used to be, you are still changing and you're missing out on all those things that could be quite important. Perhaps you truly don't want to be that person again, but you're pushing yourself into it because it seems right. Perhaps you are kind of comfortable and okay with who you are right now but you're not noticing because you are wallowing over something that has already happened. It's not only that the situations you were in, changed you, it's also that you changed because of what happened. Do you see it? It's because you chose to go down that path because of an external factor. You're the one who chooses how you want to see the past; like it's anxiety's fault that you can't return to be your former self or like it was just a mere factor in how you ended up evolving as a person. Write down your qualities; make a list about all the things you consider you are. Take a good look at yourself, how much do you know you? Are you losing track of who you are? Do you like yourself as you are now? Accept yourself, and try to mend your flaws. Let the time heal your wounds and please, let go of the past. Hope I helped! Good luck! Thanks for the A2A!

I am a woman aged 55. I'm dating a 66 year old man. Is he too old for me?

No and yes.  Some women want to be the younger one in the relationship.Men are chokingly hung up on age to the point that if there is 15 seconds difference with you being the older one, they will bring it up ad nauseum.  They think younger trumps allllll.  Never mind that they are broke, impotent, sick, unhappy, fat, negative and/or any of the above.I have always looked for "good" qualities in a man.  I learned that men don't really care about that.  They are mainly looking for someone to take care of them like their mother did AND give them sex.  They think a younger woman is more likely to do that than an older one.  What they don't know is younger and older women have awakened in the last 20 years.Or you might be the type of person that cannot tolerate being alone.  That's fine.  Whatever makes you happy.If you like an older guy, good for you.  Just don't end up being his nurse maid with a purse unless you like being that kind of woman.  I want a man that can give and receive.  Easy to say, hard to find.  Most men if it's not about them, it is not about anything at all.Hope you are happy.

Husband said he misses the old me?

I agree that the out-to-dinner thing is probably not going to make it for you long term. All I can offer is that remember when people told you marriage is hard work? Or "for better or worse"? Or "put your marriage first"? What you're going through is exactly what they meant. Make your husband a priority. Instead of seeing him as just another chore, see him as your soft place to land, your treat for having worked so hard. Often, when men look longingly at life before kids, it's that spontaneity and playing they miss. Take an interest in him. Flirt with him. Send him messages or wake him in the middle of the night for sex. Surprise him. Flash him. Sneak away for a quickie. These things take very little time, but will keep the joy going for BOTH of you.

Ex said he misses the old me?

If you're interested in rekindling the relationship, you should probably ask more questions and find out exactly what he thinks changed about you, and then try to work things out from there. If you're looking to move on, then just stop talking to him.

My old friends won't talk to me at school what should I do?

Okay so I moved schools like a year ago because my parents made me, yesterday I switched back to my old school and I was so excited to surprise my old friends. I saw them and they seemed excited to see me, they told me hi and stuff and I had them for a class and we talked in class, but at lunch I went to go sit at their lunch table and my friend said "umm" and I just went on my phone and my other friend said "we don't want to talk to you, maybe sometimes but not at lunch". so I got up and went to the bathroom and stood there for the rest of the lunch, this was a horrible day and I regret going back now because i'm gonna be all alone at lunch. What should I do about this? i'm gonna cry.

Why would my ex say he misses the old me?

I think he thinks that you have changed. Have you had a life change recently? Have you been spending less time together recently? Has something changed in your relationship?
The answers to these questions might explain your "change"
But you need to talk to him about it, especially if you want to get back together