How Do I Get Better At School Help

How to help someone do better in school?

I'm a senior, class of 2013, and I've taken a considerable course load. 4 years of math and science, while studying my *** off to get where I am and ENJOYING the high grades that I EARNED.

My brother is currently in 7th grade, and his apathetic attitude towards school is honestly tearing the family apart. He constantly gets calls home about missing assignments, failing grades, etc.

It gets brought up later on when everyone's home, and it turns into a one way conversation by my mother, while he rolls his eyes and repeatedly asks when he can leave the room.

These arguments go on for hours at a time, and it puts everyone in a bad mood, which leads to other petty arguments between other members of the family.

Now I know I sound like a mom but I'm seriously stressed out to the max. I have anxiety alot, worried about staying ahead in school, keping up with friends socially and working a part time job to save a little money. We've put him in counseling for his anger, his failure to recognize his ONLY job being participating in school, and it's gotten us farther from our goal than when we started.

There's not much asked of him, and the same rules apply to me: Don't come home with less than an 80 in any class, and no missing assignments. Otherwise, there's punishments:

-Computers, electronics taken away, etc
-No going to friends for a while
-No allowance (if it's really bad)

His report card came today and he's failing science and missing assignments in most of his classes. He managed to grab it before mom came home but I was still there to ask him what was up. You just can't get through to him.. what else can we do??

Anyone in this situation please provide input. Much Thanks.

How do I help a friend do better at school?

We all have that friend who is intelligent but not hard working at all. How do you get him to even hold a book?You share jokes together, then why not solve doubts together!? Studying is more fun when you have your bestie by your side. Research says that “Learning is a social activity”. Which is why students learn better in classrooms than alone at home.Set realistic goals like waking up on time and meeting at x o clock to study. Set a timetable too! Make sure it’s not too hard, as a friend you will know the weakness of your friend, so based on it, set realistic goals.Motivation is tricky as you need to make your friend FEEL confident to study on their own. Will power is tricky too as you can only do something if you really want to. So the best way to motivate your friend is to make your study time as fun time.You have to be self motivated yourself! It’s important you do what you say. A person’s company really influences and inspires him to push his limits. That trek to a weekend destination with friends, girlfriends and boyfriends may sound totally exciting, but know your priorities.Start a discussion about the past hard projects that your friend has succeeded in doing. Help your friend fully remember how much ability he or she had then.Tell your friend that you, personally, believe he or she has enough ability. Say it often. Say it in many ways. People feed on their friends' belief in them. They love to hear someone say they can succeed. (But never lie!)Encourage by talking about backup help. Many teachers provide backup help for students. They often wait to be asked by students who need it. So suggest that your friend find out if the teacher can provide such backup as extra books, tapes, tutors, more time, makeup tests, or something else.Many may ask: "Can I really make a difference?" Yes, research shows that students who have friends and relatives who encourage them have succeeded more often than other students. Research shows that even if you encourage "the right way" or do it just a little too often, it often helps. So act!Remember :: Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.

How can school work help me become a better person?

It teaches you responsibility, how to work with other people, time management, importance of meeting deadlines and monitoring the quality of your work, among other things. It teaches you to put off play until you get your work done, which is important in adult life. It also teaches you how to work on things that you’re not very interested in. Something else that comes up in the working world. I have a niece who objected to school work because “It’s just bullshit”. I laughed and said “What do you think work is?”.

Does Adderall help you focus better in school?

I have ADHD and anxiety and have a really difficult time keeping my attention on the teacher for more than 5 seconds before I get bored and stare at all the posters around the room lol. Would Adderall help me focus better? I'm a 16 year old Female by the way.

Can smoking weed help you do better in school?

Hahah! It seems like that is so, even with all the bad press it gets. Most people wouldn't even want to know how many of the top award winning academics, especially in sciences, experimented with narcotics in college, especially weed and LSD.

Can programming help me get better grades at school?

Probably not.If you want to get great grades you need to spend great amounts of time studying, or that's what people say.Learning programming can be hard and long.I enjoyed learning to program.You can and probably spend great amounts of time gaming. If you substitute that time with learning to program with motivation (very important not to feel obligated to it if you don't like it) you can learn to program, but that has nothing to do with your grades.You can also use that time to dedicate more time to homework and doing exercises you have not done yet. That would help you get better grades.It really depends on what resides deep in you.And the fact that you are asking this is because you think you can and should do better in school.However… When I started to program I got desire to learn and point towards going to a great university and doing great.But one is effect of the other, not the same thing.So, it seems you want to improve yourself so you can have a better motivation for focusing more in school.In that case, programming may help. Because learning to program is learning and you need to get accustomed to that to do good in school. And the best way for doing that is if you like what you learn so you are interested in it. The problem is that you would need to apply that to all other subjects in school.If you think the other subjects in school are as interesting as learning to program then it may work.I tell you, learning baaic programming takes half a year of hard work.PS: About competitive programming for programmers with good level, I think it helps at getting better grades. It makes you think on the solutions to difficult problems you would find any other logic problem relatively easy.

Does social media help kids do better in school?

Somehow children nowadays are smart to stay focused at one thing at a time. They are smart enough to switch on and off very fast so, remember technology is the future so don't let your children suffer by you being depriving them of technology. Social media is like communication cum outdoor playing for them.