How Do I Get My Anti-social Best Friend To Well Be Less Anti-social

My friend is really anti-social?

Sometimes we talk on Facebook, but in reality he is really anti-social. He's not shy, he just keeps to himself way too much. He's incredibly smart and he is a personality, I can totally see it, but he's not of interacting with others and he gets angry and explodes (rarely though). He found out today that he has Aspergers but he's an awesome person and I have this feeling that I really should get to know him better? I am totally not shy myself (REALLY OUTGOING) but last time I congratulated him on something he mumbled "Thanks" and did not even look at me. I know he can't help it, but how should I go up to talk to him?

My best friend has recently become very antisocial. Is there anything I can, or even should do?

If there was a sudden change in her behavior, and she is being antisocial across the board (meaning with all of her friends), chances are good that she is either suffering from depression or something traumatic (death of a loved one, an assault, a social embarrassment, a health scare - it could be anything) has happened. People don’t suddenly have a personality change for no reason.You might not have the tools to help her in the way a counselor would, but you absolutely can do something: let her know you are there for her. Tell her she doesn’t need to be bubbly and active for you to want to spend time with her. Just let her know you care and that she can talk to you as little or as much as she wants - about anything or nothing.Your friend might not be able to deal with social situations right now. She might not even be able to put into words exactly what’s bothering her. But I guarantee that just knowing someone is out there caring about her - who does not judge her for being antisocial or expect her to be “on” to hang out - will mean the world to her.Check in every now and then. Just a “thinking of you” text letting her know you’re always there if she wants to talk (and that you’re also still there if she doesn’t want to talk) might do wonders for her psyche.

How can I stop being antisocial?

It's been a problem for me since as long as I can remember. Whenever I am around the people at school or people at church or whereever, I feel uncomforterble around them and become quiet. When people try to talk to me, I get uncomfortable and keep my statements short. In school, I sit all alone in my own table because I either don't like most of the kids or I am too scared to meet the kids that i want to get to know. Before, it didn't really bother me but now it bothers me so much that i feel upset. I want to break out of my shell since I am going in to collage next year. Does any one have any suggestions?

Am I antisocial........?

I'd call that antisocial. Well, you're only 13. You still have your life ahead of you to be interactive with people if that's what you want. I'm more of a reserved person though. It's not so bad being alone. Sometimes you need your space to think. However, it's bad to get too much of that benefit. I don't know your problem is exactly. Do you fear people? Think of being alone as being independent. Maybe you're a late bloomer. It's common for people to cancel on plans because they want a distance. I know I did when I was your age - and you're just 2 years younger than me. The thing with me was I kept a distance from people because I felt like I was being choked, or was irritated with people trying to get into my life all the time. I look back and realize I was a bi tch. I found that people make me happy. Or things I like to do (draw, dance, bike). I pray for you to be happy. I think the best way to handle your situation is to have a balance. A balance of alone time and social time. You have friends that want to hang out with you. If you keep distancing yourself you have a high chance of losing them over time in the future. do you feel as if someone's watching you? lemme just say that people are more concerned with themselves than to be paying attention to what you do, so that should ease the awkwardness. I wish you luck in the future. Hopefully this antisocialness is just a phase you experience (as i did) in life.

I'm an anti social person who has no friends. I get bothered encoutering questions relating to friends. I felt like being pressured by the society because of its standards, what should I do?

Short anwer is, you don’t have to do anything, if what you claim is true. But i see a probable hole in this story you’re weaving, and would like clarification for the readers of this question and for yourself for introspection. Definitions of what friendship is, could be down to the person and could vary. But let me ask you a question, let me ask you a incendiary question and make 2 small points.What is your definition of friendship?Let me give you a heavily reduced structure on the idea of friendship from a ancient Greek perspective. It is to have goodwill upon each other and to mutually benefit their lives of virtue. Now, decode and delve into this matter at your free time if you choose to. But do remember, friendship does not equate society. But having even one person who you consider ‘a friend’ would link you to society and its complexities.Now to my other point, what is a false friendship. Again, controversially, and to heavily reduce the matter; that might be a relationship you make with another person to merely gain a benefit for yourself, or vice versa, without any compassion or empathy for the other person’s goodwill and benefit.Now, hopefully having pondered on this, proceed to my question on the merits of that answer; If you claim you have no friends, which you could rightly do so, how do your daily transactions with the physical world look like? Do you go about not talking or interacting with the outside society at all? Well, that’s a contradiction, because, you said you have these pressures from ‘society’. So if you transact with people and you don’t have any friendships, aren’t you just using these people?On the other hand, if you think you gain absolutely no benefit from society, congratulations! You are free from the bounds of society and the social contracts; and you can proceed with my initial answer of ‘doing nothing’. But, ensure you have absolutely no benefit, your transactions are merely financial or of another construct (also ponder on the issue of how you benefit from the social construct that is money and how you come to gain that without any help).You will be soon to knock on the doors of asceticism. At which point you will be devoid of Quora and other social connections, gone will be your social tethers. Say hello to Buddhism and Nirvana. Good luck!

Why do friends become anti-social after being in a relationship?

Not all people do that.If you become totally ‘anti-social’ after getting into a relationship, it means that you have made/let the other person occupy too much part of your life. This is often a symptom of too much dependency. If a balance is not maintained, anything is unhealthy, and a relationship is no different.In healthy relationships, couples can have their own set of friends and social lives (if they choose to do so). What I mean is, if the anti-social behaviour is due to the “he or she needs my time, and I must give it to him/her even by ditching my friends”, then there may be possible issues.

No friends, never had relationship, anti-social, heavy depression, and miserable. 21 years old?

i have a major issue. i'm 21 and i have NO friends, and i've never even had a relationship with a woman. as you can imagine, my days are BORING as crap. i usually stay online for unhealthy amount of hours (think all day you're not far off) play videogames, or watch tv, or a combination, and i'm absolutely going insane. i've always had a problem all throughout school where i was EXTREMELY shy and i can't even talk to people. i'm scared to death to just go up and say hi to someone. i've found i'm not TOTALLY hopeless i've TRIED talking on the phone with someone i met in an AOL chatroom (and made friends with online) and well..after 45 mintues of quietness i managed to actually talk to was back to square one the next day and we faught online so that ended before it started. i've never been able to overcome this crazy problem i've had, and i feel suicidal (although i've never cut or contemplated suicide, i just have depressive feelings of wanting to die) where can i meet people...

Is it bad to be antisocial at age 16?

Nothing wrong with being antisocial, man. As long as you have the ability to make relationships with people, perhaps not buddy-buddy kind of relationships but for work and stuff, then you're alright. Now, if you're anxious about socializing, then that could be unhealthy. But just enjoying solitude isn't a bad thing. There are millions of people who don't enjoy social settings, myself being one of them, and we're all fine.