How Do I Let Somebody Move Their Own Character In C

Which characters exist in both the Marvel and DC Universe?

If you are talking about the same incarnation of a person, there is only one - Access (comics). He was the one responsible for the coming together of the DC and Marvel universes in the DC vs Marvel series.As for characters sharing the same name:Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics) vs Captain Marvel (DC Comics), both superheroesApocalypse is a Superman villain. And also the first ever mutant in the Marvel Universe (by date of birth and not publication)Quicksilver from Marvel is pretty well known. However, one of the speedsters in DC (and a friend of Flash) named Max Mercury originally was named Quicksilver (read Terminal Velocity)Scarecrow is the name of 2 separate villains in DC and MarvelLizard is a villain for both Spider-Man and the golden age Green Lantern, Alan ScottMolock was a villain in Watchmen (DC). He is also a long time foe of Fantastic Four (Marvel)Spiderman was also the name of a Shazam villainHundreds more (primarily minor ones are listed in this exhaustive compilation)Also, some characters are notorious for breaking the fourth wall, the most well-known being Deadpool (Marvel). He often references DC characters like Batman and Superman, among other pop culture. Spidey also has his share. Joker also remembered Spiderman during one of the crossover events.So, in a sense, Superman and Batman, also exist in Marvel universe.​​​​​Finally, if you are looking for characters that are similar, there are hundreds. Both DC and Marvel have been known to poach ideas from one another. Marvel didn't have a Superman, so they brought in Sentry. Vision and Red Tornado are both androids introduced within 2 months. Namor and Aquaman are both kings of Atlantis in their respective worlds. Deadpool was created to parody Deathstroke (He is even named Wade Wilson; a play on Slade Wilson). Atom and Ant Man have similar powers, and similar costumes too. We have the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic peace keeping force. And then we have the Nova Corps too (Do we really need 2?). Swamp thing and Man thing are too eerily similar. Quicksilver was Marvel's reply to Flash. Thanos and Darkseid are basically ultra powerful, scary looking, blue/purple aliens....And so on goes the list.

How do I make a character move right left up and down in c++ ?

using namespace std;

char output[100] = "(read A var := 5)";

/* my version of move ;) */
void move2(int spos, int places)
for(int x = strlen(output); x >=spos; x--)
output[x+places] = output[x]; /* move character from position x to position x+places */

for(int x = 0; x < places; x++)
output[x+spos] = ' ' ; /* now we are adding white spaces to the begining */


int main(void)
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < strlen(output); i++)
cout << output[i];
cout << endl;

move2(1, 1);
for (i = 0; i < strlen(output); i++)
cout << output[i];
cout << endl;

return 0;
Attribution:How to move character array certain positions in C++

Can I create a simple game in C++ in which a character can move right, left, front & back with WSAD?

TLDR Version - Yes, you can using any graphics module of your choice.Long Version - Graphics, when it comes to coding, is completely based on pixels. You look at the entire screen as a 2D matrix. A resolution of 1920 x 1080 depicts a screen having a matrix 1920 number of columns and 1080 rows. And thus a massive set of pixels in between it.As a programmer, you can create a small graphical entity, let’s say you make a circle with a radius of 10 pixels. That would make it occupy 20x20 pixels of space. Now let’s say you placed it right at the origin which is the top left corner of the screen, now if you want to move it down, you need to redraw it by change it’s y value. You’ll need to increase it by 20 pixels and the resulting circle would be exactly 1 step down.In order to help you understand how this will work, I have written a small code which works on the same principle but doesn’t use graphics and just a simple grid made of a 2D int array. Here we place the character according to the position we provide it. The code’s pretty self explanatory.sanved77/TutorialsPS - Use gcc compiler. The code is made for windows computers.

How do filmmakers film scenes where an actor plays two characters at once? Specifically, the bits where both characters' faces are facing the camera, such as Hayley Mills in “The Parent Trap”, and Armie Hammer in “The Social Network”.

