How Do I Get Bt Sport. Fo I Have To Ring Them. Coz Their Customer Service Is Poo.

Is it normal to feel like you have to poop when your having anal sex?

Anal sex can be beautiful and amazing. Personally I love it, sometimes more than vaginal sex.

The trick is to have had at least one orgasm already. This relaxes you. In fact, relaxation is the key generally. If you're going to let him penetrate you back there, then he should be treating you like a princess. Demand a massage and candles and the whole works! Then, once you get down to it, make sure he lubes up your anus with one finger. Get him to penetrate you with the finger and make sure plenty of lube is going inside too. Then he can add a finger when you're relaxed enough, then another, always adding and adding more and more lube. Then, after he has lubed up his penis, he can can try slowly slowly to penetrate you. Also, for the first time it is probably better not to do it doggy-style as that can tighten you up back there. Lying on your side is best, missionary is ok too. While he is pushing in, you push out like you are trying to go to the toilet (I know this doesn't sound logical but it helps relax the anal sphinceter muscles). While we're on the topic, you might want to make sure that you really DO go to the toilet before, if you are worried about mess.

Basically, as you can see, the main thing is relaxation and LOADS of lube.

Have fun honey, it can be a blast!

Is it normal to pass stool three times a day?

Yes. That can be normal and results from the gastrocolic reflex. In hunter/gatherer cultures where this has been studied, a bowel movement shortly after eating is normal as a result of a high roughage diet and is associated with a lower colon cancer risk in those cultures.In “civilized” cultures, the gastrocolic reflex is inhibited because you can’t just eat and squat at the same time. In the extreme, it can lead to constipation, hard stools, hemorrhoids.There’s no need to store it up so if you have the urge to go and if they are formed stools, it’s probably normal. If the bowel movements are associated with abdominal discomfort, cramping or diarrhea, then it’s worth a doctor’s visit.

What does it mean when I dream of using a toilet full of feces with people watching me as there is no door?

Natalie is correct and had a great response. This is an excerpt from my ebook Dreams: A Window Into Your Destiny . . .Purging Dreams are dreams that you are going to the bathroom and they are flushing things out of you. They are cleansing the things you have viewed or heard that have wounded you or hurt your spirit. These cleanse us from the day to day encounters that defile us. You have faced fights, strife, temptations, battles, just the pressures of life. You try to live rightly so you bottle them up creating pent up emotions. You may experience dreams that you are releasing these pressures.These look like taking a shower, using the bathroom for a long time, or swimming in clear water. Many people get really weird about telling me their bathroom dreams, they feel dirty or embarrassed. I reassure them and let them know it's a good thing. Pooping, peeing, it is all purging yourself of unnecessary emotions, trauma, thoughts. When the dreamer comes to me and quietly tells me her "poop dream", I ask: How are you feeling? Did you enter the bathroom or did you just stand in the doorway? Does the bathroom appear clean or dirty? Did you sit on the toilet? What do you think in your body, mind or spirit needs to be purged? Is there any stress inyour life currently?

What is the world's record for the longest fart?

Warning gross facts ahead.The longest recorded fart was achieved by a man. His name is Bernard Clemmens from London and he achieved a whopping 2 minute and 48 second continuous fart.However, another fact is the longest poo was 7.92 metres (26 feet) long and guess what it came from a woman as well.

What are some of the most hilarious English words spoken with a Punjabi accent???

I think it's all words in the whole thing you say rather than individual words, and saying things in ways that are different to the way that that natural English speakers would speak, such as "I should bloody well be hoping that what you are hearing me saying is perfectly being understood by you at the moment, bloody damn right isn't it."

The BBC TV program "Kumars at No. 42" might give you a few tips. Better still "Goodness Gracious Me" is a supreme example, especially as the actors include people with Indian heritage who are more than ready to make fun of the way they speak.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Song Lyrics?

omg we did this at my school

Chew it:
Violet: I only have one dream in life there's very little to it
To own a stick of life-long gum and all life-long to chew it
I'd chew it all through childhood, I'd chew it when I wed.
If I survive to 95 I'd chew it till I'm dead.
Willy: but this gum here's much better than that one.
This gum here is a three course dinner.
Pea soup, roast beef, and blueberry icecream.
Blueberry is the nicest ice cream.
You may feel fat
but in fact your thinner
even after a three-course dinner!
Violet: That gum is so mine!
It's delicious. It really tastes like pea soup. Oh, and here comes the roast beef! It's fantastic! So tender and juicy!
Willy: But the blueberry ice cream?!
Violet: I'll bet it's to die!
Willy: That's what I'm worried about-the DYE!
Mike Teavee: Yo, Violet you're so busted
Veruca: That gum is gonna do it
Alll: Her candy fame gone down the drain
Willy: I asked her not to chew it.
Violet: Too late, Willy, nothin' to it, cuz I know just how to chew it.
There is no need to poo-poo it! All I have to do is do it.
Charlie: Violet it's so bad for you.
Mike: Yo Violet, dude you're turnin' blue!
Veruca: Violet, whatchoo gonna do, just stand there singing "Am I blue?"
All: Yes, it's true she's turning blue, oh Violet you are now bright blue
Violet: That rotten lousy gum I knew it, blueberry blue and fat as suet! I guess I blew it!!! Blew it! Blew it! BLEW IT!

I want it now

Veruca: See here, Wonka. I want a squirrel. I want a squirrel and a oompa-loompa. I want a squirrel and an oompa-loompa and a pink candy boat! And while we're at it...
I want a feast. I want a bean feast! Cream buns and donuts and fruit cakes with nonuts-- so good you could go nuts. Give 'em to me- NOW! I want a party with roomfuls of laughter. I want a ton of ice cream! And if I don't get the things I am after, I'm gonna SCREAM! I want the works. I want the whole works! Presents and prizes and sweets and surprises of all shapes and sizes and NOW. Don't care how, I want it now. Don't care how I WANT IT NOWWWWWWWWW!
squirrel: Bad nut.