How Do I Know If My Almonds Have Been Blanched

What are blanched almonds?

Place your raw almonds into the boiling water. Let them boil for exactly one minute. Drain the almonds immediately in a colander or strainer and rinse them with cold water to cool them. Nowadays, blanched almond flour is also more in demand. It is used in numerous number of recipes.

How do you blanch almonds?

To blanch almonds, boil a pot of water, enought to cover the almonds, at least two cups of water per cup of almonds, or enought to be at least one inch deep in the pot you're using. Add the almonds to the boiling water and cook for 40 to 60 seconds. Drain the almonds from the boiling water in a collander. Lightly rub and sweeze the amonds, this should detach the loosened skin from the almond. You now have blanched almonds

Is blanched almond flour the same as almond meal?

Yes and no.Yes, almond flour and almond meal are both made with almonds, but there is a difference in texture and color. Which leads to no, they are not same in the texture of the grind.Almond meal is essentially ground almonds with the skins. The brown skins is what provides the characteristic brown fleck of the meal itself. One can still use this in recipes but the grind will provide enough chew to remind you there is a nut meat present.Almond flour is typically made from blanched almonds which are nuts that have been passed through a hot water bath just long enough to loosen the skins so they can be rubbed away. The now pristine creamy nut is then ground into a finer state close to flour, fine enough to provide flavor without the inherent crunch of nut bits. Although I’m not privy to the actual process, I suspect there is another stage where the nuts are crushed to remove the oil and dried or there is a grinding process that reduces heat from friction.I bring this up because if I attempt to make almond flour at home I invariably wind up with almond butter when the oils break loose. It becomes necessary to add some of the flour from the intended recipe to the processor for the oil to absorb and allow a finer grind without sticking together into butter. And you’ll never quite achieve at home the fine dry sift of a commercial almond flour.

Where can I find halved blanched almonds?

Its very easy to blanch almonds at home.

Add the quantity you need blanched to boiling water for 3/4 mts. Its very easy to peel the skin off once they have been in hot water and break them in half.

Blanched halved almonds ready.

Are sliced almonds and blanched almonds just as healthy as whole almonds?

WHole almonds are pretty hard to chew and I worry about chipping my teeth. I had root canals when I was a kid and already they are starting to come apart and I have to go to the dentist for repairs.

SOOO is cut almonds just as good. And what about sliced blanched. I dont even know what blanced is but they look easier to chew. I know whole almonds pack a lot of nutritional punch so I worry about losing that once there messed around with.


Does blanching almonds get rid of pesticides? Or are blanched almonds contaminated with pesticide residue?

Pesticides that are sprayed on the almond tree would not be on the nuts as they grow inside shells. Once the shell is removed, the pesticide goes with it. However, not all pesticides are on the outside. When plants are sprayed with pesticides as the fruit (or in this case the nuts) are growing the pesticide actually gets into the fruit (or nuts) and can not be removed whether you wash them, peel them, blanch them or whatever. They are right in the flesh of the food.

Substitute for Blanched Almond Flour?

My little brother cannot eat gluten, nuts, or dairy, and I found two cupcake recipies to that I want to make for Thanksgiving so that he could enjoy a dessert with our family. However, both recipies call for Blanched Almond Flour, and, seeing that he cannot eat nuts, I am on a search to find a alternative. I am looking for something that will work well with these recipies, and, above all, taste good!

I have heard Sorghum flour and Brown Rice flour were okay. I also saw Coconut Flour mentioned, but I have noticed that it usually makes food dry, and I really want my cupcakes to be rich and moist.

Tell me your thoughts!
Thank you so much and God Bless You all <3

Also, these are the recpies I have found:

Cinnamin Bun Cupcakes -->

Carrot Cake Cupcakes -->

By the way, if you have any other recipies suggestions that would be good for Thanksgiving feel free to tell me! I am just looking at these recpies because I found them on a reliable website. :)

How do you toast blanched slivered almonds?

Put them in a ceramic crock in the microwave for 30 seconds, stir, and do another 30 seconds. Or bake them at 300 or 350 for 5-10 minutes, you have to watch them pretty close in the oven, so I prefer the microwave.

Why do almonds have almost no taste for me?

After reading about supertasters a little yesterday, I was wondering if there was a reason why almonds have almost no taste for me.

It's pretty general across nuts for me. I don't any sweet or bitter, it feels like I'm chewing a tasteless mass.

Is it healthy to drink the water in which almonds have been soaked? Are there benefits from drinking that water?

Good question you have asked.Let me tell you ,it is not healthy to drink water in which almond has been soaked as almond is living seed (it can germinate to form plant) and when seed is kept in water it absorbs the required amount of water and starts its metabolism.(In other words it is like a seed which was under dormant phase is coming to active phase)So during process of becoming active it consumes water and oxygen from environment and expelles out carbon dioxide in soaked water.This soaked water has now more carbon dioxide than oxygen.Because of this it is not advisable to consume soaked water of (almond)seeds.Instead of soaked water soaked seeds are more healthier to consume specially germinating seeds.Thanks  for asking a good question.