You have a few options. If you're lucky, your actor has an identical twin with equivalent acting chops. On the show Sliders, where the main characters were traveling between near-identical Earths and always bumping into other versions of themselves, actor Cleavant Derricks (playing Rembrandt) would act opposite his own twin for some episodes. Since most actors don't have identical twins to work with, there are a few other options available. Often the most realistic method, but sometimes the most difficult, is to simply shoot the same scene multiple times, once for each role the actor plays. To successfully do this, you have to mimic everything else around them exactly, to include lighting and camera position. This isn't so difficult if you've got the camera locked down, but if you want to move the camera, there are devices (I'm guessing very expensive) that allow you to "record" the camera movement once, and then the machine will move the camera identically for each subsequent shot. Then, in post production, you simply layer the shots on top of each other so that they're starting at the same point, and mask part of the top layer so that you can see through it to the second character on the bottom layer. There are two other options that I'm aware of. First, you never show any key features, like the face, for both characters at the same time. Then, for example, while your seeing the face for one, you have a similar-looking stand in whom you can only see from behind. The other option is to use green screen - you shoot one or both characters that your actor plays in front of the green screen, then you can easily remove the green and "place" them in the same scene together. This last method has the disadvantage of not allowing your physical interaction, however. In reality, many productions will use a combination of these techniques. For example, you might shoot everything, including wider shots, with a stand in. Then, for any scenes where the face for both is visible, shoot one character in front of green screen to overlay on top of the stand in.

Why do people hate and blame anime/manga characters?

Let's take Sasuke, for example.. though there are many others in this position.
There are a lot of people out there who genuinely hate the guy, blame him for what he does and assume all sorts of things about him. Why are they forgetting that he's like that because a mangaka wanted him to be like that? Kishimoto, specifically. He designed/wrote Sasuke's character, he literally controls Sasuke's every move.
So going by that logic, how can anyone blame and hate the character himself for his actions? When all his actions, words, personality and what not have been designed by someone else? That would be like watching a puppet show and hating one of the puppets for doing something you don't like. While the puppet was obviously, completely controlled by the puppeteer. That's why I can't understand how people can genuinely hate and blame fictional characters. Could it be that they are so much "into it" that they ignore the fact that the character is just a puppet?

Don't misunderstand though, there is nothing wrong with liking or disliking characters. Life would be very boring if we didn't feel a certain way towards anyone, fictional or not, my point is that people form very negative emotions and assumptions about characters like it was their own fault, like they were real people who are responsible of their actions, when they are obviously not.

B&A: Uncliched love triangles?


A lot of books and movies with 'love triangles' tend to focus on the pain of the person choosing between two others. For example, if Mary liked both Gary and Larry it would focus on the way that it's 'just so hard' to choose between the two guys.

Realistically I think it would be a lot more painful for Gary and Larry to know that a girl they love was in the process of possibly choosing someone else over them. If the story focused more on their feelings, it would knock off the cliche.

It is also often the girl who has to make the decision, and usually it would be like this:

Now let's say Mary chooses Larry. In a cliche love triangle, Gary would blend into the background and somehow forget about his love for Mary and accept the romance. Honestly, in real life, if this happened, would he just bugger off? I think not. Basically, the other character should fight for the love of the 'chooser'. Killing off the reject, making them move or making them meet 'the love of their life' right after they have been rejected is way too easy.

Other things that could make a love triangle cliche:
- If it is obvious from the beginning that 'Mary' likes one of them more, so it is obvious who will be chosen
- If Mary ends up with the 'bad-boy' rather than the nice guy


To make a love triangle UNcliche:
- Have a guy choosing between two girls who he loves (not just lusts over)
- Have the character choose the one who they would have a more stable relationship with
- I saw one show where there was a love triangle, and everyone was going out with each other in secret! as in, A was going out with B and secretly going out with C, B was going out with A and secretly going out with C and C was sneaking around with both of 'em. I found this humorous
- Have the character decide she can't choose and won't go with either of them in the end

My guy left me listening to someone who commented on my character. What should I do?

If you believed about your character is good, then no need to explain or proves to anyone. You are confident in yourself & that’s enough.There are lots of guys who tried to win you but failed. In revenge they spread rumors about you. That is common in everywhere. That is the habit of some negative minded men. They think if they can not get you, no one can. Your boyfriend may heard from those people & believed them. If you find there are rumors about you, read this wiki how guide & stop it.If you have any contact medium, then just send only one text that you do not need to prove about your character & now moving on from him. If he tried to contact you, then tell him about your character confidently. Let him solve his doubt himself. Then start using No Contact rule & stay away from him. You can read my post about No Contact Guide Here.I believe this will help.(If you or anyone like my answer, please give a upvote. Thank you for reading)